<br /> DEE[3 �F TRLJ�T
<br /> La�� N�: '���7�7�� ������l�u�d� Page �
<br /> and a copy of any Notice of Sale under fihis Deed o-�Trust be mailed �v them at the addresses set�orth in the firs�
<br /> paragraph of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> ►4�v��eys' F�es; Expenses. 1� Lender institutes any suit ar action to en�orce any o� �h� terms of this �eed of
<br /> Trust, Lender sha�! be entitled �o re�o�er such sum as�he courk may adjudge reasonab[e as attorneysr �ees a�rtr�a.[
<br /> and upon any appea[. Vllhether ��- no� any cour� action is in�ol��d, and �to �he extent not prohibi�ect by law, a[[
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lende�'°s opinion �re necess��-y a� any -time for th.e pratectian of i�s
<br /> in�eres�or the enforcement of i�s rights sha1� become a �art o��he �ndebtedness payable on demand and sha�l �ear
<br /> in-teres�at�he Note rate from the date o�€the expenditure un�il repaid: Expenses cv�er.ed by this pa�-agraph inc�ude,.
<br /> wi�hou�k ��mitati�n, hvwever subje�t tv any [imits under applicahle �aw, Lende�-'s a-ttorneys' fees and Lender's �ega�
<br /> e�penses, whet�te�- or not there is a lawsu�t, �ncluding at�arneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy praceedings
<br /> �including efForts to madify or�aca�e any automa�ic stay or injunc�ion}, appea[s, and any an�icipated pos�judc�ment
<br /> c����ction ser�ices; the cost o�searching records, obtaining tit�e reparts {incf uding forec.losure reparts�, sur�ey�rs'
<br /> repvrt�, and appraisal �ees, tit[e insurance, and fees for the T=rustee, to �he ex�ent permit�ted by applicab[e law.
<br /> Trustor also�nrill pay any cou,rt costs, in addition to a[[ vther surns provided by Iaw.
<br /> Rights o�Trus�ee. Trustee shall ha�e all o�F the rights and duties of Lender as set�orth in this seGt�on.
<br /> P�VIlERS A�lD �BL[GA�I�NS �F�RUSTEE. Th��oE�oirving proWisions relating to�he pvwe.�s and ob�ig�t�ons of Trus�tee
<br /> are part of this D�ed of Trus�:
<br /> Powers o�Trus�e�. !n addition�o aCC powe�rs of Trustee arising as a matter of[aw,Trustee sha[[ ha�e th�power to
<br /> take the �oClowing actions wi�h respec�to �he Prvper�y upon the Written request�f Lender and Trustor: 4a�join in
<br /> preparing and fi[ing a map or pla� of fihe Re.al Property, including the dedication o� streets or ��her rights tv �he
<br /> public; �b} join in g�-anting any easemen� or crea�ing any restrictivn on the Real Proper�y; and �c} join in any
<br /> subordina�ion vr othe�agreemen�t affe��rng this De�d of Trus�ar�he in�erest o�Lender under�his Deed�f Trus�.
<br /> �"ruste�. Trus�ee sha(� meet all quali�rications required fvr Trus�ee under app[ic�ble law. �n addition to the rights
<br /> and remedies set�orth above. wi�h respect to all or any part o��he Proper�ty, the Trustee sha�� ha�e �he right �o
<br /> fore�lose by notice and sa1e, and Lender wi[[ ha�e the right to for�c[ose by judiciaf �orec�osure, in either case in
<br /> accordance with and�v�he full exten�pro�ided by ap�licabie law.
