<br /> l� of aIl sums secured b this Secur� Ynst�-�ument. Hovvever, this opt�on shal� n�t be e�ercis�d by Lender if
<br /> fu Y �Y
<br /> exerc�s��s prahibited by federal Iaw as of the date of this Se�urity Instrumen�.
<br /> ���ender �xerc�ses �his o �ian, Lender shali g�ve Bflrrov�er no�ice of accelera�ion. The n�ti�e shall ���v�de a
<br /> p
<br /> period Qf no� less than�he m�nirnum number r�f days es�ablished by Applicabie La�w from the da�e the �ot�ce is
<br /> de�ivered or ma��ed w��hin �h�ch B�rr�v�er r�us� pay a�I su�ns secured by th�s Security Inst�ument. If�orrow�r
<br /> fa��s �o pay these sums prior to �he e�pira��on of�h�s per�od, L�nder may in��ke any remedies p�rmitted by�his
<br /> Se�urifiy�nstrun�en�vvi�hout further notice or de�mand on Borrower.
<br /> �orr��wer's Right to Rein�tate. �f B�rrov�el• meets certain condit��ns, Borrower shal� hav�e the righ� to have
<br /> enforcemen�flf th�s Secur��y Instrum�nt d�sGontinued a�any�ime pr�or ta�he earlier of: �a� 5 days ��r such other
<br /> periad as Appl��ab�e Lavv may specify for reinsta�emen��bef�re sa�e of the Properry pursuant��any pova��r of sale
<br /> co�ta�ned �n th�s Secur��y �nstrument; or �b� entry �f a �}udgmen� enfarc�ng th�s Security Instru�nent. Those
<br /> co�d�t�ons are tha� Bar�rower: �a} pa}�s Lender al� sums wh�ch then v�ould �be due under�his �ecurity �nstru�nen�
<br /> and the�ontract as�f no ac�e�.era��an had occurred;�b)cures any defau���f any other covenants or agree�nen�s;�c�
<br /> pays aIl��pens�s incurred�n enf�r�ing th�s Se�urity I�nstrument, �ncluding,but nQt�ir��ited�a,reasvnable attorneys'
<br /> fees�o the ex�ent pern�xt�ed�y lav�; and�d}ta�kes such a�ti�n as Lender may r�as�na�ly require�o assure tha��he
<br /> lien of�his Security�ns�rumen�,Lender's righ�� in the Properry arid B�rrov�rer's�bliga�ion t�pa�the sun�s se�ured
<br /> by �h�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen� shal� c�n��nue unchange�. Upan reinsta�ernen�by Borrower, �his Securi�y �r�strumen�
<br /> and�he ob��gati�ns secured hereby sha�� rer�a�n ful�y effective as �f.no accelerati�n had occurred. Hovv�ver, this
<br /> righ�t�re�nstate sha�l no�app�y�n the case a�a�ce�erat�on und�r the sec�i�n�i��ed Transfer of th�Prap�rty�r a
<br /> Sene�cia�Int�rest in Burrower.
<br /> Hazardaus Substances.Borr�wer sha�l n�t��use�r permi�the presence,use, disposal, s�or�.g�, or release�f any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances fln or�n�he Pr�pert�.Borrower sha�l no�do,nar all�w anyone else�o do,any�hing aff�cting
<br /> the Property that is �n ��olation �f any Envirr�nmenta� .La�. The preceding two sentences shali nat app�y t� the
<br /> pr�sen�e,use,or st�rage�n the Property�f sn�.a�1 quan���ies af Ha�ardous Subs�ances that are g�nerally r�cogn�zed
<br /> to be apprapriate�o normal resid�n�ial uses an�.�o�naintenance of�he Prope�-�y.
<br /> �arra�ver sha11 pramp��y g�ve-Lender v�ritten n�t�ce of any investigation,claim, demand,Xav�sui��r��her a�t�on by
<br /> any governmen�a� or regula�ory agency or pr��vate pa�rty in�olving the PrQperty and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> En��r�nmental Law of which Borrovv�r has actual knaw�edge. If Barrower �earns, or �s �.�tifie�l by any
<br /> g�vernmen�a�or regu�atory au�hori�y,�hat any remo�al ar o�her rexnedia�ion of any Hazardaus Subs�an�e affec�ing
<br /> th� �raper�.y �s necessary, �3orr�vver sha11 prolnp�ly tal�e a11 necessary remed�a� ac��ons �n accflrdance vvith
<br /> �nvir�nmenta�.La�.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardaus Substances" are th�se subs�ances defined as toxic �r hazardous substances
<br /> by En�iranmer��al Lavv and �he follav�r�ng su�bstances: gasal�ne, kerosene, other f�ammabl� ar �oxic petroleum
<br /> �r�ducts, �flxic pes�icides and herbxcides, u�1a���e sol�rents, ma�erials con�ain�ng asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> rad�oacti�e mater�a�s.As used in this paragraph, "Environmenta�Lavv"means federal�aws ar�d Xa�vs of�he state of
<br /> ���braska tha�rela�e to hea�th,safety or environmental pr�tec��on.
