<br /> 5. Praperty Ynsurance. Borrower shaX� I�ecp the im�ravemen�s naw exis�ing or hereafter e�e��ed on �he
<br /> Proper�y ins��red agains�l�ss b�F�re, ha.zards inc�uded wi��lin the t�rm "ex�ended co�erage," and any other ha�ards
<br /> inc���ding, hu�not limi�ed�o, earthqua��es and.fl�ods, f or wl�i�l�L�nder requires insurance. This znsurance sha�1 be
<br /> x��a�n�ained in the a��nounts �inc�udin� deduc�i��e Ievels} and [or the periads that Lender �requires, 'What Lendex
<br /> requiz•�s pursu�.nt to the preced�ng sentences can cha�a�e during�h��ez•n�of tl��Loan. The insuranc�cari iez providir��;
<br /> �he i��stzrGince shall�re chosen��y Borrawer sub�ec�to Let�der's ri g��ta disa�prov�Borrower's c�ioic�,wh�ch ri�hl:sha�l
<br /> t�ot�c�xercised unreasonab�y, Lender may�equiz•e Borrower to pay, in connec��an with t��s Loa.n, either. �a}a one-
<br /> time c��argc for f�aad zone d��ertnination, ce�r�ification ar�d�rac��xng ser�ic�s;�r(b}a oneWtime charge for f�aod zone
<br /> deterl��ina��an and certi�cation ser�ices and subsequent c��arges cach time remap�zngs or�i�ni�ar changes occur which
<br /> reasonabty���ight a['F�c�such de�e���nination or c�r�iF�cation. Bnrrower sha�l aXso b�responsible for th�paymeni:of
<br /> any Fees impasGd by�hE Federal Ezner�ency Manag���ac1�t Agency in connec�ion v�ith�he r��iew af'any flood zone
<br /> detier���ir��tion i•esul�it�� from an objeet�an by Boi•rower.
<br /> I�i'Barrowc�•fails to maintaii� any of tihe co��rages d�s�ribed above, Lender may obtain insuz anc�co�erage, at
<br /> Lend�r's aptiot� and Borrower's cxpense. Lender is unde�•no o�bli�ation ta pu�chase any particular type ar a�noun�
<br /> of coverag�. Ther ef�re, suc��cove�age sha�1 cover L,�ndex, bu��7�ig�t or 1�Zight nat protiect�3arrower, Borx ower's
<br /> eqL�i�y rn ihe Pz aperty, ar�he con�ents❑f�he Propert�, aga�ns�any�•isl�, haz�.rd�r liabil��y and mi�h�pravide grea�er
<br /> or Iesser covera�e ihan wa�pre�ious�y in effect. B�xrowe�acl�novvled�es�ha��he cost af�he insurance co�e�age s�
<br /> nbtained n�ight signi��"icant��excee��he costi of insurat�ce�hat Baxrower could ha�e obtained. At�.�r an��unts disbu��ed
<br /> by Lender tinder��7Ys Section 5 shatl becon��addi�ianal riebt ar Borrower secured by�his Secur�ty�nstrument, These
<br /> a���aun�s sha�l be�r interest at the Note rate f���n t��e da�e of disbux seznent and shall b�p�.yable, wi�h such in�er�s�,
<br /> upo�� no�ice from Le��der�o Borrowez•rec�uestin�payz�.�ent.
