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��14���1� <br /> �EEi� �F T�L��T <br /> _ <br /> Loar� iVo: ���'i�74� 4���1t��u�d} �ag� � <br /> Insecur�ty. L�nder in g��d�aith believes�tse[f insecure. <br /> Existing Indebtedness. The payment vf any installment vf pr�ncipa[ or any in�erest on the ExEsting Inde�t�dness is <br /> not made within the tim� required by�he promiss�ry no�e eWidencing such ind�htedness, or a defaul�occurs under <br /> �he ins�rument securing such indebtedness and is nat cured during any applicable grace period'rn such �ns�rument, <br /> or any suit or other actEan is commenced�o�oreclase any exis�ing lien on the Property. <br /> ��glh��o Gure. if any defauifir other than a defauEt in paymen� Es curable and it Trus�or has no�been gi�en a not�ce <br /> of a breach of th�same prv�isi�n o�this ❑eed of Trust wi�hsn the preceding twel�e {�2� months,i-�may be cured i�F <br /> Trustor, after Lender sends wri��en nat�ce to Trust�r dernanding cure of such d��ault: �'I} cures the de�Fau��within <br /> tvven�r�y t2�} days; or �2} if the cur� requ�res mQre than tinrerrty ���} days; immediat�[y �nitia�es steps wh�ch <br /> Lende�- deems in Lender's sole discre�ion tv be sufficient �o cur� the defaui�t and thereafter continues and <br /> comple�es aI[ reasonabfe and necessary steps sufficfen��o produce comp[iance as soon as reasonab[y practica[. <br /> �ICHTS AND F�ENtEDlES �N DIEFAULT. [f an E�ent of Defau�fi occurs under this Deed of Trust, at any time thereafter, <br /> Trus�ee or Lender may e�€ercise any one or more of the fol�vwing rights and rem�dies: <br /> AcceIeration Upon Default�AdditEnna� Remedies. ��any E�ent vf De�auEt accurs as per the terms of the Note <br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare a[f �ndebtedness se�ured by this Deed af�'rust to be due and payable and <br /> tlne same shai[�hereupon hecome due and payab[e withou�t an�presentment, derr�and, p�otest or nati�e af any <br /> kind, Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> {a} Either �n person or by agent, wi�h or wi-thout bring�ng any actian or proceeding, �r by a recei��r <br /> appoin�ed by a court and wi�hout regard to �h� adequacy of its secur€ty, enter upan and take possessivn <br /> o��he Proper�y, or any p�rt thereof, in its own name or in�he name o�Trust�:e, and da any acts whi�h it <br /> deems necessary o�desir�a�le�o preser�e the r�a[ue, marke�ab�lity or rentability flfi the Property, or par-r vf <br /> the Prape�y vr interest in the Property; increase �he income frQm the Properry or protect the security�f <br /> the Proper�y; and. virith ar w�thvut taking poss�ssion of the Property; sue fvr �r o�herw�se collect th�. <br /> rents, issues and profits o�the Propertyf including �h�se pasfi due and unpaid� and apply the same; less <br /> cos-�s and��cp�nses of opera-�ivn and caI[ection attorneys' fiees,to any indebtedness seeured hy this Deed <br /> of Trus�, all in such vrder as Lend�r may determine. The en�eri;ng upon and tak�ng possession o� th� <br /> F'r�perty, t�e col[ection of sueh rents, issues and p�rofi�s, and the appiica�ion �hereo�r shali not cure or <br /> waiv� any defau�t or notice o�defauft under�his �eed ❑f Trus�o� inva{�da�e any acfi done �n response�o <br /> such de�Fault or pursuan�to such notice o�de�ault; ancf, naiwiths�and�ng the c�ntinuan�e in passession o� <br /> the Proper�y or the cv�iection, receipt ar�d applicatior� �f ranfis, issues or �ro��ts, �rus�e� or Lender s�af! <br /> �e en�i�f�d �o �xercise e�ery r3gh�provided �or in the Note or the Refa�ed �ocuments ❑r by !aw upon�he <br /> occu�rence of any euent a�default, �ncluding fihe righ��v ex�rcise the power v�sale; <br /> �b} Commence an action tp foreclose this Deed af Trus-t as a martgage, appoint a receiWer or specifica�ly <br /> en�orce any of the ca�enants hereo�; and <br /> {c} Deli��r to Trustee a writ�en decCarat�on of defauCt and demand for sa[e and a inrri-�ten notice vf defau�t <br /> and electi�n to cause Trustor's interest in the Proper�ty to be sold, which nvtice Trus�ee sha[� cause to f�e <br /> du�y filed for record in the apprapria�e vffices of the Caunty in which�he Property is located; and <br /> {d} Wi�h r�spec�tv all or any part o�the Persona! Prap�rryf Lender sha[� ha�e a[[th� righfis and remed�es <br /> o�a s�cured par-�y under the Nebraska Unif�rm Commer�ia��ode. <br /> F��e�Iasur�by Pvwer of 5a[e. 1-�Lend�r ele��s�o����cfose by exer�ise of�he Poinrer�f Sale herein contained, <br /> L�nder sha[i not��y Truste�: and shall �eposit with Trustee�his Deed o�Trus� �nd the �4ote and su�h receipts <br /> and ev�dence o�exp�nd�tures rr�ade a�d