<br /> DEEL� �F T��JST
<br /> L�an N�: 7q�'1�74� ��o�t�nued} 1P�ge 4
<br /> Subsequenfi Taxes. lf any tax �o �nrhich this sec�ion applies is enacted subsequen� to the da�e of this Deed a�
<br /> Trust, �his event shall ha�e �he same e��ect as an E�ent af Default, and Lender may e�€ercise any �r a[[ v� its
<br /> a�a��able remedies for an Even� vt Defau[t as pro�ided be[ow unless Yrus�tor either ��} pays �he tax before i�
<br /> becomes delinquent, or [2} cantes-�s the ta�as pro�ided abo�e in-�he Taxes and L�ens section and deposifis wi�h
<br /> Lender cash or a suf�icien�corporate surety bond or ath�r se�urrty satisfac�ory�o Lende�-,
<br /> SECUR�TY AGF�EE11l�ENT; FfNANGiNG STATE�IIENTS. Th� fallowing pro�isions relating to �h�s De�d of Trus� �s a
<br /> security agreement are a part��th�s aeed of Trust:
<br /> Se�uri�y Agreement, This instrumen� sha[[ constitute a Securi�y Agreement �to �the extent any of the Property
<br /> constitutes -��x�ures, and Lender shall ha�re a[[ o�the righ�s o�a secured par-�y under the Uni�orm Commercial Gode
<br /> as amended from tim�to tirne.
<br /> 5e�uri�y �nterest. Upon request by Lender, T�ustor sh.all take whate�er action is reques�ed by Lend�r to perfect
<br /> and �ontinue Lender's securi�y interest in the Pe:rsona! Praperty. !n additivn fio reGard�ng this Deed of Trus� in fhe
<br /> rea[ praper�ty records, Lender may, at any time and withou� fur�her authorizafiian from Trustar, file e�ecu�ed
<br /> cvunt�rpar�s, cop�es or �-eproduct�ons ofi this Deed of Trus�c as a financing sta�emen�: Trustor shall r��mbu:rse
<br /> Lender for all expen.ses incurred in perfecting or continuing this secu�i�ky interest. lJpon defau��, Trus��r sha�f na�
<br /> remover se�er or de�ach the Personal Property from the Property. Upon defau�t, Tru�to�r shall assemble any
<br /> Psrsana[ Praperry nvt affixed to the Property in a rr�anner and at a place reasonably �an�enient ta Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it available to Lender wi�hin �three t3� days afte� receip� af writt�n demand �rom Lender tfl �h�
<br /> extent permi-�ted by app�icab�e Iav�.
<br /> Adciress�s. The mailing addresses vf Trustor �debtor} and Lender �secured party� from �ivhich information
<br /> concerning the securi�y interes� gran�ed by this Deed vf Trust may be ob�ained �each as requ���d by�the Uniform
<br /> , Commercial Code} are as stafied on the�irst page of this Deed ofi Trust.
<br /> FUl�THER ASSURANCES; ATTa�lNEY�IN-FA�T. The fvllowing pro�isions relating tQ fur�ther assurances and
<br /> atto�rney-in-�act are a part o�this Deed a�Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. i4f any�ime, and frvm time to tirne, upon request�� Lend�r, Trustvr�rvill make, exe�ute and
<br /> de�iver� or�rvill cause to be made, execu�ed or deli�ered, ta Lender or�o Lender's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause �a be filed, recorded, refiCed, or rerecorded, as the ca$e may b�, at su�h times and in such offices
<br /> and �laces as Lend�r may deem apprapriate; any an� a11 such mortgages, deeds of t�ust, se�uri�y deeds, security
<br /> agreer�ents, �i�ancing statements, con�inuati�R sta�tem�nts, ins�r�rnents o� further assurar�c�, cer��f�cates, and
<br /> other docum�nts as may, in the sole opinion o� Lender, be ne.cessary ar desirab�e in order�� effectua�e, cvmple�e,
<br /> pe��e�t, cont�nue, or pr�ser�e �1} Trusto�'s obliga�ions under �he Note, this �3e�d of Trust, and the Re[a�ed
<br /> ❑vcuments, and ��� �he li�ns and security in�eres�s cr�ated by this �eed of Trust on�he Proper�y, whether novU
<br /> awned vr hereafter acquired by Trustor. Un�ess pro�ibE�ted by law or Lende� a.grees tv the con�rary in writing,
<br /> Trusto�shall reimburse Lender�For a:�� cvsts and expenses �ncurred in cvnnection wi�h the matters referred�o in fih'rs
<br /> pa�agraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fact. 1�Trustor fails�o do any�€�he things referred to in the preceding paragraph; Lender may do so
<br /> �or and �n the name o�Trust�r and a�Trustor's expens�, Far such purposes, Trustor h�r�hy irre�ocably appoints
<br /> Lender as Trus�or's attarn�y-in-fact for the purpose of making, executing, delivering, �iling, recording, a:nd doing a[I
<br /> vther �hirtgs as may be nec�ssary o� desira�le, in Lender's saie vpinfar�, �o accomp[is_h the ma�ers re�Fer�ed ta �n
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�R�I[�NCEa Ifi T�ustor pays a11 the �n�ebtedness �nrhen due; �nd otherwise perfor�s al[ the ab[igations
<br /> imposed upor� �'�us�or un�er this De�d �� Trust, ��nder sha9� e:xecu�e and deli�e� to Trus�ee a reques� for full
<br /> reconveyance and shafl� �xecute�nd del��er�� Trus�or�uitabl�sfat�ments ��ter�minat�on c�f an�firaan�in� statemen��n
<br /> �i[� e�idencing Lender's security inter�s�En the Ren�s and the Personal Proper�y. Any reconveyanee fee �equi_red by ia�
<br /> sha[l be paid by T�usfi�r; if permi��ed by appliCabl.e 1.aw.
