<br /> "�perator's Security Agreement"means that cer�ain �perator Security Agreement relating to
<br /> the Project, and made hy �perat�r.
<br /> "Personalty"means a11 ec�uipment, inventary, and general intangibles associated with the
<br /> Healthcare Facility andlor the Project. It includes furntture, furnishings, beds,machinery,
<br /> building materials, appliances, goods, supplies, tools, books, records (whether in written or
<br /> electronic form}, camputer ec�uipment�hardware and saftware} and�ther tangible�r
<br /> electronically stored persona�property�other than Fixtures}that are owned, leased or used novv
<br /> or�n the future in�onnection vvith the ownership, management or aperation of the Healthcare
<br /> Facility andlor any ather portian of the Project, or are located�n the Land or in the
<br /> Impro�ements, and any operating agreements relating to the Pr�ject, and any sur�eys,plans and
<br /> spe�ifications and contracts for archit�ctural, engineering and construction s�r�iGes relating to �
<br /> the Project, and all other intangible property and rights relat�ng ta the aperatian of, ar used in
<br /> connectian with,the Project, inc�uding all certifications, appro�als and go�ernmental permits
<br /> relating to any acti�ities on the Land. P�rsona�ty includes all tangible and intan�ihle personal
<br /> property us�d in connection with the Healthcare Faci 1 ity(such a�maj or mova��e equ�prnent and
<br /> systems�, accounts, 1 icenses, bed auth�rities, certificates of need r�quired to operate the
<br /> Health�are Facility and t� recei�e benef ts and reimbursements under provider agreements with
<br /> M�dicaid, Medicare, State and �ocal programs, payments fr�m healthcare insurers and any�ther
<br /> a5515taI1Ce�]r�VIC���'S; a�� ��I"�1f1Ca�l�rl5, permits and appro�als, instruments, Rents, lease and
<br /> contract rights, equipment teases relating to the use, operation, maintenance, repair and
<br /> impro�em�rtt of the HealthCare Facility. �eneralty, intangibles shall also includ� a�l cash and
<br /> cash escrovv funds, such as but not limited to: reserve for replacement accour�ts, debt service
<br /> reser�e accounts, bank ac��unts, Residual Re�eipts accounts, and in�estments.
<br /> "Principa�" is defined in 24 C.F.R. 20�.215, or any successor regulation.
<br /> "Program �bligations"means (1}all applicable statutes and any r�gulati�ns issued by HUD
<br /> pursuant thereto that apply to the Project, �ncluding al� amendments ta such statut�s and
<br /> re�ulations, as they became effective, exCept that changes subj ect tn natice and comment
<br /> ru�emaking shall become effecti�e only upon campleti�n of the rulemaking pracess, and �2} all �
<br /> current requirements in HUD handbooks and guides, notices, and mortgagee �etters that apply to
<br /> the Project, a�d all future updates, changes and amendmer�ts thereto, as they becnme effect��e,
<br /> except that changes subject to notice and comment ru�emaking shall be�ome effectiv� only upon
<br /> comp�etion of the ru�emaking pr��ess, and provided that su�h future updates, chang�s and
<br /> . amendrnents sha�l be appl�cable to the Project only to the extent that they interpret, clarify and
<br /> impl�ment terms in this S�Gurity Instrument rather than add or delete pro�isions frorn such
<br /> dacument. Handbooks, guides, notices, and mortgagee letters are availahle on HUD's offic�al
<br /> website: htt :Ilwww.hud. o�loff�cesladmlhudcli SI1r1C��X.cfm ar a successor location ta that
<br /> site.
<br /> "Project"means any and all assets �f whatever nature or wherever situated related to the Loan,
<br /> 117C�L1C�tt7g Wlt�'laLlt�1r171ta.tl�rl,the Mortgaged Property, any Improvements, and any collateral
<br /> owned by the �perator securing the Loan.
<br /> "Property Jurisdiction"means any appli�able jurisdiction in which the Land is located.
<br /> Previous ve�si�ns obsolete Page 1'! vf 4� f�rm HUD-94���-�RCF�Rev.D31�3}
<br />