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��14����5 <br /> �ver�h�s Secur���nstrument, appear�ng zn.court,payxng reasanabie at�orneys'fees and entering on�he Proper�y�� <br /> �make repa�rs.A��hough Lender may�ake a����n u�der th�s section,Lender does n�t ha�e�o d�sa. <br /> Any amflun�s disbursed by Lender under �his sect�an shall became add�ti�nal �.�h� of B�rrov�er secured by this <br /> S�curr�y �ns�rumen�. Unless Borr�v�er and Lender agree �o �ther �erms of paym�ent, �hese am�unts shail bear <br /> in�eres�fr�m�the da�e fl�d�sbursemen�at the Note ra�e and sha�I be payable,v���h�nteres�,upon na�i�e fr�m Lender <br /> to Bvrrov�rer reques��ng payment. <br /> Mortgage Insurance. If Lend�r requ�red mor�gage insuran�� as a condi�ion of mak�ng the ��an secured by �h�� <br /> Security�,Borr�v�rer shall pay the premiums required fifl ma�ntazn the mor�gage insurance�n effect. �f,far <br /> any reason, the m�r�gage xnsurance �aWerage requ�red by Lender �apses or ceases�o be xn effec�, Barravver shaii <br /> pay the prem.�ums requxred to t�btiain coverage subs�an��aX�y equi�a�en� �o the mar�gage insurance prev��us�y in <br /> effec�, a� a cos� subs�antial�y equ�va�ent to �he cos� to Bt�nrawer of the mar�gage xnsurance pre�iflus�y �n e�'fec�, <br /> fr�m a.�a��erna�e m�r�gage�nsurer appraved by Lender. �f substant�aily equiva�ent mar�gage�nsurance co�erage is <br /> not a�aiiable, Barrov�er sha�� pay �a L�nder each manth a sum equal �o ane-�vweXfth af the yearly mor�gage <br /> insurance premium be�r�.g paxd by Borrower when�he �nsurance coverage �apsed or ceased�o be �.n effect. Lender <br /> w�i� accep�, use and r��ain these payments as a 1�ss reser�e xn i�eu of mar�gage �nsurance. Lass reser�e payments <br /> may no I�nger be requ�red, at �he op��on �f Lender, �f mar�gage insurance c��erage �in �he amaun� and far the <br /> per�od tha�Lender requ�res�prov��ed by an xnsurer appr��ed by Lender again bec�rn�s a�ailab�e and is ob�ained. <br /> Borrovver sha�I pay�he prem�ums required�o mainta�n�rnar�gag� insuran�e in effect, or to pra��de a �oss reserve, <br /> unt�I �he require�m�nt for mnr�gage �nsurance ends �n ac�ardance wi�h any v�r�tten agreement be�v�reen B�nrower <br /> and Lender ar App�icabie Lav�r. <br /> Insp�ct�on. Lender or x�s agent may make reasonab�e entries upon and inspec��ons�nf�h� Prope�-ty. Lender sha�� <br /> g�ve Sarrav�er no��ce a��he��mre af or pr�or�o an�nspeGtion specifying reasonab�e cause f�r�he znsp�ction. <br /> Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or��arm for damages, direc�or consequentia�, in connec��an�vith any <br /> �ondemna�ion or fl�her�a��ng af. any part�f the Prflperty, or for�onveyance in �ieu of candem�nation, are �xereby <br /> ass�gned and shal�be pa�d tfl�Lender. <br /> �n the e�en� flf a tota� �aking af�he Pr�perty, �he praceeds shaIl be app��ed �o �he sums secured by this Se�ur�ty <br /> �n.strument, vvhe�her or not then due, w��h any excess paid t� B�rrav�er. �n the ev�nt �f a par��al �aking of�he <br /> Property in v�hich the faxr mar�et �a�ue �f the Prap�r�y �mmed�a��ly before the �aking xs equa��o flr grea�er than <br /> �he amaun� of the sums secured by this Security �nstrumen� �mmed�a�ely befare�he takxng, un�ess B�rr�vsrer and <br /> Lender otherw�se agree�n�ri��ng,�he sum�s secured by th�s Secur�ty�nstrum�nt sha��.be redu�ed by the amount of <br /> the proc�eds mult�plied by the fo���wing frac�i��: �a��he�ota�am�unt of the sums secured�rnmediate�y befare�he <br /> �aking, d�vTded b� �b) the fair market �atue ��the Pr�per�y immed�ately bef�re the.