<br /> EllENTS �F DEFAULT. A� Lender's option, Trustor wil� h� �n defau�� under this De�d v€Trust if any o��he �Following
<br /> happen:
<br /> Payment�3e�au�t. �frustor�a"ris�v mal�e any paymen�when due under the [ndebtedness.
<br /> �reak �ther Pr�m�ses. Trustor I�r�aks any p�-omise made tv Lender or �ai[s to perform promptly at the time and
<br /> stric�[y in�he manner p'rov€ded in this Deed of Trust or in any agreemen�reiated to th�.s ❑eed of�rust.
<br /> Com��iance []e�aul�. Failure to �ompCy wi�h any other term, �hligatior�. covenan� or condi�ion containec[ in this
<br /> Deed�f i rust,�h� Note o�in�ny���he F�efated 17ocurr�erats.
<br /> i��fauI�o���her Payr�enfs. Failure of�rustor w�thin�he t�me �equired by this �eed �af T��s�t��mak�any payrr�er��
<br /> �ar�axes or insurance,o�any ather payrr�ent necessary t� pre��n��ifing ofr or�o effect d�scharg.e ofi any i���.
<br /> Defau�t�n Fa►ra� o�Third Par�ies. Shauld Granto�de�ault under any [oan, �xtens�vn of cr�dit, seGuri�y agreement,
<br /> purchase or sales agr�ement, or any other agreement, in fa�or of any other ereditor or person tha�may ma�erial�y
<br /> affec� any o� Gran�or"s praperty or Gran�ar's abi�ity to �epay the Indehtedness or Gran�or's abiiity �o per�or.m
<br /> Gran�ar's ob€iga�tions under�his Deed o�Trust ar any of the Re�ated D�cuments.
<br /> Fa�se S�atemer�ts. Any represe.n�ation vr s�a�ement made or furnished to Lender by Trus�or or Qn Trustor's behal�
<br /> under this Deed o�Trus�or�he Re�ated Documents €s �False or misleading in any.material respec�; ei�her now or at
<br /> the�ime r�ade or furnish.ed.
<br /> �efect�ve �ol�a��r�[izativn. This Deed o� Trus� o� an� v� the F�ela�ed Documents �eas�s �o be �n �u[[ �orce and
<br /> efFec� {including �aiI�re vf any colfatera:l docur�en�t �o �r�at� a �alid and perfe�ted securi�� in�eres� �r [i�r�} a�t an�
<br /> tirne and��r any�eason.
<br /> Deai���r In�v�ve��y. The death �f�rus�or,the ansol�ency o��rust�r,the app�intment�f� r�c�i��r fo�ar��p�r���F
<br /> Trusto�Ys prv�er�}�, any assignimer�� fvr �he �er�e�i� �-f creditQrs, any �ype �� creditor rr�ork�ut, or �he
<br /> commencern�r�t c��any pr€�ceed�ng u�der any bank��ptc�a�-€ns:olvency�aws by vr agains��fr€�s�ar.
<br /> Takirag vf�he Proper�y. Any creditar ar governmen�al agency tries �v take any o� �he Prvperty or any a�he�- of
<br /> Trusto.r's property in whic-h Lender has a lien: �his includes taking o�, garnishing o� or levy€ng an Trustor's
<br /> accounts witn Lende�. However; if Trustor disputes in good fai�h �rvhe�her the cfaim on which �he taking of the
<br /> Property is based is �alid or reasonable; and i� T�ustor gi�es Lender written no�ice ��r the claim and furn�shes
<br /> Lender with monies or a sure�y bond sa�isfactory�v Lender�o sa�isfy the claim;then this default pro�is�an will nat
<br /> appfy.
<br /> Breach of�ther Agre�ment. Any breach by�rus�or under the te�rms o�any o�her agreement b�tween Trus�or and
<br /> Lender tha� is n�t remedied within any grac� per�ad pra�ided $h�rein, �nc�uding wi�hout limitateon a€�y agr�ement
<br /> con�erning any indeb�edness or other vb�ig�tion��Trustor to Lender,whether existing now�r�a�era
<br /> E►�en�s A�ec�in� Guaran��re Any o�F�he pre�eding �v�r�ts oc�urs w���► resp�c�to any guaran��r, end�rser, suret�,
<br /> �r accomrr�odatio� party o� �.n� o�F the 9ndebtedr�ess �r any guaran�or, �ndorser, s�re��, ar acc�r�rEmad��i�n par�y
<br /> dies or becam.es incompetent, or revokes or �ispu�es the ►ra[.idity of� �r iiabEli�y under, any �a uaranty of �he
<br /> !ndebtedn�ss.
<br />