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��14��1�� <br /> satisfaction, pra�ided�hat such �nspection sha�l b�undertaken promp�ly. Lender may pay for the repairs <br /> and res�oration in a single disbursement or in a��ries of pro�ress payments as the wark is co�np�e��d. <br /> Unl�ss an agreement is made in writ�ng tir Appl�cable Law requir�s �nterest to be paid on such <br /> ����e�ianeous Proceeds, Lender shal� not�e required to pay B�rrawer any in�erest or earn�ngs on such <br /> �iscellaneaus Praceeds. �f the res�ora�ian ar repair is na�e�onom.ically feasible or Lender's securi�y w�uld <br /> be le�sened, the Misce�laneous Proceeds shall be appl�ed to the sums secured by th�s Secur�ty �nstrument, <br /> �hether ar n�t then due, w��h the excess, if any, pa��i to Barro�ver. Such Misc�ilar�eous Proceeds sha�l be <br /> app�ied in the order pro�id�d f�r in Sec�i�n�, <br /> �n the��ent of a ta�al taking, destruG�ian, or loss �n value of the Property, �he N��scellaneous Pr�ceeds sha�� <br /> be applz�d to the sums secur�d by this Secur�t� �nstrum�nt, whether or not�hen due, �ith�he�xcess, �f an�, <br /> pa�d to Barra�ver. <br /> �n����vent af a part�a� �ak�ng, destruction, ar loss in va�ue of th� Pr�perty in wh�ch the fair market value af <br /> the Prop�rty immed�ate�y before the part�al tal�ing, des�ructi�n, or�oss in value�s�qual to or greater than�he <br /> am�unt�f�he sums secured by this Securit�r �nstrurnen� immediat�ly befare th�partia� �aking, destruct�on, or <br /> �oss �n�ra�ue, unless Borr�vv�r and Lender o�hervvis�agree�n vvrzt�ng, �he sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �nstrument shai��e reduc�d b�the amount�f the Misce�Ianeaus Pr��eeds mult�plied by�he fol�owing <br /> fractian: �a}the�o�a� amoun�af the sums secured immedzate�y before the par��al tak�ng, destruct��n, or��ss <br /> in va�ue divided b� ��} the fa�r mark�t�ralue of�he Proper�y immed�at�Iy before the par�ia� taking, <br /> destruc�i�n, or loss �n va�ue. An�balance sha����pa�d�a Borrawer. <br /> �n the e��nt of a par�iai�ak�ng, des�ruc��an, or�os� in value of the Proper�� �n wh�ch th�fair market�alue of <br /> the groperty immediately befor�the par��a� taking, d�struct�on, ar�ass in vaiue is l�ss than�he amaunt of��ae <br /> sums secured immedia�e�y before the par�ia� taking, d�structi�n, �r loss in�aiue, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lender otherwise agree in wr�ting, the Misce�lan�nus Prn�eeds shal� be applied ta the sums secured by this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument whe�her or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Pr�per�y �s aband�ned by B�rrov�er, or if, after noti�e by L�nder to B�rrawer tha�the�ppasing Par�y <br /> �as def�ned in th�next sentence}offers�o make an award ta se���e a c�a��m.for daamages, Borrower fa��s�o <br /> r�spond to Lender within 3�da�s after�he date the no�ice �s gi�en, L�nder�s authar�zed�o ca��ect and apply <br /> �h�Miscellaneous Praceeds ei�her to restaration ar repa�r af�h�Proper�y or ta the sums secured by this <br /> Security Instrument, whether or not then du�, "�pp�s�ng Par��" means �he third par�y that owes Borrov��r <br /> Misce�Ian�ous Proceeds or�he party against whom Borr�wer ha� a r�ght af acti�n in r�gard to MisG�Ilan�ous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borr�wer sha��be in d�fault�f any action or pr�c��ding, vvhether civ��or�r�m�nal, is b�gun tha�, �n Lender's <br /> �udgment, Could result in forfeitur��f the Proper�y�r�ther mat�ria� �m�.pairment af Lend�r's �n�er�st in the <br /> Pr�perty or rights under this S�cur�ty �ns�rument. B�rrower can cure such a defaul�and, if acce�era��on has <br /> accurred, reinstate as pr�vided in Sect�an 19, by�ausing the action ar proceeding ta be d���m�ssed u�ith a <br /> ru�ing tha�, in Lend�r's judgmen�, pre��udes forfeiture of�h�Property ar��her mater�a� impairm�nt�f <br /> Lender's interest in the Prap�r�y or righ�s un�.er�his Se�urit� Ins�rument. Th�pr�ceeds of any award or <br /> claim for damages that are at�ributable�o the�mpairmen�of Lender's interest in th�Praper�y are hereby <br /> assigned and sha�i b�paid to Lender, <br /> A�� M��cellaneous Proc�e�s that are no�app�ied to restara�zan�r r�pa�r of the Proper�y sha��be app��ed in�he <br /> order pro�ided for in Sect��n Z. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-�annie Ma�IFreddie Mac UNlFDRM INSTRUMENT �arm 3D28 11�� <br /> VMP Q VMPfi4NEf�13D2� <br /> Wafters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 1 D vf 17 <br />