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��14����5 <br /> v�hich exceeded perm�t�ed Iim��s wi�l be refunded �fl B�rro�er. Lender may chaose ta make �his r�fund 1�y <br /> reducing the principal ovv�ed under �he �o�e or by making a direct �ayment to B�rr��er. �f a refund reduces <br /> prin�xpa�,�he reduc�i��wi�l�b��rea�ed as a par�ial prepayme����thout any prepayment charge under the Nate. <br /> �otices. Any n�tice t� B�rravver pr���ded it�r �n th�s �ecurilGy� �nstrument shall be g�ven by de����ring it or by <br /> mail�ng it by firs�c�ass mai�unless App�icab�e Law re�uires use of an��her method. T�e no��c�sha�l be d�rec�ed to <br /> �he Property Address or ar��r other address Ba��-rawer designat�s by nat��e t� Lender. Barrov�er agrees �fl pra�ide <br /> Lend�r�v�th B�rro�ver's most current mailing address, as �t�nay change from t�me-�o-��me. A.ny notice to Lender <br /> sh�ll be gir�en by f�rs���ass mail to Lender's adldress s�a�ed here�n or any ather ad�ress Lender designa�es by n�tice <br /> to Borra�er. Any na�i�e prav�ded f�r in th�s �►ecur�ty�nstru�nent shall be deemed�o hav�been given to BorrQwer <br /> or Lender�hen gi�ren as provided in this para�raph. <br /> �vWerning Law; �e�erab��ity.Th�s Secu�ity�nstrurnent shall be g�verned by federa��aw and the�av�s af the s�a�e <br /> nf Nebraska. �n the e�ent that any pro�is�on or c�ause �f�his Se�ur��y �nstru�m�ri� ar �he N��e canfl�c�ts with <br /> Appli�able Law,such conflic�shal�n��affect�ther pra�visions of this Secur�ty�ns�rumen�ar the N��e�hich can be <br /> gi�ren effect withflu��he c4nfli��ing pro��si�n. To�h�s end the pro�isivns of this Secur��y Instrurnent and�he N��e <br /> ar�dec�ared t��e se�erable. <br /> �arrovver's��p�.Borrovver sha�1 be gi�en one capy of th�s Security Instrum�nt. <br /> Transf�r�f th�Praper�y ar a �3eneficial In��ere�t in Bvrrower.�f a�l or any par�of the Proper�y or any�nterest <br /> in �� �s sold or �ransferred �or xf a beneficia� interes� in Borrower �s so�d or transf�rred and Borrvvver is no� a <br /> na.tural p�rs�n� unless �he No�e shaws �h�t Borrawer's loan is assumab�e, Lender may, at its aptx�n, r�quire <br /> immediate payment �n full of a�l su�m.s secured by this Security ��strument. Ho�ve�er, th�s optian shall no� be <br /> ��ercised by�ender�f ex�rcise �s pr�hibi�ed�by federal lav�as af�he da�e�f th�s Security Instrumen�. �f the N��e <br /> shflws�ha�Bonovver's l�an is assuma�le,Bvr��ower xnu��obtain Lender's�vrit�en permiss�an for an assumpti�n and <br /> follavsr any ather requiremen�s of Lender re�at�d t�an assump�i�n.�f Borrov�er d�es no�do so,Lender may requ�re <br /> ammedia�e payment in fu1�af a1I sums secured by this Se�uri�.y�nstrument. <br /> If L�nder exer�ises th�s opti�n, Lender sha��� g�ve B�rrov��r noti�e af acce�erati�n.. The n��ice sha�i pr�vide a <br /> period of no� 1�ss than the min�mum number of days established �y Applicab�e Lav� from $he da�e the natice is <br /> �eli�rered �r m�.�led v��th�n vvh�ch B�rr�wer mus� pay ail sums secured by �his Securi�y Ins�rum.ent. If BorrovWer <br /> fa��s �o pay these sums pr� the expira��on �f�h�s per�od, Lender may inv�ke an�reme���s permi�t�d by�his <br /> Se�urity Instrume�t vc��thtiut fur�her n��ice or demand on B�rravver. . <br /> ��rrower'S R��ht to Reinstate. �f Borr�w�r mee�s cer�ain canditi�ns, Borrow�r shal� ha�� th� right to ha�e <br /> �nfarcement of�his Security �nstrument discQntinued a�any t�me pri�r ta�he earlier�f: �a} 5 days �or such other <br /> perioc�as Appl�cab�e Lavv may spec�fy far re�x�s�atemen�� before sa�e�f�he Praperty pursuant�o any pa�rer�f sa�e <br /> con�a�ned in �hzs Security �ns�rument; �r �b} entry of a judgmer�� enforcing th�s Security �nstrum��t. Those <br /> �vndx�ians are �hat Borr�wer: �a� pays Lend�r a�1 sums which �hen would be due under this Security �nstrument <br /> and the No�e as if n� acceleration had �ccur�ed; �b} cures an� defau�� of a�y other�ovenants or agreemen�s; ��� <br /> pays all expenses xn�urred in enf�rcing this S�cur�ty Instrument, incluc�ing,but n�t Iimi�ed ta,r�asanable attorneys' <br /> fees�o�he ext�n�permit�ed by law; and�d}��kes such ac��on as Lender may reasona�Iy requ�re to assu�e�tha��he <br /> li�n of�h�s Secur�ty Instrumen�,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrov�rer's ab�iga�i�n��pay the su�ns secured <br /> b�this Se�uri�r Instrumen� shall cantinue unchanged. Up�n reinstatemen� by Borrovver, this �ecurity Ins�rumen� <br /> and �he obligations secured hereby sha�l rem�in fu�l� effec�ive as �f no acce�era��on had o�curred. Ho�e�er, �his <br /> righ�to reinstate shal�not app��in the case of acce�era���n under th�section�i�Ied Transfer of�he Pr�p�rfy�r a <br /> ��ne�cial Int�r�st in B�rrower. <br /> Sale of Nvte ChangQ �f Loan Ser�i�er. Trie Note or a par�ia� interes� in the No�� (�ogeth�r �vzth�hi� Se�ur��y <br /> �nstrument�m�y be s�ld one or more�imes w��hout prior notice to��rravver. A sale may resu�t iri a change in�he <br /> entity ��v�n as the "Lflan Serv�cer"� �hat cfl�Iects peri�d�c payments due under the Not� and this Security <br /> �nstrum.ent.Th�re also may be flne or more chan�es of the Loan Servic�r unrela�ed tv a sale af�he No�e.�f there is <br /> a change flf�he Loan Serv�cer,Iiorrow�r v�ill be g�ven wri��en�atice of the change in accordance vvith the sec��an <br /> ti�led N�t�c�s and Ap�licable Lavv. The no�ice vsril� state �he name and address �f the nevv L�an Servi��r and the <br /> a�dress ta wh��h payments should be �nad�,. Th� no�ice vvil� also �flntain any other inf�rmati�n requ�red by <br /> Applicab�e Lav�. <br /> �azardous Substances.Borrower shall no�c�ause or perm���he presence,use, disposal, st�rage, nr re�ease af any <br /> Ha�ardaus Su�stances on ar in the Properfiy.Borr�vv�r shall n�t d�,n�r a�low anyan�e�se��d�,anyth�ng affecting <br /> th� Properry tha� �s in v�ola�ion �f any En�i��anmen�al Lav�. The preceding two sen�ences shall not a�p�y to �he <br /> p�esenc�,use,�r storage on�he Property�f sma�l quan�i�ies�f Hazardous Substan�es tha�are generally recognized <br /> �o b�appropri�.�e to n�rma�residen�ial uses and t�main�enar�ce❑f�:he Proper�r. <br /> Borrower shall pramp�ly gi�e Lender v�ritten no�ice af any investiga��on,c�a�rn,demand,lav�s��t or a�her a�tion b� <br /> an� go�ernmen�al �r�regula�or� agency vr p�-ivate party �n�a�v�ng �he Prop�rry and any Hazardaus Su�s�ance or <br /> Environmenta� Law �f wh�ch Barrovver h��.s actual 1�r�owledge. If Borrawer learns, or is na�ifi�d by any <br /> g��ernmen�al or regulator�auth�r��y,tha�any remo�al or�ther ren�ediation�f any Hazardous Substanc�affec�ing <br /> �he Propert�y �s necessary, B�rrower shall pro�nptly �ake a�� necessa�y remedia� ac�ions in accordan�e �i�h <br /> En�iranmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Subst�.nces" ar��hase substances defined as toxic ar hazardous su�stances <br /> b�r En�ironme�a�al Lav� and the fo��owing subs�ances: gas�line, kerosene, other f�am.xnal��e or �axrc petr�leum <br /> products, toxi� pesticides a�d herbicides, �c�la��le solven�s, ma��ria�s �ont�.ining asbestos �r f�rmald�hyde, and <br /> C�2004-2013 Compliance Systems,In�.9F95-�496-2413L�.fl.72i <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Secu�i#y Instr�,�ment DLZ03d Page 4�f d �rww.corr�pliar�cesystems.cor� <br />