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��14��1�� <br /> '1�. Barro►►ver Not F�eleased: Forhearance By Lender Not a Vllai�er. Extension of�he t�me for pa�men�or <br /> modif�cation of amortization of the sums secured by this Securi�y �ns�rumen�gran�ed by Lender�a gorrower <br /> or any Suc�essor in �n��rest�f Borrower shai� not�perate to re��ase th�liab��it��f B�rrov�er ar an� <br /> Succe�sors �n Interest of Borrower. Lender shaii not be required �o commence proceedings agains�any <br /> Successor in Interest�f Borrower or to refuse to extend tim�f�r payment or o�her�vvis�madify amort�zation <br /> of the sums secured by�h�s SeGur�ty Instrumen�h� reason af an�r demand made by th�arig�nal B�rrower or <br /> any Successors in In�eres�flf Borr�v��r. Any forbearan�e by Lender�n exercising any right or r�med� <br /> includxng, wxth�u�Iimitation, Lender's ac�eptanc�of pa�naen�s frnm�hird persans, ent�t�e�ar Successors �n <br /> Interest of Borro�v�rer or in amoun�s less than the amoun�then due, shai� not be a wai�er of or preclude the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 'i 3. Joint an�f SeWera� L�ab�l�ty; �o-signers; Successors and As��gns Bound. Borrower co�enan�s and <br /> agrees tha�Borrower's ob�igations and��ab���t� shall be joint and se�eral. �3awe�er, an� Borrawer v�h� <br /> co-si�ns �his Secur�ty�ns�rum�nt bu�does not execute�he No�e ta "c�-s�gner"}: �a} �s co-sign�ng�h�s <br /> Se�ur�t� Instrument oni��o mor�gage, gran�and c�n�ey the�o�signer's in�erest �n the Proper�y und�r�he <br /> terms of this Securi�� �nstrumen�; �b} �s no�personally ob�iga�ed tn pa��he sums secured by this 5ecurit� <br /> Ins�rumen�; and �c} agrees�ha�Lend�r and any o�her Borrovver can agree�o extend, mod�fy, forbear or n�ake <br /> an�accommodations w�th regard to the terms of this Secur�ty Instrument or�he Not��vithaut�he co-signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Sub�ect to the pro�isions of Se��ion �S, any Successar in �nterest of Borrower who assumes Borrawer's <br /> o�ligations under�his Securit� Instrument in writing, and �s appraved b� Lender, sha��obtain all of <br /> Borrower's rights and benefits und�r�his �ecurity Instrumen�. Borrower sha�l not be re�eased from <br /> Borrov�rer's obligations and Iiab�lit�under this Securi��r Instrument unles� Lender agrees to such release in <br /> wr�tin�. The co�enants and agreem�nts of this Secur��y �nstrument shall b�nd (except as provided in Sect�on <br /> 2�} and benefit th�successors and ass�gns af Lend�r. <br /> �4. Laan Charges. Lender may�harge Borrower fees far s�rvices performed in cannection wi�h Barrower's <br /> d�fault, for th�purpase of pra�e��ing Lender's �nterest in the Praper�y and r�ghts under this Security <br /> �nstrumen�, �ncluding, but nflt�inv.ted to, attorneys' fees, proper�� inspec�ion and�va�ua�i�n fees, In regard to <br /> any oth�r fees, �he absence of express authority in this Secur�ty�nstrument tn charge a spec�f�c fee to <br /> Barrower sha�l not be construed as a proh�b�t�on�n the char�ing of such fee. Lender may not charge fees <br /> tha�are expressi�proh�b�ted�y this SeGurity �nstrument ar b� Applicab�e Law. <br /> �f the Laan is subj ect to a�av� wh�ch sets char�es, and that law �s f�nal�y �nterpreted so tha� <br /> �he interest or o�her I�an charges collected or�o b�collec�ed i�c�nnection v�ith the Laan exceed th� <br /> permi�ted l��mits, �hen: �a} any such laan charg� shall be redu�ed b�the amount necessar�to reduce�he <br /> �harge to the perm����d�imit; and �b} any sums a�read�coliect�� from B�rrower�vhich e�ceed�d permitted <br /> ��mits vw��l be refunded to Borrower. Lender ma��hoose ta m.ake�h�s refund��reducing�he principal �v�►red <br /> under the Nate or b�maki�g a direct payment to Barrower. �f a refund reduc�s pr�ncxpa�, �he reducti�n w�l� <br /> b�trea�ed as a par�iai prepa�ment v��fihaut any prepayment charge�v�he�her or not a prepaymen��harg��s <br /> prav�de�.for under�he Na��}. Barrawer's acceptance of any such refund made by direct paymen�to <br /> Borr�wer�u�ll canstitu�e a wai�er of any right af a�t�on Borrov�er might have arising out of such overcharge. <br /> �5. Natices. All no��ces gi�ven by Borrawer or Lender�n connect�on with th�s Securi�y Ins�rument�nus�be in <br /> �rit�ng. An�no��ce ta Barrower in connec�ion�v��h�h�s 5ecur��y Ins�rum.ent sha�l be deemed�o ha�e been <br /> given�o Borrov�er when rna�led�y f�rst c�ass ma�l nr when actua��y delivered to Borrower's nati�e address if <br /> s�nt by other means. No�ice�o an�r ane Barrower shal�cons��tu�e not�ce�o a�i Borrowers unless Appl��able <br /> Lav�r e�.press�y requires atherv�ise. The no�ice address shall be the Pr�per�y Address unl�ss Barrower has <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-�annie MaelF�eddie Mac UNI�QRM iNSTRUMENT Form 3028 110� <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�3�13�2� <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 1 1 of 17 <br />