<br /> THIS SECURITY�NSTRUMENT coxx�l�i�n�s ut��fo�n�.co�enants�or��ationa�use and nan�ur�iFo�rn�covenants�i�h
<br /> limited varia�i�ns b�juz•isdi�t�on to canstitut� a�inifor�.a�securi�y ins�rulnent co�ering real property,
<br /> IJNIF�RM C�VENA,h�TS, Borrawe�•and L�nder covenant and agree as fa�lows;
<br /> I. Payment of Pr�ncipal, Interest,Es�r�w I�ems,Prepaymen�Charges,and Late Charges. Bflrr�we�r sha11
<br /> pay when due�he p�inc�pal of, and in�er�st on, the d�b�eviden�ed l�y the No�e and any prepaym�nti cX�ar�es and late
<br /> �harges due��nde�the 1Vo�e. Boarrower shal�also pay funds for EsGrow Items pursuant�o Section 3. Paymen�s due
<br /> under �he Na�e and �his Sec�.�rity �nstrument shal� be �7�ade in U.S. curren�y, Hawever, if a�y check or other
<br /> ins�run�ent�r�ceived by Lender as payment under�he Note ox�h�s Secur��y Instrument is retu�ned ta Lender unpai�,
<br /> Le��der may z�eq�:lir��;hat any ar a�I st�bse�uenti�ay�net�ts due under�:he No�e and th�s Sec��r�ty ins�rumenf be made in
<br /> one ar more ar the foliowxng fort��s,as selected by Lend�r: �a}cash;�b)�noney order;�c}cer�xfi�c�checl�,�ank che�k,
<br /> treasurer's check or cashier's checic,provided any such chcc�c is dxawn upan an institutiion whose depo�i�s are insur�d
<br /> by a f�c�eral a�ency, instrumentali�y, or enti�y; nr�d} Elec���onic Funds Transi'er.
<br /> Payments are dee��led recei�ed b�Lender when rec�ived at the�ocation designated in�he Note or at suc�other
<br /> lacation as may b�desi�na�ed by Lende�r�n accordance wii:h the no�:ice pro�isions in Sec�i�n I4. Lender n�ay return
<br /> a��.��ayment or partia�payz��en�if the payn�ent ar par�i�l paymen�s are insu�'ficien�to b�rin���ie Loan current. Lender -
<br /> x��ay �cce�t any payment o�• partial paym�nt insufficxent �o bring the Loan current, w��hout waiver of any r��h�s
<br /> l�ereunder or �rej��dice ta i�s rxg�a�s �o refuse such pay���ent oz partial pay�nents in the fu���re, bL�� Lender is n�t
<br /> obli�a��d t�a�ply s��ch payn�en�s a�the time such payzaxen�s are accep�Ed. If each Pcriodic Paymetl�is ap��ied as of
<br /> its scheduled duc da��, th�n L�nder need no�pay in�er�st on u�applied funds. Lender n.aay hold s��ch unapplied funds
<br /> unti� Borrower���a��.es pay���ent�a�ring�he Loan current. �f Sorr�wer do�s no�do so wi�hin a reasona��e periad of
<br /> trme, Lender shall ei�he�-app�y such fun�s or return���en� to Borrower. �f not applied eartier, such funds �ri�l be
<br /> �pplied to the outstanding p1 rncz�ai Ualan�e under �he Nate i�n�nedia�ely prior t❑ fn�•ec�osure, No o[`rset or cla�m
<br /> which Bor•z ower inigllt have n�vv ar in�he fL��ure a�ainst Lendcx sl�all re�ieve Boi rower fx�m n�aking payxa�.en�s due
<br /> u1�d�r the Na�� and�his Se�urity InstrL�i7�ent ar perfart�l�ng�he covenants arid agreements secLu•ed by this Security
<br /> Instrutnent,
<br /> 2. Appiica��on of Paymen�s or Proceeds. Excep� as t}tl�e�rvvise des�ribed �n �his Se�tion 2, a�i pay�a�ents
<br /> �.cce����d and app�ied by Let�der sha11 be ap�t�cd in�h�follawing ort��r of priorxty: �a}in�eres�due under the Note;
<br /> �b}�x incipa�due un�.er�he No�e; �c)a��aounts due unde�•Scction 3. Such pay�nen�s shal�be applied to each Periodic
<br /> Pay�-nczat i��the ordcr�n wh�c��. i�becalne due. Any re�naini��g a�naur�ts shal�be applied fi�s��o �ate�harges, second
<br /> �o t�ny a�hex at��oun�s dL�e under�his Securi�y Zns�r��i��en�, a��.d the��ta x�educc the przncipa�1�alance af the Nc��e.
<br /> IF Lender �ecei�es �payz�a.�nt fra�al Bor�ower foz a delfnquent Periodic Pay�nent whi�h incluc�es a sui'�'icient
<br /> amaunt to pay any Iat� c��arge d��e, the payi��en��nay be a}�p�ied �o the de��n�«en�paytnent a��d�he Iate cha�ge, If
<br /> mare�han oz�e Periadic Pay���ent is outstanding, Lender ���.ay apply any paytnen� received from Boz rower to t�he
<br /> repayment of�he Per�odic Payments if, and to �he�x�en��ha�, eac��pay�-nen�can be paid in Ful1. Ta�he cxtent�ha�
<br /> any excess exis�s aTte�r�he payme���is applied to�he fu�i paymet��of one or m�re Periodic Paymen�s, such e�cess may
<br /> be applied to any la�e cha�•ges due. Valuntary prepay��lenls shall be applied�rs�to any pz epaytnent charges and ti�aen
<br /> �.s described in the N ote.
<br /> An�ap�licatiflr� of payt��ents, insurance praceeds, or Misce��aneous Proceeds to principal due under tt�e No�e
<br /> shall�lot extend o�•postipone the du�date, o�ch�nge the az�aount, or the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Fur�ds for E�crow ztems. B�rrower shall pay�o Lendei�on the day Periodic Pay�nents are due under�he
<br /> IVo�e, until the No�e is paid ir�fu11, a su�n(t��e "Funds"} t�provide Fo�r payt��en�of an�.ou�ts due for: �a}taxes and
<br /> assessn�r�nts and othcr iter��s which can attain prioz i�y oWez���i5 Sec�ir�ty�nstx u�n�nt.as a�ien or encu�nbxanc�on�he
<br /> Pi•�perty; �b}leasehold pay���en�s o�gro��nd re���s on t�.e Prnperty, if G�ny; and�c�pr�miulns For any and ai�insu�•ance
<br /> required by L�n�er under S�c�ion 5. These i�ems are called "Escrow 7�ems." At origination ox at any ti�ne durin�
<br /> the �Er11� of�he Loan, Lend�i• ���ay �•equire fl�at Coi��munity Association Dues, Fees, and Assessmen�s, if any, be
<br /> escrowed by Bot•rowcr, az�d �L�ch dues, fee� and assessna�nts sha.i� be an Escravv Item. Borrower shall pro�ll��ly
<br /> f'urnzsl� to Lene�er a�� notices of amaunts to be paid under �his Sect�on. Barrower shall pay Lender t���F�nds for
<br /> Escraw Items unless Lend�r u�aives Borrower's obligation t�p�iy�he Funds for any or all Escrow�ten�s, Le��der inay
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe Family-UNIF�RN! INSTRLIMENT �����g�C��
<br /> �Rev. �1��} Page 4 oF �4
<br /> �■�r� wr,�
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<br /> BANK Q42�86945
<br /> '�FMDEED ��Q8082399
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