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��14��133 <br /> them,that has�r acquires jurisdiction o��r the Mortgaged Property, including the use, operation <br /> or impro�ement of the Mortgaged Property. <br /> "Healthcare Facility"means that porti�n af the Project�perated on the Land as a Nursing <br /> Home, Intermediate Care Facility, Board and �are Home,Assisted L�ving Facility andlor any <br /> other heaithcare facility authorized to recei�� insured mortgage financin�pursuant to Secti�n <br /> 23� of the Natianai Housing Act, as amended, including any comrnercial space included in the <br /> facility. <br /> "H�althcare Facility Working Capital"means current assets af the Healthcare Fac�lity minus <br /> current liabilities of the Healthcare Facility,pursuant tn Gen�rally Accepted Accaunting <br /> Princip�es, as Program �bligations may further clarify or define. <br /> "HUD"means the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban De�elopm�nt acting by and through <br /> th� Secretary in the capacity as �nsurer or holder af the Loan under the autharity of the Nat�onal <br /> Housing A�t, as amended,the Department of H�using and Urban Development Act, as amended, <br /> or any�ther federal law or regulation pertaining to the Loan ar the Project. <br /> "Irnpositi�ns" is defined in Section 8. <br /> "Imposition Deposits" is defined in S��ti�n 8. <br /> "Impro�ements"means the buildings, structures, and alterations now constructed or at any time <br /> in the future canstructed or pla�ed upon the Land, �ncluding any future replacements and - <br /> add�tions. <br /> "Ir�debtedness"means the principal of, interest on, and all ather amounts due at any time under <br /> the Note or the Loan Documents, including prepayment premiums, late charges, default interest, <br /> and advar�ces to prot�ct the secur�ty as pra�ided in the Loan Documents. <br /> "Land"means the estate in realty described in Exhibit A. <br /> "LeaseS"means any and all �perator Leases, Master L�ases, Residential Agreements, and ar�y <br /> �ther present and future l�ases, subleases, licenses, concessions or grants or�ther poss�ssory <br /> int�r�sts now or hereafter in f�r�e, whether oral or vvritten, covering ar affecting the Pr�ject, �r <br /> any portion of the Project, and all mndifications, extensians or renevvals. Any ground lease to the <br /> Borrower cr�ating a �easehold interest in the Land that is secur�ty for the Loan is not included in <br /> this definition. <br /> "Lender"means the ent�ty identified as "Lender" in the first paragraph of this Security <br /> Instrument, or any subsequent holder of the Note, and whenev�r the term "Lender" is used <br /> herein,the same shall be de�med to include the obligee, or the Trustee(s} and the beneficiary of <br /> this Security Instrument, and so l�ng as the L�an is insured or held by HUD, shall also be <br /> deemed to be�th�.mortgagee as defined by Pragram �bl�gati�ns. <br /> "Lien" is defined in Section 17. <br /> "Loan" is defined in the opening paragraphs of this Security Instrument. <br /> Previous�ersions obsolete Page 7 of 4n �orm HUD-94DD�-C]R�F tRe�.431'13} <br />