<br /> �uccessor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's optian, may fram time to time appo.int a suc�essor Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> appainted under �his Deed o�Trus� by an instr-ument �xecuted and acknowledg�d by Lender and recarded in the
<br /> a���ce of the recorder af HALL County, 5tate v� Nebraska. �he instrument shall cvnta�n, �n addi�ion t� a�[ ofher
<br /> ma�ers requ��ed by state faw, th� na�nes o� �he or€g�na� L�nder, Trustee� and Yrus�tor, the �o�k and pag� {or
<br /> c�mpu�er sys�era-� re�e�ence} where �his Jeed �f Trus� �s recorded; and the name and add�ress of the succ�ss�r
<br /> trustee, and�he ir�s�rument sha[[ be executed and ackn�wledged by all the benef�c�aries under this Deed of Trus�or
<br /> their sucCessors in in�eresfi. The successor�rus�ee, wi�hou� conveyance of�the Pr�p�rky, sha[[ succeed �o af� the
<br /> �i�le, power, and du�ies con�erred up�n�he Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by applicable law. This pracedure�for
<br /> subs�itution o�Trus#e�shall go�ern�v the e�tclusion of al�afiher pro�isions��r substitu�ion.
<br /> N�T��ES. Any notice required tv I�e gi�en und�r this Deed o�Trus-�, inclvding vtirith�ut limi�ation any nvtice of de�au[t
<br /> and any riotice of saie shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be e��ecti�e vtirhen ac#ually deli�er�d, when ac�ua�ly received
<br /> by�e[efacsimile �unless otherwise requir�d by�aw), when depo�ited v�ri.�h a nativnally recogni�ed overnight cvurier, or, i�
<br /> mai��d, when depasited in�he Uni�ked Stat�s mai[, as first class, certified or registered ma�l pvstage prepaidr dire��ed�o
<br /> the addr�sses shoUvn n�ar�he heginning o�this Deed o�f Trus�. All cop�es vfi no�i�es of foreelosur-e �rorr� the ha�d�r of
<br /> any [��n �nrhich has priori�y o�er fihis Deed of Trus�sha[[ be sent t� Lender's address, as sho�nrn near�he beginnfn� of
<br /> �his Dee� of Tr�ste A�� person may change his ar her address �or notices under �his Dee�d o# Trust by giv�ng forma!
<br /> wr�t�en no�ic� t� �he other p�rsvr� vr pe�svns, s�eci�yi:�g �ha� �he purpose o� the �o��ce �s �o ehange �he p�rson`s
<br /> address. �(3C�'lfl$iG� p[.If p05�5a Trustor agrees to keep Lenaier inf�rrr��d at a��fiimes o�Tr�s�or`s �ur�-e�t a�dress, �ni�ss
<br /> o�herwise prvvided or requi�ed by �aw, i��here is more �han one Trus-tor, any notice gEven by �ender�o any�frustor is
<br /> deemed fi�be notEce gi�en�o all Trus�ors. [t will be Trus��r's respons�bility to�ke�l the athers of�he notEce from Lender.
<br /> !�1[[S�ELLANE�US PR�V�SE�NS. The following m�scellaneous pro�isions are a parfi o�F this Deed o�Trus�k:
<br /> Amend�nents. llllhat is vvritten in this ❑eed of Trus� and in the F�e�ated Documen�s is Trustvr`s entir� agreement
<br /> w�th Lender concerning the matke�s co�ered E�y this D�ed of Trust, To be effect�ve, any Change ❑r amendment-��
<br /> th�s Deed ofi�rust must be �n �vri�ing and must be signed by whoever wil� be bound or obligated by�he change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Ca�ation Headangs. Captian h.eadings in �his �3eed o� Trust are �vr con�en�enee purposes vn�y and are no� �o be
<br /> used��in�e.r�or�t ar de�ine the pro�isivns of�his �eed�f Trust.
<br /> [�e�rger. �he�-e s�al� �e r�o rper�e�-�€�he in�eres�or e�ta�� �re��ect by�h��s Deed o�Trus�wit� any o�he�interest or
<br /> es�tate �r��he Praperi�y a�any t�me he1� �y o�fo��he beraefit a�Lender in a�y capacit�, w�thou�r the vvri��en consen�
<br /> of Ler��d�r.
