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��14��354 <br /> Inspection. Lender ar i�s agent may mak� reasonab�e entries upan and inspe��ions of the Proper�y. L�nder sha�l <br /> give Borrawer notice a��he time af or prior�o an xnsp�c��on spec�fying reasona���cause far the insp�ction. <br /> �ondemnat�on. The praceeds of any award or claim for damages, dzrect ar�onsequential, in cannec�ion w��h any <br /> condemna��on or other�ak�ng of any par�of the Property, or f�r con�eyanc� �n lieu af condemnat�an, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha��be pazd to Lender. <br /> In the e�en� �f a ta�a� taking of the Pr�perty, �he pro�eeds shal� be applied ta �he sums s�cured by�his 5ecurity <br /> Ins�rumen�, whether or no� then due, v���h any exc�ss paid ta Barra�er. In �he even� of a par�ial �aking of�he <br /> Property in which�he fair marke�va�ue of the Proper�y immediately before �he �akxng �s equal to or grea�er than <br /> �he amoun� of�he sums secured by this Security �� i_mmed�ate�y before �he taking, unless Borr��er and <br /> Lender othervv�se agree�n vvr��ing, �he sums secured by�his Se�uri�y�nstrum�n�sha��b�reduced by�he amoun�of <br /> the proceeds mu���p���d by�he following fractian: �a}�he�o�al amoun�of the sums secured immed�a�ely before�he <br /> tak�ng, divided by �b� �he fa�r marke� �alue �f�h� Praperty immedxa�e�y b�fore the �ak�ng. Any balance shall be <br /> pazd�a Borrovver. �n the e�en� of a par��al tak�ng af�he Proper�y i.n. wh��h �he fa�r mark�t va�u� of�he Pr�perty <br /> immedia�ely bef�re the �ak�ng is �ess �han �he amoun� �f�he sums se�ured immed�ately befare the taking, LII�I�55 <br /> Barrower and L�nder o�herwzse agree in vvrz��ng�r un�ess App�xcab��Lav�otherwxse prov�des, �he prnceeds shall <br /> be applied�a the sums secur�d by this Securxty�nstrumen�whe�her or no��he sums are�hen due. <br /> If the Properfiy is abandon�d by Barr�vver, nr if, after no�ice by Lender to Barrovver�hat the �ondemx�.ar affers to <br /> make an award or settle a c�aim for damages, Borrawer fa��s t�respflnd ta Lender vvi�hin�he m�nimum number of <br /> �ays established by App�icable Law aft�r�h�da�e�he notice is given,L�nder is au�h�ri��d��co��ect and app�y the <br /> proceeds, at its option, ei�her to restara�ion or repazr of the Prv�er�y or �o �he sums secured hy th�s Secur��y <br /> Ins�rument,whe�her�r na��hen due. <br /> Un�es�Lender and Borr�v�er a�herv��se agree in wrz�in�, any application of proceeds�o pr�ncxpal sha�X n��ex�end <br /> ar pos�pone�he due da�e of the paymen�s due under the�ontrac�or change�he amoun�of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower N�� Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a '�'Va�ver. Extens��n �f �he ��me for paymen� or <br /> m�dif�ca��on af amor�izati�n of�he sums secured by �h�s Security Instrument granted by Lender�o B�rrow�r or <br /> any successor zn xn�eres� vf Barrawer shall na� operate �v release �he liabi�i�y of �he or�ginal Barrov�er or <br /> Borraw�r's success�rs in in�eres�. Lender sha��not be required�o comm�nce pr�ceedings agains�any su�cessor�n <br /> in�erest or refuse to ex�end�inae for paymen�or otherwise mfldzfy amor�iza�ion of the sums secured by�h�s Security <br /> Instrument by reas�n af any demand mad� �y �he ariginal Barrow�r ar Borr�wer's successors xn �n�eres�. Any <br /> for�earanc�by Lender in e�ercising any r�gh� or rem�dy sha��no�be a waiver of or prec�ude �he exer�ise of any <br /> righ�or remedy. <br /> Su�cessar5 and Assigns Bound; Joint and Severa� L�ab��ity; Accarnrnodat�on S�gners. The covenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s �f�his Security �nstrumen�shall bind and