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��14��133 <br /> "Borr�wer"means all persons ar entities identified as B�rrower in the first paragraph of this <br /> Security Instrument,together with any successors, heirs, and assigns �joint�y and se�erally}. <br /> Borrow�r sha�l include any persan�r ent�ty taking tit�e to the Mortgaged Property whether�r not <br /> such person or entity assumes the Note. Whenewer the term "B�rrovver" is used herein,the same <br /> shall be deemed to in�lude the obligor af the debt secured by this Security Instrument, and so <br /> long as the Note is insured or held by HUD, sha�l also be deem�d to he the mortgagor as defined <br /> by Program �b�igations. <br /> "Borrower-�perator Agr��ment"means any agre�ment relat�ng to the management and <br /> operation of the Health�are Fac��ity hy and between Master Tenant and�peratar, including any <br /> �perator Lease. <br /> "Borrower's Regulatory Agreemen#" means that certain Healthcare Regulatory Agreement— <br /> B�rrower re�ating to the Project, and made by Borrower for th�b�nefit af HUD. <br /> cc • • �� <br /> • . . . . <br /> "Business Day"rneans any day�ther than a Saturday, a Sunday, a fed�ral h�l�day or other day <br /> on vvhich the federal ga�ernment by law or execut��e order is clnsed, or a day an which banking <br /> institutions in the State are authorized or obl�gated by lavv or�xecuti�e ord�r to remain closed. <br /> "�ontract of Insuranc�" is defined in 24�.F.R. Par�232.$���a}. <br /> "�o�enant E�ent of�efault" is defined in Section 22. <br /> "Event af I]efault"means the occurnence af ar�y event list�d in Secti�n 22. <br /> "F�xtu res"m�ans al1 property or goods that becom� s� re lat�d or attached to the Land or the <br /> Ir�pro�ements that an interest arises in them under real pr�perty law,whether acquired naw or in <br /> th� future, exc�uding all resident owned gaads and property, and including but not limited to: <br /> major movable eyuiprnent, machinery, equipment�including medical equipment and systems�, <br /> �ngines, boilers, incinerators, installed building materials; systems and equipment for the <br /> purpos� af supplying�r distributing heating, cool in�, electricity, gas, water, a�r, or light; <br /> antennas, cab�e, wiring and conduits used in cannection with radio,tele�ision, computers and <br /> computer software, medical systems, security, f�re prevention, or fire detection or otherwise used <br /> to carry electronic signals; telephone systems and equipment; elevators and related ma�hinery <br /> and equipment; fire dete�tion,pre�ention and extinguishing systems and apparatus; security and <br /> access control systems and apparatus; plumbing systems; water heaters, ranges, sto�es, <br /> micro�va�e ovens, refrigerators, dishwashers, garbage disposais, wash�rs, dryers and other <br /> appliances; light fixtures, awnings, storm windows and storm doors; pictures, s�reens, blinds, <br /> shades, curtains and curtain rods; mirrars; cabinets,paneling, rugs and floor and vvall ca�erings; <br /> . fences,trees and p�ants; swimming pools; playground and exercise ec�uipment and classroom <br /> furni�hings and equipment. <br /> "���ernmenta�Authority" means any board, Comm�s5iorl, d�partm�nt�r body of any <br /> municipal, county, state, tribal ar federal go�ernmental unit, including any United States <br /> territoria� go�ernm�nt, and any publ�c or quasi-public autharity, or any subdi�ision of any of <br /> Pre�ivus�ersivns obso�ete Pa�e B of 4� form HUD-94Q��-�RCF�Rev.�3113} <br />