<br /> ��verning Law. Th�s �3eed of Trus# ►rvill be governecl by �ed�r�� �av�► �p��icab�e �v L�mder ancip to the extent not
<br /> pr�er��teci by federa!�aw.fhe�aws �f�he Sta�e��Nebraska withvut regard�o its confiic�s of�aw provisi�ns. This
<br /> D�ed vf�frust has been acceptec�by Lender in the Sta#e of N�b�aska-.
<br /> �hv"rce of 11�n�e. [f ther� is a IawsuE�, Trustor agrees upon Lender's request�o suhmit to �he jurisdictian. v�ths
<br /> �ourts of Hall Coun�y, S�ate of Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and S�ver�l L$abil�ty. A[[ ab[i,gations v� Trustor under �h�s ❑eed o� Trust shaf l be �vint and se�eral, and all
<br /> - r�fe,rences ta Trus�or shall m�an each and e�ery Trustor. This mea.ns �hat each Trustor sign�ng bel��v is
<br /> �-esponsibl�for a��oh€.�gatE�ns in this C]eed of�ru��.
<br /> !Vo�a�ve�by Lender. Trustor unders�ar�ds Le�der vtiril4 no�gdve up any�f Lender's righ�s Under�his Deed o��r�ast
<br /> u�nles.s Le�d�r does so �n �►v�-rting. The fac� �hat Lende� €�e���s or omits to exerc�se an� rig_ht �vi�1 n�t mean that
<br /> �ender has given �p �ha� r3ght. ��F Lznder doe� ag�ee s� vvriting �o gi�e vp Q.n� of Lender°s righ�s, �hat daes no�
<br /> mean Tr�as�or v+l�[[ no� F�a�e �� �omp[y �nri�� �he oti�er provis�vns o�th�s Qeed o�Tr�st. Trus��r ais� understands
<br /> �ha� if L�nder does Gonsen-� �o a request, tha� does no� rr��a� �hat Trustar w��E nv� hav� to get L�r�der°s consen�
<br /> again if�he situation happens again. Ti rustor�urther unders�ands�ha�jus�because Lende�consents�to one ar more
<br /> of Trusto�'s requests, that daes not mea;n Lender wil] be required to consen� tv any vf Trus�ar's tuture ra�uests.
<br /> Trustor waives presen�men�; demand fvr paym�nt, prafiest, and nvfiice o�dishonor.
<br /> 5ev�rabi['rty. lf a court finds fihat any pro��sion o-F�his Deed o�T�-ust €s not �a]id or should n�t be enforced, �hat
<br /> fact hy itself will no�mean that�he �est o�this Deed vf Trust wi�f nvt b�va[id or enforc.sd. Therefare, a court wilf
<br /> en�orce the res�of�he pro�isions ofi�his Deed o�Trus�e�en if a provision a�this De�d o�Trust may be fo�nd to be
<br /> in�al�d or unenforceahle.
<br /> Successv�s a�nd AssRgns. 5ubject�a any �fr��tat�ons st�te� ir� this D�ed ��Trus� or� t�ans�e-r�f Trus��rrs �nteres�,
<br /> �his Deed o�Trus� shalf be binding upon and inure �o th� bene�it o�th� parties.. tf�e��successvrs and assigns. I�
<br /> ou+rn�rs�ip v�tF�� Prvper�� �ecorr�es �ested �� a persor� ��her�hart Trustor, �ender, w�th�ut n��tice to�rustor, rna�
<br /> dea[w3th�rus�or's suc�essors vvi�h�-efe�-ence��$�is �J�ed ofi�rus�and th� In��bte�ness �ay v+ray�������ar�nce a�
<br /> �xtension wi�h��,t�e�eas�ng Trus�or frorr�the��li�a�e��s of�his Deed �f Trus�or lia�:la�y under�E �nd��tedness.
<br /> `fim�gs csf the Essen�e. Tirne is ot�he essence�n�h�perf�rmar�ce of�his Deed a�Trust.
<br />