<br /> Appiicabie I1avv. .�s �.�sed � �chis Securi� Instrument, �he term 'rApplicable L�.v�r" sha�1 mean all comtrol�ing
<br /> a�p]ical�le fe�eral, stat� and �oca1 s�a�utes, regulat�ons, ordinances and adm�nistrative rules and ord�rs �tha� have
<br /> �h�effe�t af�avv�as well as aI�app�icab�e fina�,non-appealable�ud�c�al op�n��ns.
<br /> Char es; Liens. B�r�rawer shal� pay a11 taxes, assessm�nts, charges, f nes and impasiti�ns at�ributab�e to �he
<br /> g
<br /> Prflperty which may a�:ain prior��y o�e�-th�s S�curi�y�r�s�rumen�, and �easehold paymen�s �r gr�und r�nts, if any.
<br /> At the r�ques�of Lender,Bnrr�wer shal�pr�mp�ly furnlsh�:�Lender rece�p�s ev�denc�ng�he paymen�s.
<br /> Borrnw�r shal�prom���Cy discharge any lien whi�h has priorit���er�his Securifiy Instrument unless Barrower: (a}
<br /> agrees �n wr��ing �a �he payment flf�he o�l�ga�ion secured by the �ie�. in a manner accep�ahle t� Lender; �b}
<br /> �on�es�s in good fa�th�he lien by, or defends agains� enf�rcemen� �f�he �ien in, legal praceed�ngs wh�ch xn �he
<br /> Lender's opini�n aper��e �a prev�n� the enf�rcement of�he l�en; or �c} secures from �he h�l��r of the I�en an
<br /> agreemen� satxsfa�tary to Lender subard�nating�he l�en t��his Securi�y�nstrument. �f Lender de�ermin�s tha�any
<br /> par� of�he Proper�y is sub�ec�to a Iien vvh�ch nlay at�a�n pr�ari�.y o�er�his Security �ns�rumen�, Lender may give
<br /> Borr��nrer a no��ce identify�ng the l��n. Sorrower sha11 sat�sfy�h� �ien or�ake one ar more of the ac�ions set f�r�h
<br /> above vvithin I�da�s of�he g�v�ng af no�ice.
<br /> �Ia�ard �r P�a�er�y Ir�surance. I3orr�vver shal�keep�:he impro�ements nov�ex�sting�r hereafter erected on the
<br /> Praperty�nsur�d again�;t lflss by fire,hazards in��uded within the�erm "ex�ended�overage" and any other hazards,
<br /> ��cluding flo�d� or f�ood�ng, for whi�h L�nder requires insurance. This ��surar��e sha�1 be ma�nta�ned in the
<br /> amounts and for the pe:riods�hat Lender requ�res. The�nsuran�e carrier praviding�he�nsuranc�s�a�l be c�osen by
<br /> B�rrower subjec� �a L�end�r's approva� rnrhich shall nat be unreas�nably w��hhe�d. If B�rr��er fa�1s to ma�ntain�
<br /> cow�rage descr�hed a��ove, Lender may, a� Lender's op�i�n, ab�ain c�verage to pro�ec� L�nder's r�ghts in the
<br /> Property�n�ccordance w�th section�itled Prflt�ction of L�nder�s R�ghts�n th�Prap�r��.
<br /> AI1 insurance po�icies and rene�a�s sha1� be ac�ep�able �� L�nder and sha�l inc�ude a standard martgage ciause.
<br /> L�nder sha�l ha�e t�e righ���hold t�e pol�cies and renewa�s. �f Lender requ�res,Borrawer shal�promptly g�ve ta
<br /> LLnder a��receipts of paid premiums and renev�a�l not�ces. �n th� e�en�af 1ass, Borrower sha�1 gi�e pron���no�ice
<br /> �o�he�nsurance caa-r�er and Lend�r.Lende�-xnay make proaf of�oss if no�made promp��y by B�rrower.