<br /> Al� ins��z ancc�al�cies required by Lender �.nd renewais of such policies shali be sub�ec�to Lender's rigf�t�o
<br /> disapp�o�e sL�ch poXicies, shall include a slanda�rd znartgage cla��se, and sha11 natne Lender as mortga�;ee andl�r as an
<br /> addit�onal loss payee. Lender s�a�l ha��the righ��o hold�he�olic�es and re��ewal cer�i�cates. If Lender req��ires,
<br /> Bor�ower shal�pramp�ly give to Lender aIl rec�ipts af paid�aren�iux�z5 and renewa�no��c�s. �f Borxov�e�•ablains atay
<br /> form of ins�.�rance caverage, not o�her�v�se requirec�.by Lender, for dama�;c to, or destruct�on of, �he Pr�per�y, su�h
<br /> po�icy shall inc�ude a standard lnortga�e c1aL�se at�c� shal� na�ne Lender as ma1 t�agee andl4r- as an additional �ass
<br /> payee,
<br /> �n the even�of�oss, Borrower sha1X give pz omp��7o�i�e�o�he insurance carrier and L�nder, Lender i��ay make
<br /> pr�or a:�loss if no� ma�e pz an�ptly by Bor�ower. �Unles� Lender and Boxr�wer atherwise agree in writings any
<br /> insurance proceeds, w����her or nat�h�underly�n�insurance was x�quired by Lender, shal�Ue��pplied to res�ora�ion
<br /> or repair a�T t��e Propert�, if the res�o�ration or•repair�s econoxnically f�asib�e and Lender's securi�y�s not lessened,
<br /> During such repai�•and�•estora�ion pez�ad, Lcnder s�ai�have the ri�h�to hold such xnsu�rance proceeds unt�l Lender
<br /> has had an apportunity �o inspect such Propex�y to ensure the wo�rk has been co��npleted to Lender's sa�isfac�ion,
<br /> p�rovidc� �hat such ��aspection shal� be underta��en pron�p�l�. Lender znay disburse proceeds for �he repairs ar�d
<br /> res�oxation in a sin�le�ayn�.en��r in a s�ries af progrress paymen�s as th�wor��is comp�eted, Unless an a�ree�nent
<br /> is za�ade i�a wri�in� or Ap�licab�� Law requires zn���•est t� b�pai� an such ins�xran�e praceeds, Lender s�hall no� be
<br /> requir�d�a pay B�rraw��•any interest or earnings an s��c1�proceeds. Fees Caz•pu�lie ad�us�ers, �r a�her�hird parties,
<br /> r��ained b� Bo�t•ov�er shall na�be paid ou� oC the insuraizce�rocee�fs and shall be�hc sole obligation of Borrower.
<br /> If t1�e res�ara�ian or x•epa�z•is��ot economically f�asi�le ar Lender's security wo��ld be lessencd,�hc�nsurance praceeds
<br /> shall be applied to tlae su�ns secured by this Se�u�ii:y�nstruzncnt, whe�he�o�r n���hen due,w�th the excess, if any,paid
<br /> �o Borrawer. Such insu�ance proceeds shall�e appxied in the arder pz ovided For in Section 2.
<br /> If Borrower abandons �he Property, L�nd�r m�.y �1e, n�goti�.�e and settle an�r aWaz�ab�e insurance cla��n and
<br /> relatec�matters, If Borrflwer does not respand v�i�hin 30 days to a na��ce from L�nd�r that t�ae insu�anee carrie�has
<br /> oFfe�•ed to settle a claim, the�.� Lende�•may n��o�ia�e an�.s�t��e the claim. Tlae 3�-day period wi11 begin when �he
<br /> noticc is given. �n e�ther even�, ar if Lend��acq�tires�he Praperty«nde�Section 21 ar o�hervvise, Barrovver hereby
<br /> assigt�s �o Lender�a} }3orr�wer's rights to ar��insu�ance procceds tn an aznou�nt no�to exceed�he anaaun�s ��npa�d
<br /> �znd�r the Nate or�his Security�nstrui�len�, anci��}any ot�er of Bo�rovver's rights���her tha�a the right�o any refund
<br /> �f uneaxned�remz��ms paid by Borraw�r}ur��.er aIl insurance po�icies co�er�ng the Pxoper�y, insofar a�such rights
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family��NIFaRM �NSTRUMENT DdcM��lc��
<br /> Nf�DiFIED F�R DEPARTMENT �F VETERANS AFFAIRS - MERS wv�w.d��m�gi�,c�m
<br /> �Rev. �14�� Page E vf �4
<br /> 1'�1 LIY.;
<br /> k�
<br /> i
<br /> BANK fl42186945
<br /> '�FMDEED �4�80$239�
<br />