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��14��133 <br /> "Reasonable�perating Expense�"m�ans expenses that arise from the �peration, maintenance <br /> and routine repair af the Project, including al�payments and depasits required under this Secur�ty <br /> Instrument and any Loan D�cument, and cnmply with the r�quirements of�4 �.F.R. �32.1��7, <br /> or successar regulation. <br /> "Rent"means a�1 rent du�pursuant to any Master Lease or�perator Lease, any payments due <br /> pursuant to any Residential Agreement, any other leas�payments, re�enu�s, charges, fees and <br /> assistance payments arising fram the operation af the Pr�ject, including�ut not limited to, tf and <br /> for so long as applica�le, w�rkers' compensatian, socia� security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other <br /> third-party reimburs�ment payments,Accounts Recei�able and all payments and incame arising <br /> fr�m the operation of the Hea�thcare Facility ar�dlor the pro�ision of servi�es to residents thereof. � <br /> "Residential Agreement"means any lease or oth�r agreement between the �perator and a <br /> resident setting forth the terms of the resident's 1i�ing arrangements and the provision of any <br /> related ser�ices. <br /> "Residual Receipts"means certain funds held by a Nan-Profit B�rrawer which are restricted in <br /> their use by Program �bligations. <br /> "State"means the state of the Proper�y Jurisdiction and may include any of the f�fty states of the <br /> United States nf America, Puer�o Rico, the District of Co�umbia, Guam,the Trust Territ�ry of <br /> the Pacific Islands,the American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. <br /> "Surp�us �ash"means any Bnrrower's cash remaining in Project-related accounts at the close <br /> of business on the �ast day of the Project's semi-annua� fiscal periad, as further described in <br /> Program �bligations. <br /> "Taxes"means all taxes, assessments,vault rentals and other charges, if any, gen�ral, special or <br /> atherwise, including all assessments f�r scho��s, publ ic bett�rments and generat or locai <br /> impravements, wh�ch are levied, assessed❑r im�osed by any public authority or quasi-publ�c <br /> authority, and which, if not paid, could b�come a lien on th� Land�r the Improvernents. <br /> "Waste" means a fa�lure to k�ep the Project ir�decenty safe ar�d sanitary condition and in g�od <br /> repair. Wast�aisa means the failure to meet�er�a�n f nancial obligations regarding the payment <br /> of Taxes and the re�inquishment of the possessian af Rents. During any pe�iod in which HLID <br /> insures the Loan or holds a s�curity interest on the Mortgaged Praper�y, Waste is cammitted <br /> when, withaut Lender's and HUD's expr�ss written consent, Borrower: <br /> �1} physically changes, or permits changes to, the Mortgaged Property, <br /> whether negligently or intentionaliy, in a manner that reduces its�alue; <br /> �2� fails to maintain the Mortgaged Prop�er�y in decent, safe, and sanitary <br /> � candition and in g��d repair; <br /> (3� fails ta pay, or cause to be paid, b�fore delinquency any Taxes secured by <br /> a lien having priority over this Security Instrument; � <br /> Pre�iaus versions obsolete Page 12 of 44 f�rm HtJD-94��0-�RCF�Rev.�31�3} <br />