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��14��9�5 <br /> : <br /> D EE C] �F T1RL���f <br /> Loan No: ��7�8�448 �Cont�nued� �age 4 <br /> Insurance Prv�ram, vr as ntherwise required by Lender, and�o maintain such insurance�ar the�erm o��he 1oan. <br /> Applicativn af Pra�esds. Trustar shall pramptly no�ify Lender o�F any loss or damage tv the Proper�ty. Lender may <br /> make pro�f ❑f lass if Trustor fails to do so within fifteen ��5} days of ths casualty. Wh�ther or nat Lender's <br /> securi�y �s impaired, Lender may, a� Lender's electi�n, receive and retain the pr��eeds o� any insurance and apply <br /> the praceeds to the redu�tion ❑�F the lndebtedness, payment ❑f any lien affec�ing the Pr�perfiy, ar the restoration <br /> and repair o�the P�operty. �f Lend�r elects to �pply the pr�ceeds �a restoration and repair, Trustor shalfi repair �r <br /> replace �he damaged ar destr�yed lmpro�ements in a manner satis�a�t�ry to Lender. Lender shall, upon <br /> satisfactary prna� �f such expenditur�, pay ar reiml�urse Trustor frorr� the proceeds for the reasanabl� cast of <br /> repair ar restoration i� Trustor is n�t in de��ult under �his Deed ❑f Trus�, Any praceeds which ha�e not been <br /> disbursed wi�hin �8� days after their receipt and which Lender has n�� comm��ted tv the repair �r r�s�oratian a� <br /> �he Prap�rty shall b� used tirst�v pay any amount owing �o Lender under this ❑eed ❑f Trust, �hen �o pay accrued <br /> in�erest, and the remainder, if any, shall be app�ied �v th� principal balance ��F the Indebtedness. If Lender holds <br /> any pr�ceeds after paymen� in full vf the Indebtedn�ss, such pr�ceeds shali be pa�d �� Trustar as Trustar's <br /> �nteres�s may appear. <br /> Trustor's Reporfi ort Insur�nce. LJp�n request of Len�er, hawever nat mare fihan �nce a year, Trus�or shall furnish <br /> to Lender a report on each exis�ing po�icy af insurartce shawing: �1� the nam� of �he insurer; �2y the risks <br /> insure�; �37 the amount af the p��icy; {4� the pr�perty �nsured, fihe then cu�rent replacem�nt Walue o€ such <br /> prop�rty, and �h� mann�r af determining �hat�alue; and �5} th� expiration dat� ❑f the policy, Trus�or sha�l, upon <br /> request of Lender, haWe an independent appraiser sa#is�actory tfl Lender de�ermine the cash�alue replacement cast <br /> of the Praper�y, <br /> LENDER'S EKPENDITURES. If any a�tion ar praceedirt� is �ommenced �khat would materially affe�t Lender's interes� in <br /> the Propert�r or it Trustar fails ta comp�y with any pro�risian o�this Deed af Trust ❑r any Rela�ed ❑ocumen�s, including <br /> but no� ��mited �❑ Trus�or's fiailure to discharge ar pay when due any amounts Trustar is required ta discharge ar pay <br /> under this Deed af Trust t�r any R�lated Dacumen�s, Lender vn Trus�or's behalf may ��ut shafl no� be abfigated to} t�lce <br /> any actian that Lender deems appropriate, incfuding bu� nat limited to discharging vr paying all taxes, liens, security <br /> interes�s, encumbran�es and other cl�ims, a�any time le��ed or placed Qn the Property and payin� a�l costs�ar insuring, <br /> main�aining and preserving the Praperty. All such �xpenditures incurred ar paid by Lender f4r such purp�s�s wii! �hen <br /> bear interest at the rate charged under �h� Nn�e from �he dat� incurred or paid by L�nder t❑ �h� da�e of repayment hy <br /> Trustor. All such expenses will become a part af the Indebt�dness ar�d, at