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��14��4�5 <br /> Inspection. Lender or ��s agenti may make reasonabl� entr�es upon and xnspec��ons of�he Pra e . Lender shaX� <br /> p �Y <br /> g�ve Borrflwer no���e at the t�me of�r pr�ar to an inspec�xan spec�fy�ng reas�nable cause far the�ns ec�ion. <br /> p <br /> Condemnat�on. The proceeds of any award flr cla�rn�for damages, direc�ar�onsequential, �n Gonnection�vi�h an <br /> Y <br /> �ondemna��fln ar ather�ak�ng af any part af the Propert�, or f�r conveyance �n �ieu of condem�na��Qn, are hereb <br /> ass�gned and sha�l be pa�d ta Lender. y <br /> In t�e ��en� of a�otai �ak�ng �f�he Praperty, �he praceeds sha�� be app�zed to �he sum�s secured �y this Secur� <br /> � <br /> Ins�rument, �vhether �r no� �hen due, w��h any excess paid ta B�rrav��r. �n the event of a par�ia� �ak�ng �f�he <br /> Proper�y xn whi�h the fa�r market �aXue af�he Praper� immedia�e�y before �he tak�ng is equal to ar grea�er than <br /> �he amoun� af�he sums s�cured by �h�s Secur�fiy �ns�rumen� �mmedia���y befare the tak�ng, unless Borr�v�er and <br /> Lender�ther��se agree in wrxt�ng, the sums secured by�h�s Security�ns�rumen�sha��be reduced b��the amoun�of <br /> �he praceeds multiplied by�he fo�����ng frac�i�n: �a�the�otal am.ount af�he su�ns secured i.m�med�ate�y before�he <br /> tak�ng, d���d�d by �b} �he fa�r n�arke� �a�ue af�he Property immed�ate�y before the �ak�ng. Any baZance sha�� be <br /> �a�d �o Borrov�er. In �he e�ent �f a part�al taking of�he proper�y �n wh�ch �he fair marke� vaXue of the Pra e <br /> p �Y <br /> �mmedia�ely�efare the taking is Iess than the amaunt of�he sums secured �mmed�a�ely befare the �ak�n. , un�ess <br /> � <br /> Borrovver and Lender otherw�se agree �n writing or un�ess App�xcab�e Law a�he�-�v�se prnvides, �he pr�ceeds sha�I <br /> �e app�ied to the sums secured by�hxs Secur�ty�ns�rumen�wh�ther or not�he sums are�h�n due. <br /> �f the Pr�perty is abandoned�y Borra�er, or if, after no�ice by Lender to Borravver�hat�he ��ndemnor offers�v <br /> nlake an award or set�le a cla�m for damages, Borravver fails ��respond�a Lender�vithxn the rnin�mum number�f <br /> days e��abX�shed by App�i�ab�e Law after�he da�e�he not�ce�s gi�en,Lender�s author�zed��ca��ec�and apply the <br /> pr��eeds, a� ��s opt�on, e�ther �o restora�ion or repair of�he Property ar to �he sums secured by �his Security <br /> �nstrument,�he�her or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Bvrrov�er vtherwise agre� �n writing, any appl�catxan af pr�ceeds to principal sha�l no�extend <br /> or pos�pone�he due da�e of the payments due under�he�on�:ra��or change the amount vf such payments. <br /> �3�rro�er N�� ReleaSed; Farbearance By Lend�r Na� a Wa��er. Extension of the t�me f�r payment or <br /> rnadi�cat�on of am�or��,za��on of�he sums secured by �his Security �nstru�x�ent granted by Lender�� Sflrrov�er or <br /> any successar xn �n�eres� �f Borrower sha�l r�ot op�rate tfl re�ease the i�abi��ty af �he or�g�na� Borrower or <br /> Borrower's successors in�n�eres�. Lex�der sha�� no�be requ�red�o cammence proceedings aga�.nst any successor in <br /> �.r�terest or refuse�o e�tend�ime f�r paymen�or o�herw�se mod�fy amor�i�ation of�he sums secured by thxs S�cur�ty <br /> �ns�rumer�� by reasnn of any demand made by the arig�na� Sorrov�er or Bvrrovver's success�rs in in�eres�. .A.ny <br /> fnrbearance by Lender in exercis�ng any r�gh� or remedy shail nflt be a wai�er of ar preclude �he e�erc�se of any <br /> r�ght ar remedy. . <br /> Su�cessprs and Assigns B�und; Jaint and Several Liab����y; Accommodat�on Signer�. The ca��nants and <br /> agreements