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��14��1�� <br /> designa�ed a substitute nflt�ce address by not���to Lender. B�rrower shall promp��y no��fy Lender af <br /> Borrower's change of address. �f Lender spec�f�es a procedure f�r reportin� Barrower's�hange of address, <br /> then Borrower shali only report a chan�e of addr�ss �hrough�hat spe�i�ed pr�cedur�. <br /> There may b��n�y one d�s�gnated noti�e address under th�s Securit�Ins�rument at any ane time. Any nti��ce <br /> �o Lender shall be gi�v�n by de��ver�ng �t or by ma�ling i�b� f�rst c�ass mail to Lender's address sta�ed here�n <br /> uniess Lender has deszgnated anather addres�by natice tfl Barrovver. Any n��ice in c�nnec�ion w��h th�s <br /> Se�uri�y �ns�run�ent�ha�� not be deemed to have been gi�en�� Lender un�il actually rece��ed�y Lender. If <br /> an�no��ce re�u�red by this Security Instrumen�is aiso r�quired under App�icab�e Law, �he App��cable Lavc� <br /> re�uirement wi�l satisf�the corresponding r�quir�m�nt under this Securi�y �ns�rument. <br /> '16. G�verning Law; SeWerability; Ru1es �f Construct�an. This Securi�y�nstrumen�sha�l be gov�rned�� <br /> f�dera� �aw and the Iaw of�he�urisd�c���n in which the Proper�y is �ocated. All rights and obligat��ns <br /> �on�a�ned in�h�s Secur��y �nstrumen�are sub�ect to any requirements and Iim�tat�ons of App�zcab�e Law. <br /> App��cab�e Law might exp�icitly ar imp�icitly al�ow the parties�o agree by contrac��r��m.�ght be si�en�, but <br /> such si�ence shal� not be canstru�d as a prohibition agains�agreemen���con�rac�. �n the e�ent that any <br /> pro�isian ar clause af this Securi�y �nstrument or t�te Not�conf��c�s w�th Applicab�e Law, such conflict shal� <br /> not affect o�her pravis�ons of th�s Secur�ty �nstrument ar the Note which can be g�ven effect withou��he <br /> conf�ictin�pr���sion. <br /> As us�d in�h�s Security �nstrument: �a} �ards af the masculine gender sha1� mean and znc�ude corr�spon�.ing <br /> neu�er words�r words af�he feminine gender; �b} words in�he s�ngular sha�� m�an and inciude th�plura� <br /> and vice versa; and�c} the word "may" gi�es s��e discretion with�ut any ob��gatzan to take any action. <br /> �7. B�rrvwer's �opy. Borr�wer sha��he g�ven an�capy�f the Note a.�d of this S�curity Ins�rument. <br /> �8. Trar�sfer of tne P��perty or a Beneficial �nterest in B�rro►n�er. As us�d �n th�s �ect�an �8, "�nterest in <br /> the Praper�y" means any �egal or bene��ia� inf�res� in the Propert�, �nciudzng, but nnt�zxn�ted ta, those <br /> bene��c�ai �nteres�s�ransferr�d in a band for de��, cantract far��ed, in�ta��m�nt sa�es cantrac�or escraw <br /> a�reemen�, �he znten�of which is�he transfer�f�itle by Borrow�r at a future da��ta a purchas�r. <br /> �f all ar any par�of�he Propert�or any �nterest�n�he Propert� �s so�d ar transferred �or if Borrov�er zs nat a <br /> natural person and a bene��ial interes��n Barr�wer�s so�d flr transferr�d} withaut Lender`s pr��r wr�t�en <br /> consen�, Lender may require immed�ate payment �n fu�� of ai� sums secured t�y this Securzty �ns�ru�ment. <br /> How��er, this opti�n shal� nfl�be ex�rc�sed by Lender if such ex�r�ise is pr�h�b�ted by App��ca�le Law. <br /> �f Lender exerci��s th��option, Lender sha�� g�ve Borrawer natic�of acce�era���n. The notzce shall pro�ide a <br /> period of not �ess than 30 days from the date�h�natice is given in accordance w�th Section 1S within v�ah�ch <br /> Borrower must pay a�� sums s�cure�.by th�s S�curity �nstrument. �f Borro�v�r fai�s ta pa� the��sums pr�ar ta <br /> the�xpiratian af th�s period, Lend�r may invoke any remedies perm��ted by this Securit� Instrumen�w�th�ut <br /> fur�her notice or d�mand�n Borrower. <br /> 7 9. Bvrrower's Right to F�einstate After A�celerat��n, If Borr�wer mee�s Cer�a�n cond���ons, Barrower <br /> sha�l have the r�ght�Q hav�enf�rcem�nt of this Security Instrument discon�inued at any tixz��prior tn the <br /> ear��est�f: �a� f��e da��befare sal�af the Proper�y pur�uant�o any power of sa�e contained in thi� S�curi�y <br /> �nstrument; �b} such other p�riod as Applicable Law might sp�c�fy for the��r�minati�n of B�rrawer'�rxgh�to <br /> reins�ate; or�c}en�r�af a judgment enforcing�his Secur��y Instrum�n�. Thase conditians are�hat B�rra�v�r: <br /> (a�pays Lender a�l sums wh�ch then wou�d be due under th�s S�curity Instrument and the Note as �f no <br /> acceleration had occurred; �b} cures any default�f an�other covenants or agreemen�s; �c}pays a�l expens�s <br /> incurred�n enforcing th�s Secur�t� Instrumen�, includzng, bu�n�t Iimit�d�o, rea��nab�e a��orneys' fees, <br /> proper�� �nspect�an and va�uatian fe�s, and other fees in�urred for the purpose�f protec�ing Lender's in�erest <br /> N�BRASKA-Singte�ami�y-Fanr�ie MaelFreddi�Mac UNI�aRM iNSTRUM�NT �arm 3�28�1�1 <br /> VMP� VMP64N�y 47 3��f <br /> Walters Kluwe�Finan��at S�r�ices Page 12 of 17 <br />