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��14��133 <br /> �S} a�l awards,payments and other compensation made or to be made hy any <br /> �o�ernmenta.�Authority with respect to th� Land,the Improvernents,the <br /> Fixtur�s,the Personalty�r any other part�f the Mortgaged Property, including <br /> any awards nr settlements resulting frorn condemnation proceedings or the total or <br /> partial taking of the Land, the Impro�ements,the Fixtures,the Pers�nalty ar any <br /> �ther part�f the M�rtgaged Praperty under the p�wer of eminent domain or <br /> otherwise and including at�y con�eyance in tieu there�f; <br /> �9} at 1 contra�ts, options and other agreements for the sale of the Land, the <br /> Improvements,the Fixtures,the Personalty or any other part of the Mortgaged <br /> Property entered into by Borravver now or in the future, including cash or <br /> securities deposited to secure perf�rmance by parties�f their�bl igat��ns; <br /> (1�} all proceeds �cash or non-cash}, lic�uidated claims or other Gonsid�ration from the <br /> con�ersion,vaiuntary or in�alunta.ry, �f any of th� Mortgaged Property and the <br /> right to co�lect such proceeds, liquidated claims or other cansiderati�n; <br /> ���} a11 revenue generated by any partion of the M�r�gaged Pr�perty and any Leases; <br /> �12} all earnings,royalties, instruments, accounts �including any deposit accounts}, <br /> Acc�unts Recei�able, supp�rting obligatians, issues and prnfits from the Land, <br /> , the Impr��ements,the Healthcare Facil�ty, ar any other part of the Mortgaged <br /> Property, and all undisbursed pr�ceeds of the Loan; <br /> (13� al� Impositian Depasits; <br /> (14} al�refunds ar rebates of�mpos�tions by any Go�ernmental Authority or insurance <br /> campany(�ther than r�funds appl�cable to periods befor�the real property tax <br /> y�ar in which this Security Instrument is dated}; <br /> �15� al� forfeited security depos�ts under any Lease; <br /> �15} all names under nr by whi�h any of the above Mortgaged Proper�y may be <br /> operated or known, and al�trademarks,trade names, and go�dwi i 1 relating to any <br /> of th�Mortgaged Proper�y; <br /> �17� all deposits andlnr escro�vs held by or on behalf�f Lender under Ancillary <br /> Agreements; <br /> (1�} al� awards,payments, �ettiements or other compensatian resu�t�ng from Iitigation <br /> involving the Project; <br /> (19} any and all licenses, l�ed authority, andlor certificates of need required to operate <br /> the Healthcare Facil�ty at�d recei�e the ben�fits and re�mburs�ments under a <br /> provider agreement with Medicaid,Medicare, any State or local programs, <br /> hea�thcare insurers or ather assistance pro�iders re�ied upan l�y HUD t� insure <br /> Pre�ious�ersions obso{ete Page 9 af 4fl fvrm HUD-94��0-�RCF�Re�.�3113} <br />