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��14��445 <br /> Inspection. Lender flr x�s agent may make reasonab�e en�rzes up�n and inspec��.ons of. �he Pro e . Lender sha1� <br /> � �Y <br /> g�ve Borrovver n�txce at�he��me of�r prior�a an xnspec�ion spec�f_yvag reaso�able cause far the�ns ec�i�n. <br /> � <br /> Condemnat�an. The proceeds�f any award ar c�a�m fc�r�amages, d�rec�or��nsequent�al, �n connec�ion with an <br /> condemna��an ar a�her tak�ng �f any par�of�he Prope y <br /> r�y, Qr fvr con�eyance �n �ieu af condemnat�on, are hereby <br /> assxgned and shal�be pard ta Lender. <br /> �n �he event of a���al taki�g af�he �'roperty, �he pra�eeds sha�� be app�ied �o the sums secured b this Securx <br /> Y �y <br /> �nstrument, v�he�her ar nat �hen due, with any excess pa�d �� Barrnwer. �n �he event of a par�ial takxn af�he <br /> � <br /> Pr�per�y i_n vcrh��h �he fair market �a�ue of�he Prapertyr �m�ned�a�ely before �he taking xs equa� �a or rea�er�han <br /> � <br /> �he am�un� of the sums secured by thi.s Securi�.y Ins�rument imm�dia�e�y before the tai��ng, unless Sorrower and <br /> Lender�therw�se agree xn wr�t�ng,�he sums secured by�h�s Securi�y Instrument shaX�be reduced by�he am�unt of <br /> �he pr�ceeds mul�ip�ied by the fa�iaw�ng fra���on: �a]�h�to�al amaun�af�he sums se�ured immed�.a�el �efare the <br /> Y <br /> tak�ng, d�v�ded by �b� �he fair market vaiue of the Proper�y zm�m�diate�y bef�re the �ak�ng. Any ba�ance sha1� be <br /> paxd �� Barrower. In the event.of a par�ial �a��ng af�h� Property in v�h�ch the fa�r marke� va�ue of the Propert <br /> Y <br /> �mmedia�ely before �he �ak�ng �s �ess thar�the am�un� af the sums secured immed�a�e�y before �he taking, un��ss <br /> Bflrrower and Lender a�herw�se agree �n wrx�xng or un�ess Applicab�e Lav�o�herwise pro��des, �he pr�ceeds sha�� <br /> be appIied�o the sums s�cured by th�s Se�urxty Instrurnen�whe�her or na��he sums are�hen due. <br /> If the Property is aba�doned by Borrower, �r if, after x�o��ce by Lender to Borrower�hat t��e condemnor offers�a <br /> ma�e an award or se�tle a cla�m far damages, Barro�er fails �a respon���Lender within t�1e m�nimum number of. <br /> days established by Appl�cable Law after�he da�e the not�ce��gi�en, L�nder�s au�har�zed�o col�ect and a � �he <br /> p�Y <br /> praceeds, at �ts op�xon, either �o res�orati�an or repair of�he Property ar to �he sums secured by �his Securi�.y <br /> �ns�rument,�vhether ar na��hen�ue. <br /> UnXess Len�er and Barrower o�herv��se agree �n wri�xng, any appii�a�ion of praGe�ds�a princ�pa� sha�� no�ex�end <br /> or pos�pone�he due dat�of the payments due under the Cant-r-a��or�hange the am�unt�f such payments. <br /> Borr�wer Not Re�eased; �vrbearax�ce By Lender �I�� a Wax�er. E�tension �f the time for paymen� �r <br /> modifica�ion of amor��za��on of the sums secured by this Secur�ty �ns�rumen� grant�d by Lender �o Borrow�r ar <br /> any suc�essar in �nterest of B�rrov�e�r shal� no� �pera�e �o re�e�.se the ��abil�ty of �he orig�na� Barrower �r <br /> Barrower's su��essors zn ��.terest. Lend�r shal�not be r�auired�o commence pr�ce�d�ngs against any successor�n <br /> �ntieres�or refuse to ex�end t�me for paymen�or fl�herwise modify ar�.or�izat�an of the sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen� by reason of any demand made by �he �rigxnal .Borrower �r Borrower's successors �n �n�erest. Any <br /> forbearance �y Lender �n exerc�sxng any rxght ar remedy sha�� no�be a wai�er of ar pre�lude �he �xerc�se of ap� <br /> r�ght�r remedy. <br /> Success�rs and Assigns Boui�d; J��nt and Se�era� Liabiii�y; Accommodat��n Signers. The �ovenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�his Secur��y Ins�rument sha11 bxnd