of�h�s Securxty�ns�rument shall�ind and benefit th.e suc�ess�rs and assigns �f Lender and Barro�ver, <br /> subjec� �o the pra�is�ans af sectr�n �z��ed Transfer of th� Praperty or a BenQf�cia� Int�res� ��t ��rrower. <br /> Borravver's cfl�enants and agreements shal� be j��nt and severa�. An�person�vho��-s�gns this Se�urxty Instrumen� <br /> but has no personaX �iab�lity under �he �on�ra�� ("Accomm�dation Signer"�: �a} is ca-s�gn�ng �his Securxty <br /> �ns�rumen� �niy to m�rtgage, grant and can�ey �hat Acc�mm�da��on S�gner's �nteres� zn the Prop�r�y under �he <br /> terms af �he Security �nstrum�nt; �b} �s n�� personaily abi�ga�ed to pay the sums se�ured by th�s S��urity <br /> �nstrum�en�;and�e}agrees�hat Lender and any��her B�rrower may agree�a ex�end, modrfy, f�rbea�r or make any <br /> a�commodat�ans with regard�a the�er�ms of this Se�ur��y Instrumen�or the Cantract vv��hau�tha�Ac�om.modatian <br /> S�gner's cansen�. <br /> Laa� �harges. �f�he Ioata secured by th�s Security �ns�rum�.en� is subject to a �avv vvh�ch sets maximum Ioan <br /> charges, and�ha� Iaw �s f nally �nterpre�ed sa tha��he interest ar atiher�oan �harges c��Iected�r��be collected�n <br /> c�zinect�an with the �aan exceed �he per�mit�ed �im��s, �hen: �a} any such �oan charge sha�l be reduced by �he <br /> a�n.oun�necessary ta reduce the charge to the permitted �i.mxts and �b� any sums already collected from Barrovver <br /> wh�ch exGeeded permitted �im���s wi�X be refiunded ta Borrower. Lender may cho�se to make �h�s refund by <br /> reducing the principal owed under the �antrac� ar by rn�aking a d�rect payment to Barrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> principai,�he reduction v�ii�be�rea�ed as a par��a�prepayment under the�ontract. <br /> Notices. Any nat�ce to Borrfl�er provided far �n th�s Securit�r Ins�rument shal� be gi�en by de�i�ering rt �r by <br /> rx�ai��ng it b�firs�cIas�mai�un�ess App��cable Lav�requ�res use of ano�her me�h�d. The nfl�i�e s�all be d�rected�v <br /> �he Property Address or any o�her address B�rrower desYgnates by no�ice ta Lender. B�rrower agr�es �� pr�vide <br /> L�nder w�th Bnrrower`s m�s� curren�ma�I�ng address, a� i�may change fram timeWta-��me. Any notice tn Lend�r <br /> sha�i be gi�en b�f�rs�cXass mail�o Lender's address s�ated her��n or any o�her address Lender designa�es by n��i�e <br /> �a B�rr�vver. Any no�i�e provided far in�his Se�urity�ns�rument shall be deemed�o ha�e been g�ver�t�Barrovver <br /> or Lender when g��en as pro�ided xn�his paragraph. <br /> �a�erning Law; Sev�rabil�ty.This Se�urity�ns�rument sha�i be g�verned by federai 1aw and the Xaws af the s�ate <br /> flf Ne�raska. �n �he e�en� tha� any pro�isi�n or Giause �f this Secur��y Instrumen� or the �ontract confl�c�s �vi�h <br /> Appl��ab�e Law, such canf��c� shall not affect a�her pravxsions of this Securi�y �nstrurn�n� �r the C�ntra�� wh�ch <br /> can be g�ven effect vvithau��he c��af�icti�ng pro��si�n. To�h�s end�he pro��sxans of�his Securi�y Ins�rument and the <br /> ��ntra��are de�iared to be severab�e. <br /> B�rrow�rrS Cop�.Borrower shall be gi�en one capy flf this Secur�ty�ns�rument. � <br /> 'Transf�r of th�Proper�y or a Bene�c�ai Interest�n B�rrawer. �f a�l or any par�nf the Praperty�r any�nt�rest <br /> in �� is sfl�d or transferred �ar �f a benef cia� xnterest in Barrovver xs soid vr �ransferred and Barrov�er �s no� a <br /> na�ura� persfln} vv�thout Lender's pr�or vvritten c�nsen�, Lender may, at its op��an, requxre �mmedia�e pay�nen� zn <br /> ��aa4-2013 CompIian�e Sys#ems,Inc.9F96-44FE-2�13L2.�.721 <br /> Cv�sumer Rea�Estate-Security Instniment DL2435 3 vf 5 wwv�.c�mpIia.r�� <br />