<br /> vsrai�e Borrower's obli�;a��on to pay to Lender F��nds Far any a�a!�Escraw Items a�any ti�a�.e. An�suc��v�aiver znay
<br /> only be in wr�ting. I�a the��ent or such waxv�r, B��•rawer sha11�ay direc�iy, whetl and where payable, tihe amounts
<br /> du� for any Escrow Itelns for which payment o�'Funds has beert waivec�by Lender and, if Lender requ�res, shall
<br /> furnish to Ler�der recei��s ev�dencing such pay�nent witlain such �ime per�od ��s L�nder i��ay rec�uire. Boxravv�r's
<br /> ob�igatiion to make s��ch payn�ents and to pr�vide re�e��ts shall for a11 pur�oses be deenaed to be a co�enant and
<br /> agreelnen�contained in �h�s Securi�y Ins�run�.ent, as the p���ase"covenant and agreemen�" is used in Sec�ion 9. If
<br /> Borrowel is obliga�ed to pay Escrow Ite���s dxr�c��y, pursuan��o a v�aiver, and Borrowez fails�o pay the amout��due
<br /> f�r an Escrow�tict��, Lender t��ay e��rci�e i�s r�ghts under Section 9 anc�pay sL�ch axnount and Borrower shal�then Ue
<br /> obIi�a�e�1 unde�-Sec�ion 9�a repay�o Lender any sc��h amoun�. Lendez n�ay revoke�he v�aiver as�a an�or a1I Escrow
<br /> Iter��s at any ti���.�by a notice given in accordance witih Sectinn �4 and, upon such revot�ati�n, Borro�v�r s�all�aay to
<br /> Lenc�er a11 Funds, and in s�tch a�a�ou��ts, that are then t•�q��ired undex this Section 3,
<br /> Lendez may, at any fi�r�e, co�lect and h�ld Funds in an a�noun��a}suffi�ien��o pErm��Lender to apply�he Funds
<br /> at�he time speci�ed und�r RESPA, and�b}no�to exceed the xna�imut-n a�nn��nt a�e�der can require under RL�'SPA.
<br /> L�nd�r shall esti���atc�he a����un�or Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable e�txma�es af expendi�ures
<br /> of f��ture Escrow Itei7�s or o�herwise in accor�anc��ri�h App�icable Law.
<br /> The Funds shall be��eld in an ins�it���ion vvhose dep�sits ax e i��s�:�red by a federa� agency, in�t�r�tnen�ali�y, or
<br /> en�ity �in�ludin� Lender, if L�nder is an�ns�itution whos� de�osits are so insL�red} or in any Federal Hom� Loan
<br /> �3anl�., Lender sha�l apply�he Funds to pay f:he Escrow Iten7s na later than the time specified un�er RESPA. Lender
<br /> s��a�i no�charge Barz•ower for holding at�d applyin�the Funds, annual�y analyzing t11e escr�vv acc�ui�t, �z verifyin�;
<br /> the Escrow Items, ��n��ss L�nder pays Borrowe��interest on�he Fu�ds and Appl�cable Law permi�s Lender�o ma��e
<br /> s�.�ch a c�arge. Unless an agreela�ent is rnade in writ�n�;or Appii�ab�e Law requiz es in�erest to be paid t�n�he Funds,
<br /> Lenc�er shali nat be rec�uired�o pay Borxower an�r i��terest a�earn�ngs on the Funds. Barrower and Lendex can agree
<br /> in writing, howevez, tha� interes�sha11 be paid on the F«nd�. Lcnd�r shall gxve to Boxrower, wi�haut charge, an
<br /> annua�accounting �f�he Funds as rec�uired by RESPA.
<br /> If�here is a sLirplus of Fun�s he�d in es�ro�v, as de�ned undex�RESPA, Lender sha�l ac�ount�❑�3orrower far
<br /> �he exc��s���nds in accot•dance�rith RESPA. If therc is a shartage of Funds held i��es��ovv,as defined under RESPA,
<br /> Lender sha��no�ify Borro�ver as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender�he amoun�necessa�ry�o naake
<br /> �tp �he sl�ortage in accardance wit�� RESPA, b�i��n no lnarc�han �2�non�hly pay�nents, zf�here is a deficiency �f
<br /> runds he�d in�scrow, as delined��nd�r R�SPA, Lender s�all no�ify B�xrower as required by RESPA, and Borrowe�
<br /> shall pay t� Lend�r the a�l�oun�necessary�o i��alfe u�the de�iciency in ac�ordance wxth RES�'A, �u�in n��noz•e than
<br /> l��nan�hly payzncnts,
<br /> Upo��payment in full oi'all sums secured�y tl��s Secu�•i�y Ins�ri�n�en�, Lender s�a�.�i pxampt�y refund t�Barrower
<br /> �►ny F unds he1c�by Lender.
<br /> 4. �harges; L�ens. BorY•awer sha�l pay a�l�ax�s, ass�ssz�a.en�s, �harg�s, fines, and i1��pas��ians a�trtbutab��ta
<br /> �he Prope�ty which can attain priorz�y �ver �h�s Security Ins�ru���ent, leas�hold payments or �raund rents an �he
<br /> Prapert�, iF any, a�d Comn�unity Assaciation Dues, Fees, and Assesslzlen�s, �f any. To�he exte��th�.t th�se itexns
<br /> are E�crow Items, Borr�wer shall pay�hetn in�he naanner pra�rded�n Section 3.
<br /> Borrowez shall proi��ptly discharge any�ien vvh�ch has prior��y over�his Security rnstrun�ent un�ess Bo��awer:
<br /> �a}a�rees in�v�•i�ing�a the�aayinent n�'the obligation sec���e�by�he lierl in a manner acceptable�o Lendex, bu�on�y
<br /> so �on� as Barrower is performin� such agreement; �b} cont�sts the lien in gao�. faith by, a� defends against
<br /> enF�rce�ner��of t�e lien in, Ie�a�pr�ceedings which in Lender's apinio�aperate�a pre��n��he enfor�ement of�he 1�en
<br /> while those pr�ceedings are pending, but a��y until s�.����aroceed�n�;s are con�luded; or�c}secures fram�he holde�r
<br /> of �he lien an agreement sa�isfacto�y tio Lende�• subardina�ing the �ien �o this Security �nstrumen�. Zf Lender
<br /> d��ert��.ines tha�any par�o��he Property is sub,��ct to a lien vvhich can at�a�n pri�ri�y over this Security Ins�runY�nt,
<br /> Lendex t�.�ay gi�e Barrovver� no�ice ident�fying t��e lien. �11'i�hin 1�days of the date on vvhic��that no�i��is given,
<br /> Borro�ver shal� sat�sfy the�ien or�alce one or t��ore of�he ac�i�ns set for�h abflve in�his Sectron 4.
<br /> Lendez i��ay req�iirc Borrawer�o pay a one-�ime chax�e for a real esta�c tax verifcation an�lor�reportin�;serv�ce
<br /> used�y Lender in conn�c�ion w��h this Loan.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famify�UN�F�RM INSTR�MENT ��c����C
<br /> �Rev. �l��} Page 5 of �4
<br /> ���� w�
<br /> :
<br /> BANK 4���85945
<br /> �FM�EEI� �4�$082399
<br />