�aking. Any balance shaX� be <br /> paid �a Borrv�er. In the e�en� of a part�a� �aking of th� Praperty �.n which the fair market �a�ue �f the Pr�per�y <br /> immed�a���y before �he �s �ess �han �he amoun� of the sum�s secured immediate�y bef.ore �he �akrng, un�ess <br /> Bflrrov�er and Lender��herw�s�agree in wr�t�ng ar un�ess A�p��cab�e Law otherwise prov�des, �he prflceeds sha�l <br /> be applied�o the sums secured�y this Secur�ty Instrumen�whether or not�he sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�he Property�s abandoned by B�rro�er, or if, after no�ice by Lender�� Barrav�er��ha��he condemnor offers�n <br /> make an av�ard or set�ie a��aim for damages, Borrawer faiIs�o respond �o Lender wzthin the m�n�m�um number of <br /> days establxshed by App�icable Law a�ter�he date��e notice xs gi�en,Lender�s au�hor�zed�o ca�lec�and app�y�he <br /> pr�ceeds, at its op��on, ei�h�r �a restorat�on or repa�r af�he Propert� or �a the sums secured by th�s �ecurxty <br /> �ns�rumen�,whe�her vr nat�hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Bnrrflwer o�her�vise agr�e �n vvriting, any applica��on of pr�ceeds ta principal sha�i n�t ex�end <br /> or pastpone �he due da�e of�he payments referred tfl �n �he sec�ion t���e�. Payment of Pr�ncipa� and Interest; <br /> Prepayrnent and La�e�harge��r�hange�he amaun�of su�h payments. � <br /> Borrawer Nnt Released; Farbearance By Lender No� a �a�ver. E��ens��n af �he tiume for paym�ent or <br /> mfldifca�ion �f amar���ation of�he sums secured by th�� Secur��y �ns�rumen� gran�ed by Lender tio Borrflwer �r <br /> any success�r �n �n�erest �f Borro�ver shall no� flpera�e �a re�ease �he Iiab�l�ty �f �he origina� Sorrawer or <br /> Borrov�er's success�rs in �n�erest. Lender shal�nflt be r�qu�red�o com�n�nce proceedings against any success�r�n <br /> interes��r refuse�o�xtend t�me far paymen��r ath�rvv�s�modify amortizat��n af�h�sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument �y reas�n �f any dernand made by the origina� Borrnwer �r Borro�er's successars �n interest. Any <br /> farbearance by Lender �n exercis�ng a�y r�ght ar remedy sha�i nat be a�va��er af�r preclude �he exerc�se of any <br /> righ�or rem.edy. , <br /> Successors and Assig�s Baund; Jo�nt and S�veral L�ab�iity; Acc�mmodatian S�gners. The c��enan�s and <br /> agreements of�h�s Secur�ty Ins�ru�rnen� shal�bxnd a�.d benef�the successors and ass��ns of Lender and Borrvv�er, <br /> subjec� ta �he pravis�ons of se���on ���led '�"'ransfer �f the �'r�perty or a Benef�c�a� Interes� �n Svrrov�er. <br /> Borrower's co�enan�s and agreemen�s shaX�be jflint and several.Any persan vvho co-signs�h�s Secur�ty�nstrumez�� <br /> bu� daes no� execu�e the N��e �"Acc�mmodat�on S�gner"}: �a) �s �fl--s�gn�ng �h�s Securz�y �ns�rumen� on�y �fl <br /> mar�gage, grant and con�ey tha�Accomm�da�ion Signer`s �nteres��n�he Proper�y under�he�errns �f the Secur��y <br /> Instrum�nt; �b� is nat personai�y ab�iga�ed to pay�he sums secured by�h�s Securxty�nstrument; and[c} agrees�hat <br /> Lender and any other B�rro�er�nay agree to ex�end,rnodify, farbear flr make any acc��nm�dations��th regard to <br /> the�erms of this Secur�ty�ns�rumen�ar�he Note w�th�u��ha�Accvmmodat��n Si�;ner's con�ent. <br /> i.aan Charges. �f�h.e �oan.secured b� �his S�cur�ty Instrurn�en� is subjec� �� a �avv wh�ch se�s max�mum Ioan <br /> charges, an�.�ha�lavv�s fina��y �nt�rpre�ed so�hat�he �nterest or o�her�oan charg�s ��lIected or t�be cfl��ec�ed in <br /> cannectifln v�i�h �he �oan exCeed �he permitted �zm��s, �hen: �a� any such �oan charg� sha�i be reduc�d by tihe <br /> amflun�necessary�a reduce the charge �o�he perm�t�ed ��mi�s and(b} any sums already Co��ec�ed from Barrower <br /> C�2a04-2�I3 Cvmpiiance Systems,�nc.�F96-Z49d-2�F 3L2,a,72l <br /> Cansurner Rea�Estate-SecUrity Instnrment DL2�35 Page 3 a�'6 <br />