, r ��14��73�
<br /> withaut wai�er af any rights hereund�r�r prejudice to its rights to refuse such�paymen�or partial payments in the
<br /> future. Na offset ar claim which Barrower might ha�e now ar in the future agains�Lender shall relieve Borrower
<br /> fram making payments due under the Agreement and this Security Instrument or performing the co�enants and
<br /> agreemen�s secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> Z. Applicatian of Payments or Proceeds. A11 payments accep��d by Lender sha11 be applied to the Secured
<br /> Debt under this Security Instrument as pro�ided in the Agreement unless Applicable Law pro�ides otherwise. Any
<br /> applicatian of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Praceeds to principal due under the Agreement shall
<br /> na�extend or postpane the due date, ar change�he amount, of the Minimum Payment.
<br /> 3. FundS for Escrow Items. Borr�wer sha11 nat be required to pay �nto escrow amounts due far �axes,
<br /> assessmen�s, leasehflld payments, or other insurance premiums unless otherwise agreed in a separate writing.
<br /> 4. Charges;Liens;Prior Security Interest5. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges,f i7�5, and
<br /> impositions attributable ta the Property which can attain priarity o�er this Security Instrument, leasehnld paymen�s
<br /> or graund rents on the Praperty, if any, and Cammunity Association I�ues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. T�th�
<br /> extent that these items are Escrow It�ms, Barrawer shall pay them in a manner provided in Sectian 3.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien, other than the Approved Pr.iar Laan, which has priority over this
<br /> Security Instrument unless Borrower:�a}agrees in writing to�he payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a
<br /> manner acceptable to Lender,but only sa long as Borrower is performing such agreement;�b�contests the lien in good
<br /> faith by,ar defends against enforcement af the lien in,�egal proceedings which in Lender's opinivn aperate to prevent
<br /> the enforcernent of the lien whi�e those proceedings are pending, but anly until such proceedings are concluded; ar
<br /> �c} secures from the halder af the lien an agr�ement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this S�curity
<br /> Instrument. If Lender determines that any part af the Proper�y is suhj ect t�a lien which can atta�n priority a�er this
<br /> 5ecurity�nstrument, other than the Approved Priar Laan, Lender may gi�e Borrower a notice identifying the lien.
<br /> With�n �0 days of the date on which that notice is given, Borrower shall sa�isfy the lien or take one or mar�af the
<br /> aC�1�ri5 5�t fQrt�7 lri��'1�5 S�Ct10Il.
<br /> Lender may require Borrower ta pay a one-time charge for a real estate tax�erification andlor rep�rting ser��ce
<br /> used by Lender in connection with�he Agreement. Borrower shall pay when due, or shall cause to be paid wh�n due,
<br /> all sums required under the laan dacuments evidencing the Appro�ed Prior Loan and shal�perform or cause ta be
<br /> perfo���ned all af the co�enants and agreements of Borrower ar the obligor s�t forth in such laan dacuments. A11 of
<br /> Lenc$er'S r'ights under this Ca�enant shall be subj ect ta the rights af the�Iolder of the Appro�ed Prior Laan.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall k�ep the impro�ements now existing or hereafter erec�ed on the
<br /> Praperty insured against loss by fre, hazards included within�he term"extended ca�erage,"and any other hazards
<br /> including, but not limi�ed to, earthquakes and floads, far which Lender requires insurance. This insurance sha11 be
<br /> maintained in the amaunts �including deductible levels} and far the periads that Lender require�. VL�hat Lender
<br /> requires pursuant to the preceding sentenc�s can change during the term of the Agreement. The insurance carrier
<br /> praviding the insurance shall be chasen by Borrower subj�ct to Lender's right ta disapprove Bnrrawer's choice,whi�h
<br /> right sha11 not be exercised unreasflnably. Lender may require Eorrower��pay,in connectian with this Loan,ezther:
<br /> �a}a one-time charge for flaod zone de�erminat}an, certif catian and tracking services; or(b}a one-time charge for
<br /> flood zane determinatian and cer�if cation ser�ices and subsequent charges each time remappings ar similar changes
<br /> accur which reasonably might affect such determination ar certification. Barrawer shall alsa be respansible far the
<br /> payment of any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the re�iew nf any
<br /> flaod zone det�rmination resulting from an objection by Borrower.
<br /> If Barrower fai�s to maintain any of the coverages described abn�e, L�nder may obtain insurance co�erage,at
<br /> Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under na obligation ta purchase any partxcular type or amaunt
<br /> of c�verage. Therefar�, such cv�erage shail co�er Lender, but might ar might not pratect Barrower, Borrower's
<br /> equity in the Praperty, ar the contents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or liability and might pro�ide greater
<br /> or lesser co�erage than was previously in effect. Barrower acknowledges that the cast of the insurance ca�erage so
<br /> obtained might significantly exceed the cost of insurance that Borrower�ould ha�e obtained. Any amaunts disbursed
<br /> by Lender under this Section shall become additional Secured Debt of Bvrrower and secured by this Security
<br /> Ins�rument. These amaunts sha11 bear interest at the Agreement rate fram, the date of disbursement and shali be
<br /> VICKI L RISSL$R�99514�591236340
<br /> �20D8 DDCMAGIC, INC. www.dvcmagic.com
<br /> NEHESi.BaA D61�41'i 3 Page 4 of 13
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