<br /> A.pplicable Law. As use� in this Security �nstrumen�, �he �erm "Applicable Law" shal� n1e�.n a�I �ontrolling
<br /> a��p�rcable federal, state and ��caX statu�e�, regulations, ordinances and administrati�e rules a�1d orders �tha�have
<br /> th�effect of�aw�as we��as al�app�icab�e fn�.l,non-appealable judicia�op�n�ons.
<br /> Charges; I.�iens. Borrower shail pay a11 ta�es, ass�ssments, cha.rges, fnes and imp�si��an� a�trzbutalble to the
<br /> Proper�y wh�ch�nay at�a�n prior�ty o�er�his �ecurity Instrum�nt, and �easehold paymen�s �r��round r�r�ts, if any.
<br /> A.��he request of Lender,Barrower shall pr�x�p��y furnish to Lender receip�s e�idencing the payxr�ents.
<br /> B�orrower shal�promptly d�scharge any �ien wh�ch has privrity over th�s Secuari�y �nstrumen�un�ess B�rrawer: �a}
<br /> a�re�s in wri�ing ta the payment of�he �b��ga��on secured by the �ien in a manner accep�ab�e �� L�nder; (b}
<br /> c�n�ests �a good fai�h the I�en by, or defends agains� enforcement of�he lien �n, Iega� proceedix�.gs w��ch in th�
<br /> Lender's op�nion operate to pre�en� the enforcemen� of�he �ien; �r �c} secures from �he h�ider of�he lien an
<br /> a�r��men�satisfactory to Lender subordina�rng the �ien to �his Security Znstrument. �f Lender determ��s that any
<br /> p�.r� of th� Property is su��ec�to a lien whic�i may at�ain priority over�his Security Instrunle�.�, Lender may g��e
<br /> Borrower a notice ident�fy�ng the lxen. Borrovver sha�� satisfy�he l�en or take one or mflre of�he ac�io�� s�t forth
<br /> a�ove w�thin 1�days of the gi�ing of no�i�e.
<br /> �taz�rd ar Pr�perty Insurance. Borrower 5haI1 keep the impravements novv existing or her��after erec��ed on�he
<br /> Property insured aga�nst�ass�y f�re,ha.zards included with�n�he term "exter�d�d caverage" an�d any other hazards,
<br /> ir�cludirzg floods or flaoding, for which Lender requires insurance. Th�s insuran�e shall b� rr�ain�a�ed in �he
<br /> amounts and for�he p�rxods that Lend�r requ�res. The insurance carrier prfl��ding the insuranc�.shall�e�chosen by
<br /> Borrovwer subject �a Lender's approval vvhic�i shall no� �e unreas�nab�y withheld. Zf Borr�v��er fails t� main�ain
<br /> co�erage descrxbed abave, Lender may, a� Lender's optzon, obtain caverage �a protec� L�nder's righ�s xn �he
<br /> Proper�y in acGQrdance with sect�on�i�Ied Pratectian of Lender'�Rfgh�s in the Property.
<br /> A1� insurance pol�cies and renewa�s shal� be accep�ab�e �o Lender and sha�� inc�ude a s�andard martg�.�e clause.
<br /> Lender shall have�he right to ho�d the polici�s and renevva�s. �f Lender requires, Borrower sh�all promp�ly give�o
<br /> Lender all receip�s �f paid premzums and renewal no�ices. �n�he e�ent af loss, Borrav�er shal;l g��e prompt no��ce
<br /> �a�h�xnsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of�ass�f nat made promp�ly by Btarrower.
<br /> Unless L�nder and Borrov�er otherw�se agr�e in writing, insurance proceeds sha�l be appli{�d t� res��ra�ion or
<br /> repa�r of th� Prop�rty damaged, if, �n Lender's s��e discre��on, the res�oratxon or repair is ecanomi�a�I� feasible
<br /> and JLen�er's securi� is not lessened. 7f, �n Lender's sole discre�ion, the restoration or repair is no� econoxnica�ly
<br /> f�asible or Lender's securi�y�vould be�essened,the insurance proceeds sha�l�e app��ed�a�he s.ums se��a.red by this
<br /> S�curxty �ns�rum�n�, whether or no� th�n d�e, w��h any excess pa�d t� B�rrower. If Borrower aband�ns �he
<br /> P�operty, ar does na�ans�er within th�numb�r of days prescribed by Appl�cabl�Lavv as set forth�n a no�rce from
<br /> L�nder to Borrower that the insurance carr�er has �ff�red ta set�le a clarm,then Lender may�ol�ect�he znsurance
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use�he proceeds �o repaxr ar restore the Properry or ta pay sums secured by this Securxty
<br /> zz�strument,vvhether or nat then due.The period of���ne f�r Borro�er to answer as set for�.�n�he notice a�v11�b�g�n
<br /> when the no���e is g��en.
