<br /> in the Prapert� and rights und�r�his Security Ins�rument; and �d� �akes such a�tion as Lender may
<br /> reasonably require to assure that Lender's in�erest in�he Proper�� and righ�s under this Security Instrument,
<br /> and Borrov�er's ob��gation��pay�h�sums s�cured�y th�s Se�urity Instrument, sha�l cont�nue un�hanged.
<br /> Lend�r may require�hat Borrower pay su�h reins�atemen� sums and expenses �n flne or mare af the fol�aw�ng
<br /> forms, as selected by L.�nder: �a� cash; �b} mone�order; (c}�erti��ed che�k, bank�h�ck, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an xns�i�ution whose depos��s are insured by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumen�a��ty or�nt�ty; �r�d} Eiectroni� Funds Transfer. Upan reinsta�ement by B�rrower,
<br /> this Security �ns�rument and obliga�ions secured hereby shali remain fu��y�ffe��i�e as if na acceleration had
<br /> oGcurred. Howe�ver, th�s right ta r�insta�e sha�� n��app�y in the case of acce�era��on under Sec�i�n �8.
<br /> ��. Sa�e af Note; �hange of Loan Ser��cer; �Votr�e of Grie�ance, The Note ar a par�ial interest in the
<br /> Note�t�gether vWi�h this Securi�� �nstrumen�} can be sald one or more times wi�hou�prior na��ce�o
<br /> Barrower. A sa�e nu�h�result in a change�n�he entity �known as�he "Loa� Servicer"} �hat collec�� Fer�odz�
<br /> Payments du�under the Note and this Se�ur�ty �nstrurnent and perfarms o�her xnor�gage loar� ser�iczng
<br /> obliga�ions under�he Nate, th�s Securi�y Ins�rument, and Appli�ab�e Law. There also m..�ght be�ne or m�r�
<br /> changes of the L�an Servicer unre�a�ed�o a saie of�he Note. �f�h�re is a change of�he L.oan Servicer,
<br /> Borrower vv�ll be gi�ren wr��ten no��ce af the change vwhich�vili state th�name and address of the new Loan
<br /> Servi�er, �he address�o�rhich paymen�s should be made and any other informa�ion RESPA requ�res in
<br /> conne�tion�i�h a notice of transf�r of s�rvicing. �f the Not� is sold and�hereafter the Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Laan Servic�r��her�han th�purchaser of�he No�e, the mor�gage ioan servicing obl�ga�ions to Borrov�rer v�r�ll
<br /> r�ma�n�v�th�he Loan Ser�icer or be transferred ta a successar Laan Serv�cer and ar�nat assumed by th�
<br /> Nnte purchaser unless a�herwise pro��ded b�the Nn�e purchaser.
<br /> Ne��her Borra�rer nor Lender may c�mmence,join, �r be joined t� any�udicia� actxon�as e�th�r an
<br /> �nd��r�dua� litigant or�he menn.b�r of a c�ass} that aris�s from the�ther par��'s a��ia�s pursuan��o this
<br /> Security �nstrument or�ha�alleges �ha��he other par�y has breached any provision of, or any du�y owed b�
<br /> reason of, �his Securi�y �nstrument, un�i� such B�rrower or L�ender has notif�ed�he�th�r par�� �vvith such
<br /> no�ice given�n comp��ance w�th�he requiremen�s of Sec�ion 15}of such a�leged breach and afforded the
<br /> ather party hereto a r�asana��e peri��after the giving of suGh not�c�to�ake correcti�e act�an. If App��cable
<br /> Law pra��des a�ime per�od which mus�e�aps�b�for�cer�a�n action can be taken, tha�time per�ad wi�l be
<br /> deemed�o be reasonabl�for purposes of th�s paragraph. The notice��acc�lera�i�n and oppor�un���to cure
<br /> gi�ven to Barr�w�r pursuan�to Sectian�2 and�he natice of ac�el�ra�ion g�ven to Borrawer pursuant to
<br /> Sect�an 1$ sha11 be deem�d�o satisfy the no�iGe an�oppor�un��y�o tak�co�rrect�ve action prov�sions of th�s
<br /> Section 2�.
<br /> �'I. �azardvus Substanc�s. As us�d in this Section 2�: �a} "Hazardous►Substa��ces"are th�se substances
<br /> def�ned as �o�.ic o�r hazardous subs�anCes, pollutants, or wastes by Env�ro�..nlen�a� Law and�he following
<br /> subs�ances: g�soline, kerosen�, other flammab�e or toxic petro�eum products, �oxic pest�c�d�s and herbi�ides,
<br /> volatiie so��ents, materials con�aini�ag asbestos or forma�dehyde, and rad��acti�e materia�s; �b�
<br /> "�nvironrr��ntal Lcz��"means federal laws and�aws of�he�ur�sd�ction where th�Proper�y �s Iocated tha�
<br /> reiate ta h�aith, safety or en�v�r�nmenta�pro�ect�an; �c} "���vr'rar���2ej�tal �lear��p"�nc�udes any response
<br /> action, remedial actian, or rem�va� action, as def�ned in Enuironmen�al Law; and td} an ".L�z�ironrrzerzta�
<br /> Condi�i�n"means a condit�on�hat can cause, con�ribu�e to, or o�herwise�rigger an En�ironmental �ieanup.
<br /> Borrower sha�� not cause or p�rmit the pre�ence, us�, disposa�, storage, or release of any Hazardaus
<br /> Su�stances, or threaten�o release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Prope�y. Borro�ver sha11 not do,
<br /> nar al�ow an�one e�se�a d�, an��hing affect�ng the Property �a} that �� in�io�atian o�any En�rir�n�mental
<br /> Law, �b} vvhi�h�rea�es an Env�ronmentai Condz�ion, or�c} wh�ch, due to the pres�n�e, use, or release flf a
<br /> Hazardous Substanc�, creates a condition�ha�ad�rerse�y affects �he value of�h�Pr�per�y. The preceding�wa
<br /> NESRASKA-5ing�e Farniiy-Fannie Ma�1Fr�ddie Mac UNI�QRM tNSTRUMENT Form 3Q�8 1101
<br /> VMP(� VMP6{NEi ti 3�2�
<br /> Walters Kluwer Finar�cia!5er�ices Page 13 of'�7
<br />