and benef�ti�he success�rs and assigns af Lender and S�rrov��r, <br /> sub�e�t to �he pro�is�ans af sec��an ���led Transfer af the �'rn�erty or a Bene�c�al In�erest xn Barr�wer. <br /> Borra�ver's covenants and agreemen�s shal�be j�int and severai. An�person vvho co-s�gns th�s Secur�ty Instrument <br /> �u� has no persana� ��ab��it� under �h� �antract �"Accom�modat�an S�gner"): �a} �s co-s�gning this Se�ur�ty <br /> �ns�rument on�y to mor�gage, grant and c�nvey tha� Accomm�da�i�n Sxgner's in�eres� in �he Prflperty under the <br /> �erms af �he Se�uri�y Instrum�n�; �b} �s na� persona��y �bl�gated �a pay �he sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c� agre�s�ha�Lender and any o�her Barrower may agree to extend, mad�fy, for�bear or�ma�e a�y <br /> acco�nmodatians with regard��the�er�ms�f this Secur�ty�ns�rumen�or�he Con�ract withou�that Accom�mada�iQn <br /> Signer's��nsen�. <br /> Loan �harges. If. �he �Qan se�ured by �his Security �ns�rumen� �s subj ect �o a �a� v�h�ch se�s maximurn �nan <br /> charges, and that �aw �s f�aliy interpre�ed so �hat�he �nterest ar��her�oan charges ca�lec�ed or�o be �ol�e��ed �n <br /> connect�on v�ith �he �oan ex�eed �he per�mit�ed Iimits, �hen: �a) any su�� �aan charge shal� b� reduc�d by �h� <br /> amaun�ne�essary to reduc���e charge ��the permitted �im�ts and �b� any sum.s a�ready�o�lec�ed from.Borrov�er <br /> whzch exce�ded permi�ted lim�ts vv�ll be refunded �o �arrovver. Lender may cha�se �o make �his refund by <br /> r�ducing the pr�ncipal a�ed under�he Can�ract ar by making a dir�ct paymen��o $arrov�er. �f a refund re�uces <br /> princ�pal,the r�ducti�n w�ll be�rea�ed as a partial prepaymen�under the�ontrac�. <br /> Notices. Any no�i�e �o S�rrov�er pro�ided for �n this Securxty �nstrumen� shail be g��en by de�i�ering �t ar by <br /> ma���ng�t b�f rst c�ass m�ai�unless App��cable Law requ�res use flf a.nother me�hod. The noti�e sha��be d�rected ta <br /> the Property Address or any other address B�rro�er designa�es by na�z�e to Lender. B�rrov�er agrees to pr���de <br /> Lender v�ri�h Bflrrower's mQs� curren�rnail�ng address, as i�rnay change fr�m timeWto-��me. Any no��ce to Lender <br /> sha�l b�given by frst class mai�to Lender's address s�a�ed her��n ar any a�her address Lender designa�es by notice <br /> t�Borrav�er. Any not�ce pr�v�ded far in�h�s Secur��y�nstrumen�sha�I be deemed t�ha�e been g�ven to Borravver <br /> or Lender wvhen given as prav�ded in�h�s paragraph. <br /> Go�erning Law; Severab��xty.This Securi�y ins�rument sha�i be ga�erned by federal lav�and�he Iavvs vf the sxa�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n the even� that any pra��sion or ciause af th�s Secur�ty Instrumer�t or �he Cantract confl�cts wi�h <br /> App�icable Lav�, such conflic� sha�� nati affe�� ��her provis�ons of�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen� ar the �antract wh��h <br /> �an be g��en effect�vi�hou��he cflnfl�ct�ng pro��s�on. To th�s end the pravisions of.�his Se�urity�nstrument and th� <br /> �an�ract are dec�a�r�d t�be severahle. <br /> Bnrrow�r��Capy. Sorrower shall be g�ven one eapy of�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rument. <br /> Transfer of�he Property or a :Ben�fic�a�Intere�t�i� Sorrower. �f a�l�r any par�of�he Property flr any�n�erest <br /> Yn �t zs sald or �ransferred �or �f a benef ciai in�eres� in Borr�v�er is so�d or �ransferred a�d Borrower �s not a <br /> na�ural persan� wi�hou� Le�.d�r's pr�or �vrit�en c�nsen�, Lender may, at ��s op��an, require �mmediate payn�.en� �n <br /> �2�04-�Dt3 Campliance Sys�ems,Inc.9F9G-8205-2fl13L2.D.721 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Sec�rity Instnamer�t DL203� Page 3 af S wv;�w.compliancesystems,cvm <br />