Lender's �pt��n, wi�i {A� b� payable on <br /> demand; �6� be added �� the bafan�e of the Note and �e apportion�d among and be payable vvi�h any instal�ment <br /> payments �❑ become due during �i�her (1 y �h� term af any applicable insuranc� policy; or ��y the remaining term vf <br /> the Nate; ar �C� be treated as a ballann payment wh€ch will be due and payable a�the Nate's maturi�y. The Deed of <br /> Trust aiso wi[I se�ure paymen� af �h�se amaunts. Such right shall be in addition ta al� ather rights and remedies tn <br /> which Lender may be�ntit�ed up�n Defaul�. <br /> VIIARRANTl�; DEFENSE DF TITLE. The fo�lawing proWisi�ns relating�to�wnership o�the Property are a part af this ❑e�d <br /> of Trust: <br /> Title. Trustor warrants that: �a} Trustor holds ga�d and marl�etahie �i�le of recard �o �h� Pr�perty in fee simple, <br /> free and cl�ar o� all (iens and �ncumbrances �ther �han thos� set �Forth in the Rea� Property descrip�ion or in any <br /> title insuran�e p�licy, ti�l� repart, �r final ti�kle opinior� issued in fa�or of, and a�cep�ed hy, Lender in �annectivn <br /> wi�th this Deed af Trus�t, and �by Trus�or has the �ull right, p�w�r, and auth�rifiy#Q ex�cute and d�liver this Deed af <br /> Trust ta Lender. <br /> Defense �# Title. Subjec� �o �h� exception in �he paragraph abo�e, Trustor warrants and will fareWer d��end the <br /> �itle ta the Prap�rty agains�th� law�ul claims ❑f all persans, In �he e�ent any aCtivn or pr��eeding is commenced <br /> that qu�stians Trustor's �itfe or the interest af Trustee �r Lender under�his beed af Trust, Trustor sh�f� de�end the <br /> action at Trustar's expense. Trus��r may be the nomina! par�y in such proceeding, �ut Lender shail be en�itled t❑ <br /> participate in the pro�eeding and tv he repres�nted in �he pra�eeding by c�unsel a� Lender's own ch�ice, and <br /> 7rustor wi�l de�iWer, ar cause to be delivered, to Lender such instruments as L�nd�r may request �from time t� time <br /> tt� permit such participa�ion, <br /> Comp�iance Vllith Laws. Trustar warrants that the Proper�y and Trust�r's use a� the Prop�rty complies wi�h all <br /> exisfiing applica�fe laws, ❑rdinances, and regu�ations of go�ernmentai authorities. <br /> Sur�ival of Represen�atians and Warranti�s. All represen�ativns, warranfiies, and agreements made by Trustor in <br /> this Deed of Trust shal� survi�e the �x�cution and deli�ery a��his ❑�ed o�Trus�, shall be continuing in nature, and <br /> sha�! remain in full force and effect until such time as Trus�or's Indebtedness shall be paid in full. <br /> CQNDEIU�NATI�N. The fo�lowing provisians reia�ing�a condemnat�on �r�ceedings are a part❑f this ❑eed of Trust: <br /> Proceedings, If any praceeding in candemnation is filed, Trustor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trustor shall pramptly falce such steps as may be ne�essary ta defend �the actifln and ❑b�ain the award. Trustor <br /> may he�he naminal par�y �n such prviceeding, hut Lender sha�l be en�ifiled to partic�pate in the prviceeding and to be <br /> represented in �he proceeding hy counsel of its awn �hai�e, and Trustor wilf deliW�r ar �aus� ta be deliv�red tv <br /> Lender such instruments and documenta�ion as may be reques�ed by Lender from �ime �a time ta permi� such <br /> participatian. <br /> Application of Net Prviceeds. if all or any part of the Praperty is cond�mned by eminent domain praceedings �r by <br />