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. ��14����5 <br /> Payment�f Prxncipal and Interest;Prepayment and La�e�harg�s.B�rrower sha�1 promptly pay when due th� <br /> princ�pal of and interes� an the deb� evid�nce�d by t�e �o�e and any prepaymen� and �a�e cha�ges due �nder�he <br /> A���icable La�v. As used in �his Security �nstrument, �he term "Applicable Law" shall mear� aIl cantr��l�.ng <br /> p� <br /> app�i�ahle federal, state and �oca� s�atutes, re�;u�a��ons, �rdinances and adrninistrative rules and�rders ��ha�ha�re <br /> t�e effec�of lav�}as well as aIl app�i�a��e fina1.,non-appealal��e�udicxal op�nions. <br /> �ipp��cat�an of Payments. Unless Applicable Lav�pr��v��es athe�-v�rise, al�payments_rece�ved by Lender sha�I be <br /> �p�l�ed: first, t� any prepayment charges due un�er the No�e; secand, to Ynte�es� due; third, to principal due; and <br /> las�,to any la�e�harges due under�he Note. <br /> Charges; Lien�. B�rrawer shall pay a�1 tax�s, assessm�en�s, �harges, fines and imposi��ons at�ributa�b�e t� �he <br /> Pr�perty which may at�a�n priority�ver�h�s Se�ur�ty�nstrunnen�, and leaseha�d payments or ground rent�, if any. <br /> �nrr�vver sha���ay these obl�ga�ions an�ime �nd dir�ctly���he person awed pa�ment. At�he r�ques�o�Lender, <br /> Borrovver sha11�ramptl�furnish�o Lender rec��p�s e�id�ncing the payments. <br /> Borrower sha�l promp��y dzscharge any lien�hi�h has pri�r�ty o�er this Securi�r Instrument un�ess Borrov�er: �a) <br /> a�rees in wr���ng to �he payment of�he ab�igatio� secured �y the lien in a manner accepta�b�e to Lender; �b� <br /> con�es�s in good fai�h�he lien by, or defends agains� �nfor���.ent �f the lien in, legai proceedings v�hich �n the <br /> Lender's op�nxon aperate to prevent �he enforce�nent �f�he ��en; or �c� secures f.roxn the h�lder �f t�� lien an <br /> agreemen�sat�sfac�ory to Lender subordinat�ng�he lien to�his Securi�y Inst�ument. �f Lender de�erm�nes�hat any <br /> part af the Pr�perty �s subj ect�o a �ien wh�ch may at�ain priarity o�er�his Se�urity�ristrument, Lender may g��e <br /> B�rrower a no�ice �dentifying�he l�en. Borrotiver shall sa�isfy the �ien or�ake one or mare af the actions se�forth <br /> abave vv�th�n 1�days of the g�ving of notice. <br /> I3azard ar Pr�perty Yn�urance. Borrov�er sha�1 keep the impro�emen��n�w e�is�ing or h�reafter erected on�he <br /> �'roperty insured agains���ss by fire,hazards�nciud�d�i�hin the�errn"extended c�verage" and any o�her ha�ards, <br /> in�luding floods or flooding, f�r which Ler�der requires insL�rance. This insu�ance sha1� be mainta��ed in �he <br /> amflun�s and fo�the p�riods tha�Lender requi�es. The insurance carri�r pravid�ng the�nsurance sha�1 be chasen by <br /> �orr�vver subject ta Lender's approva� v�hicr► sha11 n�� be unreas�nab�y withheld. �f Barravv�r fa�Is �o main�ain <br /> ��verag� described ab�ve, Lender ma�, a� :Lender's opt��n, obta�n �average to protec� Lender's right� in the <br /> �'ro�erty�n acc�rdance wi�h secti�n�itled Pro�ectian�f L�nder'�Rights in�he Property. <br /> A�1 insurance po�ic�es and renev�a�s shal� be �cceptab�e to Lender and shal� �nclude a s�anda�-d m�r�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender sha�l have the righ�to hold�h�p�lic�es and renewa�s. If Lender r�quires,Borrov�rer sha�l prompt�y give�a <br /> Lender a��receipts af paid prenl�ums and ren�wa�na��ces. ��the event of loss, Borrower shal�give pr�mpt notice <br /> �o the insurance carr�er and Lender.Lender may make proof of�flss�f not made pr�mptly by Borrower. