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��14��133 <br /> "Laan Appl�catian" is d�f ned in Section 41. <br /> "Loan Do�ument�"means this S�curity Instrument, the Note,the Borrovver's Regulatory <br /> Agreement,the Master Tenant's Regulatory Agreement,the �perator's Regulatory Agreement, <br /> and aI�other agr�ements, instruments, and dacuments which are naw e�i sting or are in the future <br /> re�uired by, deli�ered to, ar�dlar assigned to Lender andlor HUD �n c�nnection vvith or related ta <br /> the Loan,whether execut�d�r delivered by or on behalf of Borrower or C�p�rat�r or Master <br /> Tenant, as such dacuments may be amended fram time to time,pro��ded that th� Borrawer- <br /> 4perator Agreement and the Master Lease shall not be cansidered a Loan Document. <br /> "Master Lease"means that certain Master Lease, in which the Healthcare Facil�ty is <br /> aggregated with other HUD-insured healthcare facilities and leas�d to the Master Tenant. <br /> "1Vlaster Tenant's means JV Bickford Master Tenant LL�, a timited liabili com an <br /> �rganized and existing under the laws of Kansas, the master tenant pursuant to the Mast�r Lease. <br /> "Ma�#�r Tenant's Regu�atory Agreement"means that c�rtain H�althcare Regulatory <br /> Agreement—Master Tenar�t, r�lating to the Project and entered into by Master Tenant for the <br /> benefit of HUD. <br /> "Monetary E�ent of Default" is def ned in Section 22. <br /> "Mortgaged Property"means a�l of Borrower's present and future r�ght,title and interest in ar�d <br /> ta a11 of the following, whether now own�d or held or later a�quired: <br /> (1} th�Land; <br /> (2} the Healthcare Facility; <br /> �3� the Impro�ements; <br /> �4} the Fi�tures; <br /> (5� the Persana�ty; <br /> (6} all curr�nt and future rights, including air rights, de�e�opm�nt rights, zonin�rights <br /> and other similar rights�r interests, easements,tenements, rights-of-way, strips <br /> and gor�s of Iand, streets, alleys, roads, sewer rights,waters, watercourses, and <br /> appurtenances related ta or benefiting the Land or the Improvements, or bath, and <br /> al1 rights-of-way, streets, alleys and roads vvhich may have been or may in the <br /> future be�acated; <br /> (7� all insurance po�icies co�ering any of the Mor�gaged Property, and al1 proceeds <br /> paid or to be paid by any insurer of the Land,the Impr�vements,the F�xtures,the <br /> Personalty or any oth�r par�of�the Mor�gaged Property, whether or not Borrower <br /> obtained the insurance pursuant ta Lender's reyuirement; <br /> Pre�ious versi�ns obsolete Pa�e 8 of 4� form HIJD-94�U�-aRCF�Rev.�3113} <br />