<br /> fE.��l of all sums s�cured by �his Se�ur�ty �n�trument. However, th�s flpti�n sha11 not he exe�cised by Lender if
<br /> e��erc�se is prohihited by fed�ra�law as of�he date of�h�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�.
<br /> If Lender exerc�ses �hxs op�ian, Lender shall give B�rrower notice of ac�e�eratz�n. The na�ice shall provxde a
<br /> p�rifld of not less �han the min�mum number� of days es�ab��shed by Applicable Law from t�e da�e �h� notice is
<br /> deliv�red or mailed with.�n which Borrower �mus� pay al� sun�.s se�ured by �his Securi�y �ns�en�. �f Barrower
<br /> fails to pay th�se sums pr�or to th� exp�ra��a� of�his p�ri�d, Lender nzay �nvoke any remedi�s p�rm�t��d�y this
<br /> S�curity Instrumen�wi�hnut fur�her n��ice or demand on B�rr�wer.
<br /> Borrower's R�ght to Reinstate. �f Borrow�r meets ��r�ain condi�ions, Borro�er shal� have �h� rrg�t �o ha�e
<br /> enf��cement of th�s Security �ns�rumen� d�scon��nued a� any time prior to the earli�r�f: �a� 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> p�riod as Appl�cab�e Law may spe�ify for reinstatemen��before sale of the Property pursuan�to any po�er af sale
<br /> cantained �n �h�s Security Instru.men�; or �b� entry �f a judgmen� �nforcing this Security �r�strurn.�irn�. Those
<br /> cand��xons are tha� Borrower: �a� pays Lend�r all sums which �hen wou�d be due under this Security Z;�strumen�
<br /> and�he�on�rac�as if no acce�eratran had occ�rred;�b3 cures any defaui�of any o�her co�enan�s ar agree�n�nts;�c�
<br /> pays aI�expenses incurred in enforcing�his S�curi�y�nstrument, including,but no�Iimi�ed��,r�as�nable at�orn�ys'
<br /> f�es�a the ext�n�p�rm�t�ed by la�; and�d)takes such ac�ion as Lender may reasonably require to assure tha��he
<br /> Ii�n�f this Security�nstru�ment, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrovver's oblxgation to p�.y the surras s�cured
<br /> b�th�s Securxty Ins�rumen� sha�l continue unchanged. Upon reinstatem�nt by Borrovver, this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�
<br /> and�he obl�gatxans secured hereby sha�I rem�.in ful�y effective as �f no acc���rat��n had occurre�. �o�rever, this
<br /> r�,gh�to reinstate shal�no�apply�n�he case of acce�erat�on under�he sec�ian titled Transfer�f the Pro�ert�or a
<br /> Beneficia�Interest�n Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous Su�s�ances. Borrower sha��not�ause ar p�rmx��he pres�nce,use, disposal, stora��, or re�ease�f any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in�he Property.Borro�ver sha�l no�do,nor allov�anyone else to do,anythi�g affecting
<br /> the Praper�y that �s in v�olation of any En��ronmen�al Law. The preceding two sen�ences sha�� nat ap�1y �� the
<br /> presenc�,use,or starage on the Property of srmall quan�i�res of Hazardous Substan�es that are generally r�cognized
<br /> t��e appropria�e to normal residential uses ar�d to main�enan�e of the Prflp�r�y.
<br /> Borr��ver shall prampt�y give Lender writ�en�otice of any investigati�n,claim.,demand,lawsui�or ather a��ion by
<br /> any gfl�ernmen�al or regulatory agen�y or pri�a�e par�y invo�v�ng�he Properry a.nd any Haz�rdous Subs�an�� or
<br /> E�vironmental Law �f wh�ch Borrower has actua� knov�ledge. If Borr�Wer �earns, or �s notzf�d by any
<br /> ga�ernmental or regu�a�ory auth�rity,�hat any r�mo�al or��her rerned�a�ian of any Hazardaus Su�stanc�aff�c��ng
<br /> th� Property is necessary, Borrower sha�� promptly �ake aI� necessary remedial ac��ons �n accardance wx�h
<br /> E��iranmen�al Law.