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrawer o�I�erw�se agree � writing, insurance pra�eeds shall be apptied �� restarati�n or <br /> repa�r vf the P�operCy darnaged, if, �n L�nde�'s sole d�scre��on, the restara�i�n vr repair is ec�nom�cal�y feasib�e <br /> �nd Lender's security is n�� lessened. If, in Lender's so�� discreti�n, �he restoration or repair is not ecanomical�y <br /> feasible ar Lender's s�curity v�ould be lessened,the insurance praceeds sha�l be applied to the su�ns secur�d�y�his <br /> Security ��, whether ar nat then due, with any excess paid ta Barrvw�r. �f B�rr�wer abandons the <br /> Pr�perty,or daes not answer v���h�n the numb�r of days prescribed by App�icab�e Law as set f�rth in a nv�ice from <br /> Lender to Burr�vver that the insurance carrier has�ffered�� sett�e a c]aim, ��en Lender may col�ec�the �nsuranc� <br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds �o re�pair �r restore �he Praperty or��pay sums secured by�h�s Securi�y <br /> �ns�tru.ment,vvh�ther�r nfl��hen due.The period of�ime for Borrower to ansvver as se�forth in the noti���viX�beg�n <br /> wh�n the na�i�e�s g��en. <br /> IJnless Lender ar�d Borrower o�herwise agree ���srr�ting, any app�icati�n of proceeds�o prin�ipa� sha�l n�t e�.tend <br /> or p�stpane th� due da�e of the payments referred �� iri �he sec��on ti��ed Payment of Pri��ipal and Interest; <br /> Prepayment and Late Charges or change the axmount af�he payments. �f under the section���led A�celeration; <br /> Remedies, �he Prvperty is a�quxr�d by Lender, B�rrower's rig���o any insura�rce�oli�ies and praceeds resu���ng <br /> from damage�o the Properry pr�or tv�he acq���sitian sha1�pass to Lender to�e exten��f th�sun�s se�ured by th�s <br /> S��urity�nstrumen�immed�ately priar to the a��quisit�o�. <br /> Preser�ation, Maintenance and Pratection of the Property; l3orrawer'� Loan Appl�cat�on; L�aSeholds. <br /> Borrov�er sha�l no�des�r�y, damage or impair�he Pr�perty, a�low the Praper�y to deteriorate, or c�mmit waste on <br /> �he Property. Borr�wer shal�be in default�f any farfeiture ac��on or proc�eding,v�hether c�vi1 or crimina�,is begun <br /> that in Lender's ��od fa��h judg�nen��ou1d resu�t in farfei�ure �f th� Property or o�:herw�se ma�erially impair the <br /> �i�n created b� �his Security �nstrumen� or Lender's securit� �n�erest. B�rr�wer rri.ay cure such a defau�t and <br /> reinstate, as pr�vi�.ed�n section��tled Borro►�ver�s Right to Reinst�te, by causing the actia�or proce�ding t�be <br /> d�sn��ssed with a rul�ng�hat, �n Lender's good faith de�er�mination,p�-e�ludes fnrfe�ture of the Borrower's in�erest in <br /> t�� Praper�y or �ther materia� �mpairmer�t a�f�he lien �reated h� this Securi�y �nstrument �r �ender's security <br /> in�eres�.Borro��r shal�a�so be in defaul��f Burrflwer,duririg�he�oa�1 appli�a�ion process,gave ma�erially false or <br /> ir�a�curate �nf�rmation �r sta�ements t� Len+�er �or fa��ed �n pr���de Lend�r with any �naterxal �nf�rrna�ion� in <br /> conr�ect�on v�r�th the loan e�idenc�d by the N��e. �f th�s Secur��y �nstrum�n� is on a leasehold, Borro�er shall <br /> comply with a�l�he prov�sions of�he �ease. If Borrower acqu�res fee�itle�o the Praperty,�he leaseh��d and the fee <br /> �i�le shall not merge un��ss Lender agrees��t��e merger�n vv�-iting. <br /> Protecti�n of Lender's Righfs in the Pro���rty. �f Barra�er f�.i�s to perform the �o�renan�s and agreements <br /> c�ntaine�.in�his SecurYty�nstru�nent, or ther� �s ��egal praceeding tha�nlay s�gn�fcan�ly affect Lender's rights in <br /> �he Property �su�h as a praceed�ng in bankrup�cy, praba�e, fQr c�ridemnation or f.orfeiture �r�o enforce �aws ar <br /> regulat�ons}, then Lender may do and pay �or wha�ever is necessary to pro�ec� the �ralue �f�he Property and <br /> Lender's r�ghts in�he Property.Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien vvh�ch has pri�r�t�r <br /> �24�4-2fl 13 Cam�Iiance Systems,Tnc.9F9d-249d-20I3L2.0.7�1 <br /> Cans�mer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2a36 Fage 2 c�f b v;rww.Gomp� <br />