<br /> are applicable t�thc co��rage oi'tl�e Property. Lcnder t��ay use t�e insu�ance proceeds e��her�a�repai�•ar restnre the
<br /> �'rop��•�y or to pay amounts unpaid L�nder�he No�e�r this Sec��ri�y�nstrument, whe�her ar no��hen due.
<br /> G. �ccupancy. Borrawer shatl occupy, es�abli�h, and use the Pr�per�y as �Bor�owez's principal resxdence
<br /> within b�days af�er the execut�on�f th�s SeGur�ty Instx��ment and sha�I continue�o occupy�he Property as Borrower's
<br /> p�•incipa�residence for at least on�y�a�r afte�r the date��'occu��ancy,L�nless L�nder a�herwise agrees in w�rit�n�, whic:h
<br /> consen�sha��nat be�rnreasonably vvz�hhe�d, or un�ess e�tenua�in� c�rcun��tances exis�which are be�ond Boarrov�er's
<br /> cantra�.
<br /> 7, Preserva�io��, Ma�nt�nance and Prn�ection of�he Proper�y; Znspec�ions. Bo�rrovver sha1� not de�tz ay,
<br /> da�7�age�r i��l�air tihe Proper�y, a�low the Property�o deteri�xa�e or co�r�m�t was�e on the Proper�y. '�1V�hether ar no�
<br /> Bo�•rovver is residizag in thc Propet•�y, Barz ower s17��I1 mainiain t�a� Propert� in �rde�r to preven��he Pr•operty-fro���
<br /> deteriora�in�or decr�asing in�a�ue due to i�s condztion. Un�ess it�s c�c�ez���ined pu�rsuant ta Sec�i�n 5 tlaat repair o�•
<br /> restaz•��tion is not economica�ly f�asible, Borravve�•sl��.l1 proi7l�tly re�azr the Pro�ez�y iF da���aged�o a�oid furt�lez
<br /> de�e�•ioration or damage. I�i'insurance or condemnation proceeds are�7aid�n connection wi�h damage t�, or�he�al�ing
<br /> o�f, the Prop�rty, Borrawer slaa�l Ue responsible far rc�aa�ring or res�ar�ng the P�aperty anly i�'Lender has released
<br /> pro�e�ds�or suc;��purposes. Let�der n�.ay dis�urse praceeds for�hc repairs and�res�flrat�an in a sing�e paymen�or in
<br /> a series of pxo�x•ess pay���en�s as�h�woz•�is completed. If��ae�nsL�raz�ce or condenlnation p�•oceec�s are not sufficien�
<br /> to z•epaix•or rest�re ihe Property, �arrawer is nat reli�ved of Borrower's ob�igation far the completion o�F sL�ch repair
<br /> ��•res�oratian.
<br /> Le��dex or its a�;cn�n�ay���a�ce reasonable cntries upon and insp�ctio�zs of the�'roperty. If�t has�easonable cause,
<br /> Lende��a�ay inspcct the it�terinr or the�xa�proWe�7-�ents on the P�r��er�y, Lender shall give Borrower notice at the tin�e
<br /> of ar prio�•to s��ch an itate�ior insp�c�ion speci�Cyin� suci�reasonable cause.
<br /> 8. �3orrower's Laan Appli�ation. B�rr��v�r sha�l be Yn derault if, dur�zag the Loan applica�iata pz acess,
<br /> Bo�rower or any pez sons ox en�ities ac�ing at the d��ectian of Bnrrower or wi��.�3arrower's 1�.�owledge�r�onsent gav�
<br /> ���a�crially false, Inis�ead�ng, or inaccurate inForma�ian o�• s�atei��e���s t� Lender �or failed�o pro�ide Lender wit�
<br /> i�-�atei ial infor��ation} i� c�x�nee�ron wi�h the Laan. Materfa� repres�ntations include, bu� are n�� limi�ed ta,
<br /> rep�resenta�ians concer��ing Borravver's occupa��cy o�'�he Px aperty as Borrowe�r's�rincipal residence.
