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��14��445 <br /> ful� of al� sums securea� b �h�s Security �nstrument. H��ever, this o�ation sha�l no� �e exercised by Lende� �f <br /> Y <br /> ex�rcis�is pr�h�bi�ed by fede�•aI�aw as of�he da�e of th�s S�curi�y�ristrument. <br /> If �ender exerci�es �hi� op�ion, Lender shall g��e Barro�ver notice of accelerat�on. The n��ice sha1� pr�vide a <br /> period of no� �ess than�the min�mum number �f days �stablished by Applical�l� Law from �he da�e the nati�e �s <br /> d�livered ar mailed wit�in v�hich Borr�wer mus� pay a�i sums secured by th�s Security �nstrument. �f B�rrower <br /> fails t� pay these sums �he e�pira��on af�his per�od, Lender may �n�ol�e any remed�es permitted�y�h�s <br /> Security Instrumen��vit�-��u�fur�her n��ice�r demand on Lorravve�. <br /> B�rrower's �tight to R��ns�ate. �f Borr�v�rer meets cer�ain conditions, �orrav�er sha�1 hav� the right �fl have <br /> enfarcement of this Securi�y�nst�umen���sco�tinued a� any��me prior�a the ear�ier of: �a} S days �ar such other <br /> peri�d as App�icable Law may spec�fy for�e�ns�a�emeri�}before sa1�af�he Property pursuant�a any pawer of sa1� <br /> cantainec� in �his S��u���.y �nstrument; ar �b� entry of a �udg�nent enf�rc�ng �h�s�Security �nstrumen�. Those <br /> co�di�ions are that Bon-�vsrer: (a} pays Lender a11 sums vvhich �hen v��u�d be due under this Security �nstrurn�n� <br /> and�he�on�ract as if na acce�eration had flccurred;�b�cures a�y default of any�ther co�enants�r agreem�nts;��} <br /> pays al���penses incurred in enforcing�h�s Sec�.�r�t�r�nstrument, in��uding,bu�not Iim��ed to,reas�nable a�torneys' <br /> fees�a the e�ten�permitted�y�a�v; and �d}�akes such a�tion�s Lender may reasonably require to assure that�he <br /> �ien�f�his Se�ur��y�ns�.rumen�,Lender's rights �n�he Pr�perfiy and Barrov�er's ob��gation ta pay�he sums secured <br /> by this Se�ur�i.y �ns�rumen� shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, �his S�cur��.y Instrument <br /> and the obligatians sec�.�red l�ereby si�►al1 remain fu�Iy effec�iv� as if na acceleration had a�curred. Hovvever, �his <br /> righ��o reinstate shal�not a�pply in fihe case of accelera�ion urider the secti�n���I�d rTran�fer�f the Pr�perty�r� <br /> ��n�ficiai In�e�-es��n Bvrrow�r. <br /> H�z�rdous�u�stance�. Bar�-ower shal�not cause or permi���e presence,use, disposal, s�arage, or releas�of any <br /> Ha�zardous Substances��n ar�n the Pr�per�y. Barrower sha�l n�t�o,nflr a��ovv anyane else to do,anyth�ng affecting <br /> ; <br /> �h� Pr�perty �ha� is in �vio�a��on flf any En�rironm�nta� I�aw. The preceding tvva �en�ences shall not appl� �fl �he <br /> pr�s�nce,use,�r s��ragEe on the Proper�of sma�l quan�i��es of Hazardaus Subs�ances�ha�are generally reC�gn�zed <br /> �o be appr�priate�o normal res�dential uses and�a maintenance of the Property. <br /> Barrawer shali p�omp�iy gi�ve Lender wri�ten notice of any�n�estiga��on,c�a�m,demand, lawsui�or��her acti�n by <br /> arny ga�ernmen�al or r�gu�a�ory agency or pri�at� party in�ol�ing�he Prope�r and any Ha�ardaus Substanc� or <br /> EnW�ranmen�al Lavv o�f wh�ch Borrovs�er has actual kn���edge. �f Borr�wer learns, �r �� na�if ed h� any <br /> ga�e�-n�nen�al ar regula��ory aut�ori�y,�hat any remo�a�or v�her remedia�ian�f any Hazardou.s Substance affecfing <br /> the Pr�perty �s ne�essary, Barro�er sha�I promptly ta�e a�l necessary rerr�ed�a� ac�ions �n accordance ��th <br /> En�ir�nme��a�Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "�azardaus Substances" are those subs�ances def�ned as ta�ic ar hazardaus subs�an�es <br /> by Environmental Law and the f�Zlo�ring subs�ances: gas�iine, �erflsene, ather