<br /> L�n��ss Lender and Barrflwer o�herwise agree in vvrx�ing, any app��ca�ion�f pro�eeds�o princ�pa� shal�not ext�nd
<br /> fl�•postpan�the due date af the paymen�s due under th� Con�rac�or change the amaunt of the payments. �f und�r
<br /> �he section�i���d Acce�eration; Remedies, t�� Fraperty �s acquired by Lender, Borrov�er's r��ht�o any �nsurance
<br /> policies and proceeds resul�ing frflm damage to �he Proper�y prior�o �he acquis��ion sha�l pa�ss to Lender ta the
<br /> e�ten�of�he sums secured by this Security�nstrument�mmed�ately pr�or tn the acquis�t�an.
<br /> P;res�r�at�on, Ma�nt�nance and Pro�ect�o� of the Praperty; Borrvwer's Loan Appiic.a���n; L�aseho�ds.
<br /> B{orr�wer sha��not d�s�roy, damage or�mpair the Proper�y, al�ow the Property to deteriora�e, �r��mmi�was�e on
<br /> th�Property.Borrower sha���e in default if any f�rfeitu.re act�on tir proceeding,whether civil or�r��ninal, is begun
<br /> �hat �n Lender's gflod fa�th�udgment cou�d r�sult in farfe�ture of�he Property or ��herwise rrnaterially i�mpair the
<br /> �ien �rea�ed �by �hrs Se�uri�y �ns�rument or Lender's s�currty interes�. Borr�wer may cure such a d�faul� and
<br /> reinsta��, as provided in sec�xon titled Borrower�s Right to Re�nState, by causing the ac�ion �r praceeding to be
<br /> dism�ssed with a ru�xng tha�, �n Lender's good fai�h det�rmiriation,precludes f�rfeiture of�he B�rrow�r's znterest in
<br /> the Prap�rty nr other material impairmen� of�he l�en created by th�s Security rnstrument o�r Lender'� secur��y
<br /> interes�.Barro�rer shall also he�n defau���f B�rrower,dur�ng the loan applica��on pr�cess,ga��materia��y fa�se or
<br /> inaccurate information ar s�at�ments �fl Lender �or fail�d �o pro��de Lender v�ith any ma�e��ial informati�n� ir�
<br /> cannec�ian with th� loan evidenced by�he Contrac�, rf�his Secur�fiy Inst�-ument is on a Ieaseh��d, Borr�vver shall
<br /> �amp�y w��h a1�the pro�isions of�he�ease. If Borraw�r acquires fee title to�he Property,the leaseh�ld and the fee
<br /> �itle shall no�merge un�ess Lend�r agre�s to t�e merger�n vwriting.
<br /> �Pro��ction of Lender's R�ghtS zn the Property. �f Borrow�r fazls �o perform th� cavena�ats and agreements
<br /> c�nta.ined in th�s Security Instrument, or there �s a lega�proceed�ng�hat may signxfcantly affe��LenderR�r�gh�s in
<br /> th� Proper�y �such as a proceeding in �ankruptcy, probate, for condemna�xon ar forfeiture �r�o enfor�� Iaws ar
<br /> regulatinns�, �hen Lender may da and pay far wha�ever rs necessary �o pra�ect the va�ue af�he Property and
<br /> L�nder's rzghts ix�the Proper�y.Lender's ac�ions may inc�ude paying ar�y sums secured by a I�er�which has priority
<br /> aver�his Security Instrument, app�aring in�ourt,paying reasanable at�orneys'fees and enter��g on�he P�•operCy to
<br /> m.ake repairs.AX�hough Lender may take ac�ion under t��s sectifln,Lender daes na�have�a d��o.
<br /> A��y amoun�s dzsbursed by Len�.er under this section shal� become addi�i�nai debt of Borra�ver secur�d by �his
<br /> S�curity �nstrumen�. Unless Bo�r�wer and L�nder ag�ee to ather t�rms of payment, �hese �m�un�s shal� bear
<br /> �n�erest frflm �he da�e of dis�ursemen� a� �he same ra�e assessed on ad�ances under �he �ontr�.ct and shall �be
<br /> payable,v�ith znter�st,upfln no���e from Lend�r ta Borrflwer requesting paymen�.
<br /> �2004-2Q 13 Cvmp�iance Systems,Inc,9F9d-7CD9-2�13L2,�.721
<br /> Corsumer Rea�Estate-Security Tnstrument DL2D3& Page 2 of 5 www.complian�esystems.cam
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