benefi�the successars and assigns �f Lend�r and Borrovver, <br /> subj ect ta �he provisx�ns of section �it�ed Tran�fer �f the Property or a Benef�cial Interest �n Bflrrow�r. <br /> Borrawer's c��enants and agreements sha��be jo�n�and s�veral. Any person who co-signs�his Secur�ty�nstru�men� <br /> bu� has no personal ��abi�x�y under �he �ontract �"A�commoda��an S�gn�r"�: �a� is co-szgn�ng �h�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrum.ent an�y �� mor�gage, gran� and convey that Accommodation Signer's in�eres� in �he Praper�y under th� <br /> �erms of the Security �nstrument; �b} is not persanally abliga��d �� pay the sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c} agrees�ha�Lender and any ather Barrawer may agree t� extendy modify, forbear ar make any <br /> a�commodations with regard ta the�erms of thxs Securit}�In�trument or the Contrac�wi�hou��hat Accommodat��n <br /> Signer's c�nsen�. <br /> Loan �harges. If th� Ioan secur�d by �h�s Security �nstrumen� is subject �o a �aw whxch s��s max�mum loan <br /> �harges, and that�aw �s finally �nterpreted s�that�he �n�eres��r ather loan charges collected or to be c�I�ec�ed in <br /> connectian with the Ioan exce�d the permit��d lim�ts, then: �a} any such �oan charge shal� b� r�duced by the <br /> am�un�nec�ssary�� redu���he charge tia�he permitted ��mits and�b} any sums a�ready collec�ed fram Borrower <br /> whzch exceeded permit�ed �zmits wi1� be r�funded �a Borrovver. L�nder may choose �o make thzs refund b� <br /> redu��ng�he prxnc�pal owed under the Con�ract or�by mak�ng a direc�paymen��� Borro�ver. �f a refund redu��s <br /> principal,the reduc�ian wz��be trea�ed as a par�ial prepaymen�under the Contract. <br /> Notices. Any nat�ce to B�rrower pro��ded for �n this Security �nstrument shall be given by deliverzra.g xt or by <br /> mazl�ng it b�first class max�un�ess App�zcab�e Lav�requ�xes use af ano�h�r method. The no���e sha11 be direc�ed to <br /> the Proper�y Address �r any a�her address Borrower desxgna�es �y notxce ta Lender. Barravver agrees �a provide <br /> Lender vvrth Borrvwer's most curren�mailing address, as i�may change frvm�ime-�o-��me. Any no��ce�� Lender <br /> shall b�g�ven by frst class mail�o Lender's address s�a�ed here�n�r any o�her address Lender designates by n�tice <br /> to Barrov�er. Any no�ice prav�ded far�n�his 5ecurzty Instrum.ent sha1l be deemed to ha�e been gi�en�o Borrow�r <br /> or Lender when gi�en as prov�ded in�his paragraph. <br /> Governing Lavv; Se�erability.Thxs Security�nstrument sha1l be governed b�f�deral law and the�aws of�he s�ate <br /> flf Ne�raska. �n the e�ent tha� any pro�zszon or clause of this Securit�y �nstrumen� or �he �ontract �onf�ic�s W�th <br /> App�z�able Lav�, such conflxc� shal� no� affect o�her�r�visx�ns of�h�s Securz�y �nstrumen� or�he Cantrac�which <br /> can�e gxven eff�c�vvi�hout the c�nflic��ng provisian. Ta this end the pravisions of�his Securz�y�nstrumen�and�he <br /> Contrac�are declared�o be sev�rable. <br /> Barrawer's Copy.Borrower shall be gx�en one copy of thzs Security�nstrument. <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Benefi�ial Interest zn Borrov+ver. �f al�or any par�of�he Property ar an�i.n�eres� <br /> �n i� is so�d or transferred (ar if a ben��c�ai in�er�s� in Borrower is sold ar transferred and Borrower �s no� a <br /> natura� pers�n} vWz�hou� Lender's �rz�r wr�tten consent, Lender may, at i�s optxon, requ�re immed�a�e paymen� in <br /> p�OQ4-2�13 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.9F9�-7Ci79-��13L2.4.72I <br /> Consumer Real Estate-5ecurity Instniment DL�03d Pa�e 3 of S <br />
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