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��14���53 <br /> re�u�r�d�y RESPA, and Barrower shal�pay to Lender th�amaunt nec�ssary�o make up the def�c�ency �n <br /> acc�rdanGe wx�h RESPA, but in n�mor��han �2 mon�hly payments. <br /> Upon payrnen�in full �f all sums secured by this S�curi�y �nstrument, Lender sha�l pr�mptly refund to <br /> Borrnwer any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charge�; L�ens. Bnrrower shali pay a�� tax�s, as��ssm�nts, charg�s, f�n�s, and xmpos�tinns attr��utab�e�a <br /> �he Proper�y whzch can atta�r�przor�ty o��r this Secur�ty �nstrumen�, �eas�ho�d payments�r ground r�nts nn <br /> �he Proper�y, if any, and�ommun�ty Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and A�s�s�ments, �f any. Ta the extent that <br /> these items are E�cravv Iterns, Borrower sha�I pay them in the manner pr�vided in Section 3. <br /> B�rr�wer shall promptly discharge any lien wh�ch has pr��rity��er this �ecurity Instrum�nt un�ess <br /> B�rr�wer: �a} agrees in writing��the paymen��f th�nblzgation se�ured by�h���en�n a xnanner accep�ab�� <br /> t� Lend�r, but an�y sn �nng as Borrower�s perfarm�ing suCh agre�men�; �b}cantests the��en in good fai�h by, <br /> Qr defends agains�enfarcement of the lien in, lega�pr�ceedings whi�h in Lender's�pinifln operate ta preven� <br /> the�nfarcement af the�ien vwhile thase proceedings are pending, but anly unt�l such proceedings are <br /> concluded; or�c} secures fram�he holder of�he li�n an agreement satisfactory to Lender�ubordina�ing�h� <br /> lien�o this S�Gurity Instrument, If Lender determines that any part�f the Praper�y �s su�jec��o a�ien wh�ch <br /> can atta�n priorzty over this SeCurity �nstrumen�, Lender may g�ve Borrower a nat�ce�d�nt�fyxng the��en. <br /> '�x�h�n ��days of the da�e on wh�ch that nat�ce is g�ven, Borrower sha�� satzsf�r the��en or one or m�re <br /> of the a��ions set forth aba�e�n th�s Section 4, <br /> Lender may require Borrawer to pay a one-time charge for a rea� estate tax verificatian andl�r r�porting <br /> service used by Lender in cannection with�his Loan. <br /> 5. Prop�rty �nsu�ance. Barrow�r sha��keep the zmpro��m�nts naw exz�tzng ar her�after er�cted�n the <br /> Praper�y insured agazns��ass by �re, hazards included v���hin the t�rm "ex�ended caverage," and any other <br /> hazards including, but not�ixnited t�, �ar�hquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. This <br /> insurance shal�be maintained�n the amoun�s �including deductible levels} and for�he p�riods that Lender <br /> requires. What Lender requires pursuant to�h�pr�c�d�ng senten�es c:an change during the��rm af th�Loan. <br /> Th�insurance Carrier pro�id�ng the insuranC�shal��e chosen b�B�rr�wer subject t� Lender's right to <br /> disapprove Borraw�r's choiCe, which r�gh�shal�nat be exerc�sed unreasana�ly. Lender may require <br /> Borrower�o pay, zn connect�on w�th th�s Laan, e��her: �a� a flne-t�me charge for�1ood zone de�erm�nat�fln, <br /> c�r�if�cat�on and track�n� serv�ces; or��} a oneWtime charge far f�aod zone determina��an an�certi�cation <br /> serv�c�� a.r�d subs�quent charges�ach�ime remappings ar similar changes accur which reasonably migh� <br /> affe�t su�h det�rminatian ar certi�ca�ian. Borr�wer shali a�s�be respansible f�r�h�paym�nt�f an�r f��s <br /> imp�se��y �he F�derai Em�rgen�y Managem�n�Ag�ncy in conn��t��n w��h the re�iew of an� �1��d z�ne <br /> de��rm�na��on resu�t�ng from an�b�����an by Borrower. <br /> �f Borrower fa�Xs to ma�n�ain an� of the caverages descr�bed a�a�e, Lender may o�ta�n�nsurance caverages <br /> at Lend�r's opt�fln and Borrower's�xpense, L�nder is under no ob��gation t�purchase any par�icu�ar�ype or <br /> axnount of c�verag�. Therefore, such co�erage sha�i co�er Lenders but migh�or might not protec�Borra�ver, <br /> Barr�wer's equ�ty in�h�Pr�perty, or the cnnten�s af the Proper�y, agains�any ri�k, hazard ar Iiabili�y a.�d <br /> mi�ht prov�de gr�a�er or le�ser co��rag��han was pre��ously �n effe��. Borrower aGkn�u���dges�ha�th�c�s� <br /> af the insurance caverage so o�tained m�ght sign��cant�y exceed the cast of�nsuran�e�ha�Borrow�r c�uld <br /> have obtained. Any am�unts d�sbursed by L�ender und�r thzs 5ecti�n 5 shai�become additional debt af <br /> Barrawer secured by�his Security Ins�rument. These amaunts �hall bear interest at the Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursemen�and shall be pa�able, wi�h such interes�, upon natice from Lender�� Barr�vver <br /> reques�ing payment. <br /> N�SRASKA-Singte�amily-�anni�Mael�reddie Mac tJNI�ORM INSTRUMENT �orm 3D28 1141 <br /> VMP Q VMPS{NE}t1�q2) <br /> Watters Kluwer Finar�cial 5er�ices Page 6 of 17 <br />