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��14���53 <br /> All insurance pol�cies r�quired by L,�nder and renevWa�s of such po��c�es shall be sub�����o Lender's r�gh�tn <br /> d�sapprove such po�icies, shall �nc�ude a s�andard mor�gag�c�ause, and shal�nam�I.�nder as mor�gag�e <br /> andlor as an additinna� �oss paye�. Lender sha�l have the right ta ho�d the polic�es and renewal cer����at�s. �f <br /> Lender re�u�res, Borrovver sha��promptly gi�v�to Lender al� receipts of paid pr�miums and ren�wal not�ces. <br /> �f Borrov�rer obtains any form of insurance cov�rag�, r�o�o�her�ise r�qu�re�.by Lender, far damage�o, or <br /> d�s�ruction of, �he Proper�y, such palic�r shall �n�lude a standard mor�gage c�ause and shal�nam�Lender as <br /> mortgag�e andl�r as an addi�ional Ioss payee. <br /> �n�h�e�ent of la�s, Borrflwer shali gi�e promp�no�ice t��he�nsurance carrier and Lender. Len�.er may <br /> make proof af loss if not made prom�t�y by Borrower. Un�ess Lender and Borrower otherw�se agree�n <br /> wri��n�, any �nsurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was required�y L.�nder, sha�� be <br /> appl ied�o res�nration or r�pair of the Proper��, if�he restorat�on or repair is econom�cai�y feasihle and <br /> Lend�r's s�cur��� is nflt lessened. Dur�ng su�h repair and rest�ration p�riad, Lender sha��have the right to <br /> h�id such �nsurance proceeds un��� Lender has had an appor�unity to inspect such Proper�y to�nsure the <br /> work has been c�mpleted�o Lend�r's sa�isfaction, pro�ided�ha�such inspecti�n sha��be under�aken <br /> prompt�y. Lender may disburse proceeds for th�repairs and res�ora�ion in a sxng�e payment or in a series �f <br /> progress payments as�he work�s com��eted. IJn�ess an agre�ment is made in wri��ng ar App��cab�e Law <br /> requires in�erest ta be paid on suc� insurance pra�eeds, Lender�hall not be required to pay Borrower any <br /> �n�erest or earnings on su�h proceeds. Fees for publ�c adjus�ers, or o�her third par�ies, retained b�Borrov�er <br /> shali nat�e paid ou��f�he insurance proceeds and shal�be the s�le o�liga�ian of Borrow�r. If the res�orati�n <br /> or repa�r�s nn�e�onomica��y feasibl�or Lender's securi��would be�essened, the insuranc�proceeds sha11 be <br /> appi�ed to�he sums secured by this Security Instrumer�t, whe�her or not then due, with�he�xcess, �f any, <br /> pa�d�o B�rr�wer. Such insuran��prflc�eds sha11 be app��ed in�h�order pro�vided for in�e�tion�. <br /> �f Borrower abandnns �he Prop�r�y, Lender�may �le, neg�t�ate an�sefi�le any a�a�la���insurance claim and <br /> re�at�d ma��ers. �f Borrower daes not respond w��hin 3Q days t� a no��ce from Lend�r that the insurance <br /> carrier has�ffered tn sett�e a c�aim, �hen Lender may nego��ate and set�le�he c�aim. The 3D-da�period w��l <br /> begin v�rhen�he notice is g��en. �n either even�, or if Lender a�quires the Praper�y under Section 22 or <br /> o�herwise, Borrov�er hereb�assigns�o Lender�a} Borrov�rer's rights to any insuranc�proceeds in an amoun� <br /> not to exce�d�he amounts unpaid under�he Note or th�s Securi�y xnstrument, and�b} any�ther�f <br /> Borrower's rights �o�her than�he rzght�� an�r refund of unearned premiums pa�d b�Barrower}under a�� <br /> �nsurance pol�cies cover�ng the Propert}�, insofar�s such r�ghts are app�icable to�h�co�erage of�he <br /> Prapert�. L.�nder may use the insurance proceeds ei�her t� r�pair or restare the Pr�perty or to pay amounts <br /> unpaid und�r�h�Note or this Security Ins�ru�men�, whether or no�then due. <br /> �. t3ccupancy. Borrou�er shal� occupy, es�ablish, and use the Proper�y as Borrov�er's pr�n��pal res�dence <br /> w�thin 6�days after th�execut�on of this S�curity Instrument and�hal�c�ntinue to occupy the Property as <br /> Borrower's pr�ncipal residen�e for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherv�ise <br /> agrees in writing, which consen� sha11 nat be unreasanably v���hhe�d, or unless ex�enua��n�circumstanc�s <br /> exist which are beyand Borrawer's con�ro�. <br /> 7. Preservation, Ma�ntenance and Pratection of the Prvperty; Inspections. Borr�wer sha11 no�des�roy, <br /> damage or�mpair th�Property, ailaw�he Proper�y�o�eter�arat�or c�mm��wast�on the Proper�y. �Vh��her <br /> ar not Borrov�er is residing in th� Pr�per�y, Borrower shall mainta�n the Pr�perty in order to pr�vent�h� <br /> Property from deteriflra�ing or decreasing �r��raiue due�o its cond��ion. Un�ess it is determined pursuant�o <br /> Sectian S that r�pair or restoration�s n��ec�nomicall� feasi�ie, B�rrov�rer sha��pr�mpt�y repair. �he Praper�� <br /> if damaged�o avflid fur�her de�er�orati�r�or damage. �f insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid in <br /> connecti�n wi�h damage�o, or�he�ak�ng of, the Property, Borrow�r shall be responsib�e for repa�r�ng or <br /> r�st�r�ng the Pr�p�r�y anl� �f Lender�as re�eased praceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proce�ds <br /> N�QRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNt��RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 i 101 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NE3 t13n�i <br /> Waiters Kluwer Financia!5er�ices �age 7 af i 7 <br />