flammable or taxic p�tro�eum <br /> products, �aXiC p�S�1C][��S a�CIC� h�r�llG1C��S, V��a�l�e S�IVeritS, ma�erials con�aining asbes�os or f�rma��ehyde, and <br /> radi�active�aterials. �.s used in�his paragraph, "Environmen�a�La�r"means f�deral lavvs a�d Iaws of the state of <br /> N�braska�hat rela�e to hea�th,safety or environmenta��ratec�ion. <br /> Accelerat��n; l�.er�.ed�es. Lend�r sha�I gi�e natice �a �Borrower prinr to a�celerat�on fol��wing �orrower'� <br /> b�each�f any cvvena�nt or�greem�nt in this Secr�ri�y Ins��-u�nent�r the�ontract under which acceleration <br /> i� p�rmitted �bu� not prior�a acceler����n under th�sec���n �i��ed 'I'`r�nsfer�f th�Prop�r�y or a B�nefi�ia� <br /> I�terest in I3orr��wwer, un�ess App�icahie La� prov�des �th�rr�v��e�. '�'he r�a���e shall spec�fy: �a} �he defau��; <br /> �b) the action r�quir�d to� �ure �he defau��; (c} a da�e, n�t less �han the rr�in�rnu� �umber of days <br /> e�ta����hed hy App�i��abie La�fram the date�h�no�ice is give� �o Bnrrower, b�which the defaulf must be <br /> c�r�d; ar�d �d} that f�ilure�ta �ur� th� default on or befvre �he date specifi�d in the no��ce may re5ulf in <br /> a�c�leratior� of the 5ums s�cured by �his Secur�ty InS�rume�� and sale vf the Prop�rty. 'I`o the extent <br /> perrn�t��d by law, the not�c� shall fur�her infarm �3tirrower af�he righ�to rein�.ta�e aft�r acce�Qra�ion and <br /> �he righ�t4 bring a caurt activn to assert th�nvn-�x�s��mc�of a defau���r any�the�-de�ense of BorrQwer to <br /> acc��eratior� and saie. If the d�fau�t �� nnt cured an vr be�'vre �he d�t�spec�f�ed �n the no�i�e, �ender at �ts <br /> opt�un �may requ�re im�nedia�e p�y�ne�at in full v� all su�ns secured by th�s �ecuri�y ��nstrument wi�hout <br /> fur�her demand a�d may in�o�e �he pov�er of sale a��d a��y �ther �-e�nedies permit�ed by �ppl�cable Law. <br /> To the extent per�nit�ted by Ia�v, I.�ender sha�l h� enti���� t� ca�lec� al� e�penses incurred in pursuing the <br /> r�medies prv�id�d in this S��t�on, �nc�uding, lbut �int l�rr���ed to, reasana���a�tarn�ys' fee�and costs of tit�e <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the p�vWer of sa�e i� �n�oked,Trustee shai� �ecord a n�t�ce�f defaul��n each ca�nty in �hich �n�part of <br /> the Prvp�rt��s�ocat�c� and shai�rr�ail cnp�es af such r����ce in the manner pr�scribedl by App�ica�Ie Law to <br /> �orrovv�r �nd ta �he vth�r persflns prescribed. by App�ica��e )Law. .�ft�r �h� t�me requirQd by Ap��icable <br /> Law, 'T'rus�ee sha�l giv� publ�c notice of sa�� t� the persons ��d in the manner prescribed by App��cah�e <br /> La�v. Trust�e,w�tho�t demand o� Barrawer, shall seli the l'��pQrt��t pu��ic auction to the highest bidder <br /> a�the time and p�ace and und�r the ter�n�design���d i�th�r��tice af 5ai��n ane a�more parceis and�n any <br /> vrder Tru�tee deter�nines. Tru�t�e ma� postpone sa�e �f a�l �r any parcel of the Property by pu�lic <br /> an�vuncerr�ent at the t�me and p�ace of any previnusiy sc�ed.��Ied sa��. Lender��-��s design��may purchase <br /> the Property at a�y s�ale. <br /> Up�n r�ceipt �f p�ynnent of the pri�e bid, Trus�ee �hal� c�eliver to the purchaser'"I'rust�e's deed cvn�eying <br /> the Pr�perty. Th� re�itals in the Trust�e's deed s�all be �rima faci�evid�ncQ of�he truth of the st�tements <br /> mac�e there�n. Tru���e 5ha1� apply the praceed� of the �ale �n the f�li�wing order: �a} �a axl casts and <br /> expenses of exercis�n,�the pov�er of sa�es an� the �ale, including the paym�nt flf�he Tru�t�e's fees actually <br /> C�2QQ4-2413 CQmptia�ce Systems,Iric.9FgG-8245-2D13L2.a.721 <br /> Cansur��er Reai Estate-Security Instrument DL2Q3b Pa�e 4 of 5 rvww.cvrr� <br />