<br /> As used �.n th�s paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are�hase su�s�an��s defx�.ed as�oxic or hazardous substances
<br /> �y Env�ronm�ntal Law and the fallov��ng subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, o�her f�ammable or toxxc petroleum
<br /> produ�ts, to�ic pes��cides and herbicrdes, ��la�ile solwen�s, ma�erials ��nta�n�ng asbestos �r formald��lyd�, and
<br /> radioac���e materials. As used zn th�s paragraph, "En�ironmenta�Law"means federal laws and�aws of�he state of
<br /> Nebraska�ha�re�a�e t�health,safety or en�ir�nmen�al pro�ec�ion.
<br /> Acce�eration; Remedies, Lender shali gi�e notice to Borrower prior to a�ce�era�ion fol�a�ing �orrower's
<br /> h�-each of any co�enant or agreement in th�s SeCur�ty InStrument or the Contract under wvh�ch a����eration
<br /> is permi��ed �but not prior to accelera��on und�r�he �ect�on titled Transfer of the Praper�y�r a Benef��ia�
<br /> Ir�teres� in Borrow�r, unless App�i�able Law pra�ides othervvise�. The nvt�ce shall speci��'y: �a} th� defau�t;
<br /> ��] the act�an required �o �ure the def�ult; tc� a date, not less than the minimum number of days
<br /> e�tablished by Applicahle Law fram the da�e the nat�ce�s gi�en to Borra�er, by which ��e defau��must be
<br /> �ured; and �d� that faxlure to cure the default on or before the date specified in �he �atice ma� re�u�t �n
<br /> aGce�eration of �h� sums secured by this S�cur�ty Instrumen� and sale of the Propertyo To �he �xtemt
<br /> p�rmitted by Iaw, �he notrce sha�l furthe�- �nform Borrovver of the right to re�nstate af�er acce�eration a�d
<br /> th.e right to br�ng a court ac��an to asser�the non-existence of a defau�t or any other defem5e af Borro�ver to
<br /> ��celeration a�d �a�e. If th�defau�t is no� �ured on or before the date spec�f�ed in the�ot��e,Len�er a� its
<br /> �ption may r��uire immediate payment i� fu�l af aIl �ums secured by �his Secur�ty Instrumen� w�thvut
<br /> f�rther demand and may invoke the povver af Sa�e and any other rem�d�es permitted b� ,A►.pp�icabl� Law.
<br /> T� the extent permitted by Ia�v, Lender s�al� be entitled to caliect al� expenses inc�rr�d �n pursuing the
<br /> r�medxes pro�ided in this Sect�on, inciud�n�, but not��mited to, reasonahle attorney5' f��s a�d costs�f����e
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If th� power of 5ale �s �nvoked, Trustee shal� recard a n�t�ce flf default i� each county in wh�ch any part�f
<br /> the Property is �ocated and shal�ma��copie5 vf such not��e in the manner prescr�bed by�ipp��eable Law to
<br /> Svrrower and to the o�her per�ons prescr�bed by Appl��ab�e Law. After �he �ime requ�red by A�plicab�e
<br /> L�w, Trustee �hall g�ve pub��c notice vf sa�e t� the persvn5 and in the manner pres�riued by A�pl�cab�e
<br /> L�w. Tru�tee,without dernand on Borro�ver,shall sell the Pr�perty a�public au�tion t�the h�gh��t b�dder
<br /> at�he time and place and under the terms des�gnated in�he notice of sa�e in one or mor��arc��s�nd in any
<br /> �rder Trustee de�ermines. Trustee may postpone sale of a�� ar any parcel vf the P�-op�rty by public
<br /> �nn�uncement at th��ime and place of any pre�iously s�heduled sale,Lender or its des�gne�may purchase
<br /> �he Property at any�aIe.
<br /> TJ�pon re�eipt of payment of the pri�e b�d, 'Trustee shall de�iver to the purChaser Trust�e's deed ��nveying
<br /> the Proper�y. The rec�tals in the Trustee�5�eed sha�l be prima facie evidence of the trut� of the st�tements
<br /> � rnad� therein. Trustee sha�� apply the prv�ee�ls of the sale in the fo�lowing arder: �a} to a�� costs and
<br /> �xpenses af exerc�sing the pvwer of sa�e, a�ld the sal�, �ncluding the payment of�he Tru�te�'s fe�s actually
<br /> �2Qfl4-2Q i 3 C�mpliance Systems,Inc.9F95-7CD9-2a 13L2.0.72I
<br /> Cansumer Reat Estate-Securi#y Instn�nraent DL203d Pa�e 4 af 5 www.carr�pIiattcesystems.com
<br />