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��14��4�5 <br /> App�icable La�v. As used in thi� Securi�y �nstrument, �he �erm "Applicable Law" shal� mean alI c�ritr���ing <br /> appl�cab�e fed�ral, s�a�e and local statu�es, r�gula�i�ns, ard�narices and admi��s�ra��ve ru�es and�rders ��hat have <br /> �he�ffect of�av�r�as v�ell as all applicab�e f�na1,n�n�appea�ab�e jud�c�al op�n�ans. <br /> Charges; Lien�. Bflrrower sha�l pay al� tax�s, assess�nents, charges, fnes and im�p�si�ions attr�butab�e �� �he <br /> Prflp�r�which may a�tain priority ove��his S�curi�.y �nstrumen�, and Ieaseho�d payments or grou�d ren��, �f any. <br /> A��he r�quest o�Lender,Barro�er sha�l prom�tly furnish to Lender rece�p�s e��dencing the paymen�s. <br /> B�rrower sha��pramp��y discharge any lien vv��ich has pri�r��y over�his Securi�ty�nstrumen�unless Bvr��v�er: �a� <br /> agrees �n v�ri��ng to �he pay�nen� of the ol�li�atian secured by �he lien �n a manr�er accep�able �� L�nder; ��} <br /> �a��es�s �n g�Qd fai�h �he Iien by, or �efends agains� enforcement of the lien 1n, l�gal proceed�ngs whi�h �n the <br /> Lender's opinifln flperate to pre�ent �he enforcement of�h� l�en; or �c� secures from �he h��der �f th� �xen an <br /> ag�eemen�satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to�his Security �ns�rum.ent. �f Lender de�erm�nes�hat any <br /> pa�of�he Property is subjec��o a �i�n wh�ch rnay at�ain pr�ority over�hYs S�curii.y Instrumen�, Lender�na� give <br /> B�rrower a n�tice �den�ifying�he lien. S�rro�er shall sa��sfy�he �ien or�ake ane or�nflre �f the a�ti�ns set far�h <br /> ab�ve w�th�n 1�da�s af the g�ving af n�t�ce. <br /> Hazard or Property Insurance. Borr�v�er s�aal�lceep the impravenzents now ex�s��ng ar hereafter erec�ed Qn the <br /> Pr�per�y insured agains�loss by f�re,hazards imcluded�vith�n�he term"ex�ended c��erage" and any other hazards, <br /> in�lud�ng flood� �r f�ooding, for wh�ch Lender requires insurance. Th�s �nsuran�e shall be rnaintair�ed �n �h� <br /> am�unts and far the peri�ds tha�Lend�r requires.The insurance carrier pro�id�ng�he�nsuran��sha1�be�hosen hy <br /> Borrower sub�ect �fl Lender's appro�al �hich sha�� n�� be unreas�nably wi�hhe�d. I�Barra�ver fai�s �� mainta�n <br /> c��erage descr��ed above, Lender may, a� Lender's aptio�., ob�ain coverage to pra�ect Lender's r�g�ts �n the <br /> Pr�per�y in acGordance wi�h s.ecti�n titled Prv�ect�an of�Le�der'S Rights in the I�ro�erty. <br /> All insurance po�i�ies and renev�als sha�� be accepl:able to Lender and sha�I includ� a s�andard martgage clause. <br /> L�nder shall have�he right t�ho�d the po�icie�and renewals. �f Lender requires, Barrov�er shall pr�rnptly g�ve�o <br /> Lender a�l rec��pts 4f pa�d premiums and renewa�notices. �n�he evenfi of I�ss, B�rrawer sha�l gi�e pro�np�no��ce <br /> �o the insurance�arrier and Lender.Lender n��y ma�e proof af�ass if nut made pr�rnptly by I��rr�wer. <br /> Un�ess Len�er and Borrvwer a�herwise agre� in wr�ting, insurance proceeds sha1� be appli�d ta rest�ration or <br /> re�air of�he Froperty damag�d, �f, in L�nder's s�le discretion, �he restora�ion or repa�r is economi�al�y feas��le <br /> and Lender's s�cur��ty is not�essened. �f, in L�.nder's sole discretian, the res�ora��an or repa�r �s nat econami�all� <br /> �easib�e flr Lender's security wauld be Iessened,the insurance proceeds sha�l be app�ied�o the s�ms secur�d by this <br /> Securi� �nstruxnen�, wh��her or no� �hen due, vvi�h any ex�ess paid tfl Borr�wer. �f Ba�row�r aba�dflns �he <br /> Pr�per�ty, or d��s no�answer v5r��hin�he numb�r�f days prescr�bed by Applicable Lav�as set far�h in a n�ti�ce fram <br /> �.ender�o Bt�rr�wer that th� insurance carri�r has offer�d�a sett�e a claim, �hen Lender may col�ec��he insurance <br /> �roceeds. Lend�r may use the proceeds �o r��a�r or res�ore the Property or�o pay sums s�cured by th�� Security <br /> Instrunlen�,v�h�ther or na�then du�.The per�ad�f time for B�rr�vver to answer as set forth in��e n�tice�i���aegin <br /> v�rhen�he n���ce�s gi�en. <br /> UnXess Lender anc�Borrovver otherw�se agree in wr�ting, any app�icati�n�f pr��eeds t�pr�n�ipa� sha�l not extend <br /> �r pos�pane the due da�e of t�e payme�ts due under the �ontrac�or change the amoun��f the payments. �f ux�der <br /> the secti�ri tit�ed Accelerati�n; Remedies, �he Pr�perty�s acqu�red by Lender, Borr�v�er's right�o any insurance <br /> policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Praperty pr�or tQ the acqu�si��on shall pass to Lender�� the <br /> e��ent of�he sums secured by�his Security In�trument immediatel�prior to the acquisit�on. <br /> p�eservati�n, Main�enance and Pr�t�ct�o�n af the ]P�-operty; �orro�wer's L�an Ap�lic�ti�n; L�aseh��ds. <br /> B�rro�uer shal�n�t destroy, damage or impa�r the Prflperty, a�l�w the Proper�y�o de�eriarate, �r�flmmit waste ori <br /> the Praperfiy.Barrower sha�I be in defaul�if a�y farfeature action or�roceeding,v`rhether ciw�l or criminal,I5��'gU.11 <br /> tha� �n Lender's gfl�d fai�h�udgmen� could resul� �n farfeiture af the Property ar o�herwise ma�erially �mpair the <br /> l�en created b� �h�s Security �nst7rument or Lerider's secu���y �nter�s�. B�rrower may cure such a defau�t and <br /> reinstate, as pro�ided in sec�ion tit�ed Borro�vver'� R.ight��Re�nstate, by cau�ing the action or proce�ding ta�be <br /> d�smissed w��h a ru�ing�hat, �n Lender's g��d fa��h de�enn�nati�n,prec�udes farfeiture of the Barr��er'�interest in <br /> �he ProperCy a��- ��her mater�a� impa�rment �=f�he lien crea�ed by this Security Ins�rumen� or Lender's secur��y <br /> ��terest.Barrov�er sha11 a�so b�in default if Barro�uer,during the loan appl�ca��on pr�cess,ga�e ma�erial�y false or <br /> ir�accura�e �nf�rmation ar s�atements �� Len�er ��r fa�led �� provide Lender with any ma�erial inforrnzati�ta� �n <br /> conne�tion�ri��the �aan evidenced by the Cr�n�ract. Zf this Secur��y rnstrument is an a�easehold, B�rrower sha�� <br /> comply vvi�h al�the pro�v�si�ns af the lease.�f�3arrower acquir�s fee title�o th�Pr�per�y,�he leas�hold amd the fee <br /> ti�le shall nfl�merge unless Lender agre�s�o the merger in vvr��ing. <br /> Pr�tection of Lender's l�ights �n the Pro�perty. �f B�rrower fails �a perform �he covenan�s and agreements <br /> c�ntained�n this Security Ins�rument, or�her� is �legal pr�ceeding�hat may signif�cantly affec�Lende�'s rights in <br /> �he Praper�y ��uch as a praceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnati�n or f�rfeiture �r�� enforce Iav�s or <br /> regu�at�ans�, �hen Lender may do and pay �or wha�ever �s necessary �� pro�ec� the va�ue of the Pr�per�y and <br /> Lender's rights�n the Property.Lender's actiQns n-�a�include pay�ng any sums secured by a��en�h�ch has priori�y <br /> �ver�his Secur�t��nstrumen�,appear�ng in c�urt,pay�ng reasonab�e at�orneys'fees and enter�ng on the�raper�y�a <br /> make repairs.A.l�hough Lender may take action under this sec�ion,Lender does n�t ha�re�o d�sa. <br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this sec�ion sha�l becom� additi�na� deb� �f B�rrov�er secur�d by this <br /> Secur�ty �nstr�ment. Un�ess Borrower and �ende� agree �o other �erms �f payment, �hese amounts sha11 bear <br /> in�eres� from the date of���ment at �he sarne rate assessed �n ad�ances under th� Cantrac� a�d shall be <br /> payab�e,v�ith�nterest,upan n���ce fro�n Lender�o Barrawer reques�ing paymen�. <br /> C�2fl44-2�13 Cvmplian�e Systeri-�s,Inc.9F95-4�FE-2fl 13L2.�.72 I <br /> Consu�ner Real Estate-Security Inst�ment llL�43d Pa�e 2 of 5 <br />