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��14��1�� <br /> sentenc�s shall not apply to th�pres�n��, use, or s�orage on�he Property of sma�� quant�t�es of Hazardous <br /> Subs�ances tha� ar�generally recogniz�� t� be appropr�a���o norma� residential us�s and�o mazn�enan��of <br /> �he Property �in�luding, but nat lirnited to, hazardous substanc�s in consumer praducts}. <br /> Barrower sha�� promp�ly gi�e Lender�vri�ten na�ice of�a} any invest�ga�i�n, claim, demand, lawsu��ar other <br /> ac��an by any governmental or regu�a�ory agency or private par�y invalving the Property and any Ha2ardous <br /> Subs�ance or Environmental La�v �f which B�rrow�r has actual knawledge, �b� any Environmen�a� <br /> �andition, including but not 1imi�ed�o, any spilling, leal�ing, discharge, release�r threat of re��as�of any <br /> Haz�rdous Substance, and �c} any cond��i�n caused b�r the presence, use or re�ease of a Hazardous Substance <br /> whiCh adverse�y affects the va�ue of the Praper��. �f Borrower Iearns, or is n�tifzed by any governmental or <br /> re�u�a�ory author�ty, or any pr��ate party, tha�any r�mava� ar o�her remediati�n�f an� Hazardflus Su�s�ance <br /> affect�ng the Propert� is necessary, B�rrower shail prornptly�ake all necessary r�m�d�a� ac�ians in <br /> accardance with En�ironmental Law. No�hing herein sha�� crea�e any obl�gation on Lender f�r an <br /> Envirorim�nta� C��anup. <br /> Non-Uniform Co�enants. Barrower and Lender covenan�and agr�e as foliaws: <br /> Z�. Acc�leration; Remedies. Lender shall gi�e nat�ce�o Borrower prior tv accelera�ian follativing <br /> Borrawer's breach af any covenant or agreemen�in thi�Securi�y InStrurn.en� �but not pr�or to <br /> acceieration under Sec�ion 1S unless Applicab�e La�v pro�ides o�herw�se}, The no�xce sha��spec�fy: €a} <br /> the deFau��; �b3 �he a��ion req��ired to cure�he default; �c} a date, not��ss�han 3U days fron�the da�e <br /> the not�ce is g��en to Borrower, by which the defau�t must be cured; and�d} �hat Fa��ure��cure�he <br /> defaul��n or beFore�he da�e spec�fied in the n�t�ce may resui�in accelera�i�n of�he sums secured hy <br /> th�s Secur��y Ins�rument and sa�e af the Proper�y. The notice shal�fur�her infarm Borrow�r af�he <br /> r�ght�o re�ns�a�e af�er acceleration and�he ri�h�to�ring a cour�ac�ion to assert�he n�n-ex��tence of a <br /> defaui�or any o�her defense�f B�rr�wer��accelera��on and sa�e. If�h�d�fau�t��no�cured an or <br /> �efure�he da�e 5�ec�f�ed in th�noti�e, Lender a���s vpt�on nlay requ�re�mnlediate paymen�in fu�l of <br /> all sunls s��ured by th�s Security Ins�rumen�w��thou� further demand and rnay invoke the pawer af saie <br /> and any other rexnedi���erm�tted by App��ca��e Law. �ender sha�l be entitle��a co��ec� a�l e�penses <br /> �n.curred in pursuing th�remed�es pro��ded in this 5ection 22, including, bu�na��imited�o, reasonable <br /> a��orne�s' fee�and co��s of titie evidence. <br /> If the pawer of sal�is in►�oked, Trus�ee shall rec�rd a notice of default�n each caunty�n��h�ch any <br /> part�f�he Fr�perty is loca�ed and shall mail cap�e5 aF suCh not�ce�n the amanner pres�ribed by <br /> Appiicab��Law t�Borro��ver and�o�he��her persons pres�r��ed by App��cab�e Law. Af�er�he time <br /> requ�red by App��cab��Law, Trust��sha��g�v�pub�ic no�ice af sa�e�a the per�ons and�n�he manner <br /> prescr�bed by App�icab�e Law. Trusfee, wi�hau� demand an Borrower, sha�l se�l�he Prap�rty a� public <br /> auct�nn�o the highes# bidder at the�ixne and p�ace and under�he�erms designa�ed in the no�ice of sale <br /> in one or�nore parce�s and in any❑rder Trustee de�ermine5, Trus�ee may postpone sale of alI or any <br /> parce�af the Pr�per�y by pu���c annauncement a��he time and p�ace of any prQ��ousZy schedu�ed sa�e. <br /> Lender or i�s designee may purchase�he Property at any sale. <br /> Upon rece�p��f payn��nt af th�pr�ce b�d, Trust�e sha�i dei�ver�a�he purchaser TruS�ee's deed <br /> �on�e��ng�he Propert�. The r��i#a�s�n�he Trus�ee's deed�ha��be prima facie evidence of the�ru�h of <br /> �he statQnl�nt�made therein. Trustee shall appiy�he praceeds of the sale in the fnllawing order: �a} �o <br /> ali cos�s and expenses of exercisin�the pawer of sale, and the sa�e, includir�g the paymen�vf�he <br /> 'Trustee's fees ac�ually incurred and reasanabie a��arne�s� fees �s permi��ed by App��cab�e I►a�; �b} �o <br /> al�sums secured by th�s Se�urity Ins�rument; and �c} any excess t��he pers�n or persons�ega��y <br /> en�i�led�fl it. <br /> N£BRASifA-SingI�F�mily-Fanni�MaelFr�r�di�M�c UN1FqRM INSTRUMENT Forrrs 30�8 1f01 <br /> VMP�] VMPfi�N�y t73D2� <br /> Wc�lters Ktuwer FinanGial 5e��i�es Page 14 of 17 <br />
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