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��14��1�� <br /> �3, �ecan�eyance. Upon pa�men�of a�i sums secured b� this Securi�y Ins�rument, Lender sha�l reques� <br /> Trustee�o recan�e�the Praper�y and shai� surrender�h�s Security Ins�rument and al� notes ev�dencing debt <br /> secured by this �ecur�t� �nstrumen��o Trustee. Trus�ee shall rec�n�e��he Prop�rty u�ithnut warran���� the <br /> persan or persons legally enti�led t� �t. Such person�r pers�ns shall pay an� r��ordation cas�s. Lender ma� <br /> charg�such persan or persons a fee for reconve�ing�he Property, bu�only �f�he fee is pai��o a th�rd par�y <br /> �such as�he Trus�ee� for services rend�r�d and the charg�ng of�he fee is permitted under Ap���cab�e Law. <br /> 24� Suhstitute Trustee. Le�d�r, a� �ts�ption, may frQm�ime�a time remo�e Trustee and appo�n�a successor <br /> �ruste��o any Trus�ee appointed hereunder�y an instrumen�re�orded in�he count� in��rhich this Security <br /> �ns�rument �s recorded. W�th�u�conveyance of�he Property, �he succ�ss�r�ruste�sha�l suc�eed to all �he <br /> ti�le, pawer and duties conferr�d up�n Trustee herein a�nd by App�icab��La�v. <br /> �5. Request f�r Natices. Borrower requests tha�copies of the no�ice of defau�t and sale be sen�to Borrower's <br /> address wY�ich is the Prnper�y Address. <br /> N�E3RASKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac LiNIFQRM lNSTRUM�NT �arm 3428'l ldl <br /> VMP[r� VMPfi�NE��13D2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financiai Ser�ices Page 15 of i 7 <br />