<br /> Unless Lender a�d Borr�we� o�herv�ise agree in wri�ing, �nsurance proceeds shali be app��ed to restoration or
<br /> repair �f�he Prflperty da�maged, if, in Lender'� sale d�scretion, �he res�ora�ian or repair is e�an�m��al�y feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's securit� is nQ� l�essened. If, in Lender's so�e discre�ion, the res�oratian ar repair is �ot ec�x�omica�ly
<br /> feas�hle or Lender's se�urity vvou�d be les�ened,the ins�rance pr�c�e�s shal��be applied t��h�sums secured by this
<br /> Se�urity �ns�rumen�, vvhe�her or not �hen due, vvi�h any excess paid t� ��x�ro�er. �f Barrower abandons the
<br /> Proper�y,or does ri��answer v���hin�he number of days pres��ibed by Applicab�e Law as set far�h in a natice fir�m
<br /> Lender�o B�rrov�er that�he insurance carr�er has offered to settle a c�aim, then Lender may collec�the �nsurance
<br /> pro�eeds. Lender ma� use the proceeds t� repair or restflre the Pr�perty or t� pay sums secured�y th�s Securi�y
<br /> �nstrument,whe�kher or no��hen due.The period of time for Borrower�o ansvver as se�for�h�n�he no�i�e wil�begin
<br /> when�h�na�ice�s given.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�wer o�hervvise ag�ree in wri�ing, any appl�ca��on a�pr�ceeds to pr�ncipal sha��not ex�end
<br /> � or postp�ne the due d�.�e af th�payments due under the �on�:ra��or Change t�e axn�un�of th�paymen�s. �f under
<br /> �he section t���ed Accelerat�orn; RQr�►edies, the Proper� is acquired by Lender, ��rrower's righ�to any �nsurance
<br /> po��cies and pro�eeds resul��ng fi om damage t� �he Pr�per�� pr�or to �he a�quis�tion sha11 pass �a Lender tfl the
<br /> extent of the sums secured by this Security�nstrumen�immed�a�el�prior�o�he acquisitioY�.
<br /> PreSer�a�ion, Ma�nt�;��ance �nd Pra�ect�an of th� Pr�p�rty; �3orrower's Loan Applicat�un; Leasehoids.
<br /> Barrov�rer shal�n�t de�troy, damage or i�npair the Proper�y, allo��he Proper�y to deteriora�e, or comm��waste on
<br /> the Property.�orr�we��shai�be�n default if a��forfe��ure action�r proceeding,�hether c�v�l ar Crimina�,is begun
<br /> that in Lender's ga�d Fa��h j udgmen� could resul� in fflrfeiture �f the Pr�pert� or ��herwise ma�erially �mpa�r�he
<br /> �ien created by this 5ecurity �nstr�u�m�nt or Ler�der's sec��r�t� int�r�5�. Borrower may �ure such a default and
<br /> reir�s�ate, as provided�n se�t��n titled Barr�w�r's R�ght ta ���nstate, by caus�ng�he ac�ion ar proceeding�o�e
<br /> d�smissed wi�h a ru�ing tha�,in Lender's good faith de�erminat�on,precludes forfeiture of.the Borrower's in�erest in
<br /> the Property or other ma��rial �rnpairment of the 1�en crea�ed �}� �h�s Security �ns�rurnent or Lender's security
<br /> interest.Borr�v�er shall also be in default if Borra�er, dur�ng the loan app�icat��n pra��ss,gave�naterially false or
<br /> ina�cura�e i�forma�ion� or s�a�ements �� Lender �or fai�ed to pr��ide L�nder with any material inforrr�ati�n� in
<br /> ��nnec�ion with�he �oan evidenced by�he Contrac�. �f�his Securit� �nstrumen�is on a Ieaseho�d, Borrawer sha�l
<br /> comp�y�ith a�l ihe pr��isions af the�ease. �f��rrower acquires fee��t�e�a the Proper-�y,the leasehold and the fe�
<br /> �i��e shal�not merge un�es�Lender agrees ta t�ae merger in�ri�ing.
<br /> Pra�ec�ion �f Le�d���'s Righ�s �n �he Property. �f Borr��er fa�ls t� perfor�r�. �he c��enants and agr�emen�s
<br /> c�ntair�ed in�his Secu�-ity�ns�rument, �r there �s a�ega1 pr�ceeding�ha�rnay significantl�aff�ct Lend�r's rights �n
<br /> the Prope�-�y �such as a proceeding in banlfruptcy, praba�e, for condemnat�on �r forfe�ture or to enf�rce laws ar
<br /> regulations�, then Lender may do and pay for wha�ever is ne�essary �o prate�� �he value of�he Property and
<br /> Lender{s righ�s in the F'roper�y. Lender's a��ions may iriclude paying an�r sums secured�by a lien which has priority
<br /> over�his Se�urity�ns��ument, appear�ng�n cau�,pay�r�g reas�nable at�orr�eys'fees and en�erir�g on�he Pr�pert��o
<br /> make repa�rs.Al�hougl�Lender may take action under this sec���i�,Lender doe�no�have to da so.
<br /> .An� amounts d�sbursed by Lender under th�s sect�on shall become add��iana� debt �f Borrflv�er secured by this
<br /> Security �ns�rumen�. IJn�ess Borrov�rer and L�nder agree ta o�her terms of paymen�, �hese amoun�s sha�l bear
<br /> interest from the date of disburser�en� a� the same rate ass�ssed �n ad�ances under �he �on�rac� and sha1� be
<br /> pa�ab�e,�ith�nterest,upon n��i�e fr�m Lender�o Bo�-rower requesting payn�ent.
<br /> �2Db4-24i3 Camplia�ce Syste�ns,Ir�c.9�'96-82QS-2DI3L2.D.721
<br /> C��nsumer Real Es#ate-Securit}+instiument DL2�36 Pa�e 2 0�5 www.com�liancesystems.com
<br />