<br /> 9. Protec��on of Lender's Inxeres��n �he Proper�y and It�gh�s Under �his Securx�y �ns�rumenx. If�a}
<br /> Bor�ov�er i'ai�s �o perfort�l�he cavenants and agreena.en�s con�aiz�e� �n �his Security Ins�rui7�en�, �b} �her��s a�ega1
<br /> proceedin�;that mig��.t signif�ca�ltly arFect Lcnd�r's i��terest x���lac Proper�y andlor rxgh�s L�ndcr�his Security Instruxnen�
<br /> �s��ch as a prac�eec�in�;in b��n�cz•��p�cy, proba�e, for condemnatxan o�Forfeit��re, for enforce�nent oF a l�en which���ay
<br /> a��ai�� px•�orit� o�er�his S�c�xrity I��st���i��ent ox to enfo�•ce�aws or z egulatrar�s}, or �c} B�rrawer has abandoned the
<br /> P�•operty, �hen Le��der�nay do and pay Far w��ate�er is reaso��able ar app�•opriate to pY•ote�t Lender's ir�t�rest in�he
<br /> Pro���r�y and rigl�ts under�his Secu�ii�y Instrul�.�ent, ��c1L�din�pro�ectin�andlor assessing�he valu�of�he Proper�y,
<br /> and secut•ing andlar��epairir��tihe P�operty. Lend�r's actio�s�an include,but are no�li�x�.ited to: (a}paying a�y Sums
<br /> scc��red by a�xen whic�h��as priori�y over�his Se�urity��as�xu���en�; �b}appearing in caurt; and�c}�aying areasonab�e
<br /> attarneys' rees to pratcct i�s in�erest in the Pi•operty an�ilor righ�s ui�der this Securi�y Instrument, incl��dxng i�s secured
<br /> pos��ion in a bankrupt�y proc�eeding. Secuz ing th�Property includes, but is�aat limrted to, ente�in�the Praper�y�a
<br /> mal�e repairs, chatige�ocks, replace oz�oard L�p daa�-s and wit�dows, drain wat�r frflin pipes, e�iixlina�e bui�di�7� ar
<br /> otl�e�code violations or da��ge�•o�.�s canditions, and hav�utili�ies tu�ned an or off-. Although Lender may talce ac��on.
<br /> ufld�r this Section 9, Lender does��ot haWe to do so and�4 no�ui�der any du�y o�obli�c�.$fO�l �:0 C��5�. �t�s agreed tha�
<br /> L�nder incurs no�iability for not�aX�ing any ar aIl action� au�horized��nde�thxs Sec�ion 9.
<br /> Any a��7ounts disb�rz•sed by Lender��nde�r t��is Section 9 shaX1 bec�me addi�ional debt of Borro�nTer secu�red by this
<br /> Security�ns�x•uxa�ent. These at��ounts shall bear in�erest a�the Note rate fron��he date of disbursement and shall�be
<br /> payab�e, with such ir���z est, upon notice Fr�i7� Le�de�'�o B�rrower requesting�ayment.
<br /> If tihis Secur�ty Instrunaeil� is on a leasehold, Barrowe�• shall con�ply with �ilt tihe pro�ision� af the lease,
<br /> Box•rower ShaX�not surrender�he leasehold esta�e and intex•ests herein conveyed ox tearmina�e or.cancel the ground l�ase.
<br /> Bori ower shai� na�, vsri�hou� �he express wri�ten consent of Let�der, al�er oz anacnd�he gr�und lease. If Bor�ower
<br /> acqu�res�ce�i�le�o the Pr�perty, the leasehold and �he Fe�ti��c shall no�iner�e unless Lender agrees to�he mer�er
<br /> in wri�ing.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-UNiF�RM INSTRUMENT ������i� .�
<br /> �Rev. �1 D�} Pag� 7 a� �4
<br /> �".7r: �Y'.ti
<br /> ��
<br /> R
<br /> 1
<br /> BANK �02�86945
<br /> '�FM�EECf �4�8�8Z399
<br />