secured by this �eed o-�Tr�st as�rustee rnay require. <br /> {a� t�p�n receipt of such notiee frvm Lender,Trustee shaf[ cause to be recorded, pub�ished and dei��ered <br /> to Trustor such Not�c� of Default and No�tice af Sale as then requir�d by [aw and by�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, v►rithout demand on Trustvr, after such time as may �hen be re�uir�d by law and after <br /> recordation of such Notice of Defau�� and af�er Notice of 5ale ha�ing been gi�en as requ�red by [av+r, sell <br /> the Property at �h� time and place of sale fi�ed by it in such Noti�e of Sale, eithe� as a who[e, or �n <br /> separate lots o�-parcels ar items as Trustee shall deem exped�ent, and in su�h order as it rnay dete�-mine, <br /> a� pub�ic auc�ion �o the highest bidder fvr cash in law�ul m�ney flf the Unit�d States payable at�he time <br /> of sa�e. Trus�ee shall defi�er to such purchaser or purchasers thereof i�s good and suf�ic�en� deed or <br /> deeds conv�ying the property sa so1d, bu� withvut any cv�enant �r warranty, express ❑r implied. The <br /> recitals ir� such deed o� any ma�ers �r fac�s shall be conc[us��e proof o€�he tru�hfu[ness thereof. Any <br /> persvn:ir�c[uding withou�[imi��tian Trus�or,Trus�e�, �r Lender, may purc�as�a�such sa�e. <br /> {�� A� �na� be �errr�it-��:d �y lav�d af�er deduc��ng a�l �osts, �ees and �xpenses af �frus�ee and ❑�F �his <br /> �rus�, in��r�dang ��sts o�e�idence���i�[e���r�nne�tAor� vvi�h sale,Trus�ee shal� appfy�he proceeds o�sale <br /> �� �ayr�r��n�o� {i� ali surns expended und��the�errr�s o��his Deec�o�Trus#ar under�he�erms of the Note <br /> not �hen �epaid, in�luding but not lir-�ited to accrued interest and late charges, �i€} al[ o�her sums then <br /> secured here�y, and �iii}the remainder, i-f any,t�the person or persons legafly entitled there�o. <br /> �c� Trus�ee may in the manner prov�ded by Iavtir postpone sa�e of a�i or any partion of the Property. <br /> Remedies Nvt Exc�usi►re. Trustee and Lender, and each v€ them. shali be �n�itled to �nforce payment and <br /> per�ormance vf any ind�btedn�ss or obligations se�ured by this Deed of Trust and to exercise aE� rights and poinrers <br /> under this ❑eed of Trust, under the Note, under any ot the �efated Dvcuments� or under any o�h�r agreemen� or <br /> any laws now or here.after in f�rce; notwith�tan�din�, sorne or all �f suc� �ndebtedness and o�ligations secured by <br /> this De�d of Trus� n-�ay n�w or hereafter b� o�hervtirise secured, �rvhe�her E�y mar�gage� C���� D��1'L!5$, pled-ge, �ien, <br /> assignme�� �r �therwise. �either the acce�tance �� �his �eed of Tr�st nar ��s �nforGerr-ient, wherther by court <br /> ac�ion or ��t� �he power o�F sale or o�fner p�v���-s �or�tained �n�h�s Deed �€�rust, shafi pre�udice or in any <br /> �ann�r a�e����usteeYs or Le�der7s ri�ht t� a-ealize upor� �r �nforce any �th�r sec�rity now or her�after held b� <br /> Trustee or Lender, �t being agr�ed that Trustee and Len�er, �nd�ach v�thern,shal� �e en�itled to e;r�force�his �eed <br /> of�rusfi and any o�her security n�w or h�reafter he[d by Lender or T�us�ee 9n sr��h order and manner as �hey vr <br /> either of �hem may in th�ir absolute discre�tian determine. No remedy con�erred upon or reserved to Trustee �r <br /> Lender, is in�ended to be exc[usi�e of any other remedy in this Deed vf Trus�or hy law pr�vid�d or permit�ed, but <br /> each shall be cumu[ati�e and sha[[ be in addition t� every other remedy gi�en in this Deed of Trust or nvw or <br /> hereafiter existing at law or in equity or by statufe. Eve�y povtirer o�r remedy given hy the ll�ote or any o�th� �e�ated <br /> Dvcuments to Trustee or Lender vr to vtirhich e�ther o� them may be otherwise entitled, may be exercised, <br /> con�urrently or independently, from time to �ime and as vften as may be deerned expedient by Trustee or Lender, <br /> and ei�her ❑f th�m may pursu� inconsistent rernedies. N��hing in th�s �eed of Trust shall be const�ued as <br /> prohibi�ing Lender fram seeking a deficiency�udgment agains��he Trus�or to t�e exter�t su�h ac��ar� is pernnitted �y <br /> la�nr. <br /> E�ect�vn �� Remed�ese Ali o� Lenderls �-i�hts and �-ern�di�s �vf�� be �u�u��t��e �nd r�a� be ex�rG�s�d alone �r <br /> to�et�e�, !f Les�der d�cides t� s�end rr�vne�r �r�� �er��r�a ��� €���"rustor's o�aiigatio�s €ander t��s �eed �f i r�s�, <br /> af�e�Tr�stor'� fa�Iure t� do s�� �ha� de��s�o� b� Lender�►riC! n�t �f��c� Ler�d�r"s right�a dec�ar� Yrusfior a� defau�t <br /> a�d to exer�ise Ler�der's r�rned�es. <br /> F�equest fvp Noti�e� Trustor, ❑n beha[�of Trustor and Lender, hereby reques�s tha�a copy o�any Notice o�Default <br />