<br /> Any application of paymen�s, insurance praceed�, or M�sce��aneous Proceeds�a pr�ncipal due under�he Note
<br /> shall not extend or pos�pone th�due dat�, ar change the amount, of the Period�� Payments.
<br /> 3. �`unds for Escrow It�ms. Borrower shall pay�o Lender on the day Periodic Paymen�s are due under�he
<br /> N�te, un�i1 �he No�e is pa�d �n full, a sum�the "Funds"} to pro��de for payment of amounts due for: �a} �axes
<br /> and assessmen�s and ather�tems v�rh�ch can attain pr�ority o�er this S�curity Instrument as a Iien ar
<br /> encumbrance on�he Prope�y; (b}�ea�ehold payments or ground ren�s on�he Proper�y, �f any; tc} prem�ums
<br /> for any and a�� insuran�e required by Lender under Sect�on 5; and�d} Mort�ag� Insurance pr�m�ums, if any,
<br /> ar an� sums payable�� Borrov�er to L�nder in lieu of the pa�men��f Mar�gag��nsurance pr�m�ums in
<br /> accardance wi�h�he pr��vi��on�af Sec�ion I�. These�tems are cal�ed "Escrow �tems." At flrigina�ian or at
<br /> any�ime dur�ng�he�erm of the Loan, Lend�r may re�uire that Communi��Association Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, �f any, be escrow�d by Borrower, and such dues, fees a.nd assessm�nts shall be an Escraw
<br /> �tem. Borrower shall�romp�iy furn�sh to Lender aii no�ices af am�un�s�o be paid under this S�cti�n.
<br /> B�rrower sha�l pay Lend�r�he Funds for Es�row ��ems unless L.ender v�aiv�s Borrower's ab�igat�on ta pay
<br /> �he Funds far any or all �scrow �tems. Lender may wa��e Borrower's o��iga�ian to pay to L.ender Funds for
<br /> an�or a�I Escrow Item� a�any t�rne. Any such vvai�rer ma�r only be in�vr�ting. In the even�af such wai�er,
<br /> Barrow�r shali pay directly, �hen and where payabl�, �he amount�due for any Escrav�r Items for wh�ch
<br /> pa�ment of Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and, if Lend�r requ�res, sha�I furn�sh�o Lender receip�s
<br /> e�idenc�n� su�h paymen�w�th�n such time p�r�od as Lender may requ�re. Borrower's obl�ga�ian to make
<br /> such pa�ments and�a pro�ide rec��pts sha11 far all purposes be d�emed t�be a covenant and agreemen�
<br /> contained in this Security In��ru�r��nt, as the phrase "ca�enant and agreement" is used �n Se��ian 9. �f
<br /> Borro�ver is�bligated ta pay Escrow Items d�rec��y, pursuan��o a waiver, and Borrov�►ler fai�s��pay�he
<br /> amoun�due for an Escrflw �tem, Lender ma��xerc�se �ts rights under Section 9 and pa� such amount and
<br /> Borrower sha11 then be�biigated under Section 9 to repay tQ Lender any suGh amoun�. L.ender may re�ok�
<br /> the v�aiWer as�o an��r all Escrow ��em�s at any time b� a n��ice given in accordanc�with Sect�on 15 and,
<br /> upan such re�aca��on, Borrower sha�l pa�r to Lender ai� Funds, and in such anzoun�s, �ha�are�hen requ�r�d
<br /> under�h�s Sec�ion 3.
<br /> L�nder may, a�any time, collec�and hald Funds in an amount �a} suffic�ent�o p�rm�i.t L�nder to apply the
<br /> Funds at�he t�me spe�ified under R�SPA, and�b} not to�xceed the max�mum amoun�a Iender can requir�
<br /> under RESPA. Lend�r sha�l est�ma�e the aamoun�of Funds due on th�basis of curren�data and r�asnnable
<br /> es�ima�es af expend�tures of future Escrow �tems or othervvise in accordance with Appl�cable Law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held �n an ins�itut�on whose dep�si�s are �nsured�� a federai agency, �ns�rum�ntalit�, or
<br /> en�it}� (inciud�ng Lender, if Lender is an�nstitution�vhase dep�sits are so �nsured} or in an�r Federai H�me
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender shal� apply�he Funds to pa�the Es�row ��ems n� Iater�han the t�me specif�ed under
<br /> R�SPA. Lend�r shall n��charge Borrower for hold�ng and appiying the Funds, annua��y analy�ing the
<br /> �scrow a��oun�, �r ver�f�ing the Escrovv I�ems, unles� L�nder pays Barr��ver�n�eres�an the Funds and
<br /> Appl�cabi�Law permits Lend�r�a make such a charge. I�nless a.n agre�ment is made in wr��ing ar
<br /> Appl�cable Lav� requires interest ta be paid on the Funds, Lender shall nat be required��pa�Borr�wer any
<br /> interes�or earn�ngs an�he Funds. Barrawer and Lender can agree in writing, hour��rer, that in�erest shal�he
<br /> paid�n th�Funds. Lender shal� give tfl B�rr�w�r, withou��harge, an annua� accounting of th�Funds as
<br /> requ�red by R�SPA.
<br /> �f there�s a�urplus of Funds he�d �n escro�, as d�f�ned under RESPA, Lender sha�� account to Borrower for
<br /> the exc�ss funds �n aGcordance wi�h R.ESPA. If there�s a shor�ag�of Funds he�d in escrow, as def�ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shall n�tify Borrower as required b� RESPA, and Borrower shall pay�a I...�nd�r the amount
<br /> n�cessary ta make up�he shor�age in ac�ordance w�th RESPA, but in no more�han 12 m�nthly payments. �f
<br /> there is a de�ici�nc� af Funds heid�n escrow, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender sha��not�fy Borrawer as
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single�a�iiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM 1NSTRUMENT Form 34�8 i 1�1
<br /> VMP� VMPfitNE}f13�Z1
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 5 of i 7
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