<br /> AccQ�era�ion; Remed�es. Lender shall g��e notice to Borr�wer prior t� acce�era�ion fol�owing �vrrower's
<br /> �r�ach�f any�o�enant�r agreement in th�s�ecur�ty Instrument or th��antract under�h�ch ac�eleration
<br /> is permitfed �but n�t pri�r t�acce�eration und�r the sectian tit�ed Transfer of the Property ar a Ben�ficial
<br /> Ir�terest in Bo�rrower, un�ess App�icable I�dw pra�id�s �th�rv��se}. The notice shal� spe�ify: [a} th� defau�t;
<br /> �b� the actiox� requ�red tfl curQ the def�ul�; ��} � date, not �ess than the minimux�r� num�er of dag�s
<br /> established lby Appl�ca�a��Law from the d�te the notice is giv�n ta Borrovv�r,by which the defaul�must be
<br /> cured; and �d) that fa�lure �o cure the de�'ault vn or b�fore the date spe�if�ed in th� x�otice may re�ul� �n
<br /> accelera�ion �f the sums secured by th�s Security Ins�rument and sa�� af the Prope�ty. To �he extent
<br /> p�rm�tted by�aw, the notice sha�l fur�h�r inform Borrawer of the right to reinsta�e af�er �cce�erat��n and
<br /> the right�a bring a court action tn assert�l�e nonwexister�ce of a defauit or any o�her defense�f B�rrower t�
<br /> a�ce�eration and sale. l.�f the defaui� is not�cured on ar hefore the date spec��ed in the �otice, Le�der at �ts
<br /> op�ion may r�qu�re immed�a�e payr�a�nt �n fui� of al� sums se�ured hy this Se�uri�y I�s�r�me��� w�thou�
<br /> further demand and may in�oke the po�v�r of sale and any �ther remedi�s permi�ted �ay Appli��ble Law.
<br /> Tn the ex�ent permit�ed by law, Lender sha�� be ent�t�ed �o col��ct a�l expenses incurr�d i� pursuing the
<br /> r�medies prn��ded in �his S�ct�on, inc�uding, but nat limite€i to, reasonable attorneys' fe�s and c���s of tit�e
<br /> ewidence. �
<br /> If the power�f sale �s invnkQd,Trus�ee shall record a nutice of d�fau�t in each caunt� in wh�ch any part of
<br /> �he Prvperty �s locat�d and shall mai�co�i�s af such notic��n the r�anner pre5cribed by Applicab�e Law t�
<br /> �arr�w�r and �� the other persvns pres�ribed. by Applicalble Law. After �he t�me required b� Applicable
<br /> Law, Trustee shall give public no�ice �f sa�� to the persnns amd i�a the manner pre5cribed by App�icable
<br /> I�aw. Trustees without demand on Borrflwer,shail s�i�the Property at pub�ic auctian to th�hight5t hidder
<br /> at the time and place and under the terms des�gnated in the natice flf sale in one nr more parcels�nd in an�
<br /> order TruSte� determine�. Trustee rmay p�stp�ne sa�e of a�� or any parcel of the �rn��rty uy publ�c
<br /> annauncement at the time and place af any pre�vi�usly s�heduied sale.Lemder or its de�ignee ma�purchase
<br /> t�e Proper�y at any 5a�e.
<br /> �
<br /> Upnn r�ceipt ❑f payment of the price bid, Trus�ee shall deli�er to the purcha�er Trus�ee's deed con�eying
<br /> the Property. 'I'he re�ita�s in the Trus�ee's deed shal� �e pr�ma facie e�idence of the truth vf th�sta�ements
<br /> made therein. Trustee sha�l apply th� praceeds of the sale in the fo�lowing order: �a} to all �ast� and
<br /> expenses af exercising the pawer of sa�e, ��nd th� saie, inc�ud�ng the pa�ment nf the Trustee's fe�5 actual�y
<br /> C�2Q04-2a t 3 Cor�pliance Systerr�s,Inc.9F96-44FE-2�13L2.D.72�
<br /> Car�sumer Rea1 Estate-Se�urity Tnstr�.��nen#DL2D36 Page 4 of 5 wv,�w.compliancesysEezns.com
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