<br /> v��aiv�Barror�er's abl��a.tian �o pay�o Lender Funds fa�•a��y o�•a�l F.s�.r.�w Iten�s at ariy��n�e. �n�� suG�waiver�ay
<br /> on�� �e in �v�-it�ng. In��e eWe����f s���la��aiver, Borrower shall pay d��•�c�ly, ��hen and ���here payable, the a.maun�s
<br /> d��e f�r an�r Escro�� Itern s for v���ich pa}�men� �f Funds has�een v��aived by Lender and, if. Lender re�u�res, shall
<br /> fur��ish �a Le��dez- x•eee�p�s evi�enci��g such p�.yment��it��in ���ch �ime period as Lender may requi.re. Borro�r�er's
<br /> abli�atao�� ta �na�.e su�h payn�e���s and �€� pro�ide receip�� s�a]I for a�l ���rposes be deemed ta be a co�enant and
<br /> a�re�rne��t coi�#ained in this �ecuri�y In��rumen�, as�he p��rase "cavenan� and a�reem�nt" is used in Sec�ion 9. If
<br /> Borrowe�r�s al�l�ba�ed�o pay Escr���Items di�•ectly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower fai�s to pay���e amaupt due
<br /> for�.n Escrow ��em, Le��der naav exerc�se its�•ig���s u��der Sect�on�and pay such amoun�and�3orrourer shall then be
<br /> ���iga�zd�tnder Section 9 to repay�o l.�ende.r a��y such arnaun�. Lender may revake t��e�ai�er as to a�y ar all Escrow
<br /> ���ms at an��ti�r�e b_y a na�ic�e �i�en in accordance��i�l� Se�tion �4 and, upQt� s��cl�re�oca�ioi�, Borrc�vver shall pa�to
<br /> i.lende�•al� Funds, and i�� s��c�� am����n�s, ���a� ar��hen reyuired u��d�i•�his Sec�ian 3.
<br /> Le��der znay, at any ti��ne, �al�ect and��old F��nds in an amaur���a}suff��en��o permit.Lender�o apply�he Funds
<br /> a��he�i�ne spec�f ed u��der I�FSPA, ar�d�b}�aot to exceed the��aKimu�n an»un�a lender can�•equ�re under R.ESPA.
<br /> I..ender s�7a�� esi��naxe the amo��n�of T'unds due�n the basis of cu�•rent data and reasor�able es�imates af e�pendirures
<br /> ��f future Tscr�vv It�m�or athervwise in accordance Wvi�h App�icable I1a�.
<br /> T1�e Funds �ha�l be h�ld in an in�t��utian whase d��osits are ins��-ed by �.federa� a�ency, i�s�rumental.�ty, or
<br /> en�itv ��ncl�.�ding Z.ende�•, ��`Lende�- is a�1 ins�itutrton vv�aose �ep�si�s �re sc� insured� or in any Federal Home Loan.
<br /> Bank. ��ender sha11 appiy th�Fun�s�o pay�l�e E�crow�te�s no�ater�han the time specif ed under RESPA. �Lender
<br /> s���a�1 flt�t char�e��3arrov��er far��ald���� a�d applyir�g t��e Funds, annu.al�y analyzi��the e�cra�accoun�, ��-ver�fyi.���
<br /> �he �scrow �tems, ��ple�s I.�ender pays �orro��e�•in�eres�c�n the F��nds and AppliGab�e Iaaw per.mi�s L�nder to make
<br /> suc��a charge, Ur�1es�an agree�nept�s rnade in r��r��in�or�4pp��cab�e La��v re�u�.r�s inte�•es��a b�paid an the Funds,
<br /> Lender sha�l��at be r�auired�o pa�r Bo�-rt��ver any intel•est o�earnin�s on�he Func�s. Bo�-ror�er and Lender can a�ree
<br /> in w�•iting, ��ovve�e.r, tha� �n�zrest s��a1l b� pai d ar� �he F unds. �.�ender shal� giWe to F3orro��v�.r, w•it��ou.� c��ar�ea an
<br /> annua� accountin� of the Fui�d� as requirec� by RESFA.
<br /> If th�re is a sur��lus of F�.�nds heid i.i� �escraw, as defned�.�nder R.FSFA, I.�en.der shall accoun��o Bor.rower�ar
<br /> the excess funds i��ac�ordance wi�h R�S�A. �f���ere�s a shor�a�e af�unds he[d in escror�,as def ned under RESPA,
<br /> I.1en��r s�aall�����fy� Bor�•ou��er as rec�uir�d by RESPA, a��d Bor�•o�er s��al�pay tQ.Lender���e amau�a�ne�e�sary�o n�ake
<br /> up the shor�age �r� accordanc�e wit� RESPA, bu� �n no more�h�n l2 montl�ly p�ymen�s. If�here is a defi�:�ency of
<br /> Funds held �r��sc�•ow�, as de�ined under RE�PA, L,en�er sha�..l notify��3ar�-o�e�•as re�uired by R.ESPA, and Boi•ra�e1•
<br /> shal�pay�011�i�der tih��m�u��t nec�ssar;�to make up�he def ciepcy� in accordan�e�i�h RESPA, �ut ir�no rnare�ha��
<br /> �� rn o��t��ly p�.Wm entis.
<br /> [Jpon payn�e��t�1�fu11 �f aI�sums 5ecur�d by�his Secur�t�instrum���, L,end�r shall prompt�y refund to Borrav�Ter
<br /> any Funds h�ld ��� Lender.
<br /> 4. �harges; I.�ien�. Borra��ver shall pay all taxes, assessxnents, ���ar�es, fnes, and im��si��ons attributable to
<br /> ���e �Pro�ert�� ��hicl� can a�tain priority over ��ais Secura�y Ins��•u�nent, leaseho�d payn�er�ts o�• grou�ad ren�s an the
<br /> Proper�, if a��y, ar�d Com.muni� Association Dues, Fees, dnC�A5��5Smen�S, if any. Ta�he e��e����ha��hese i�ems
<br /> ar��sc�•ou��Item�, Bo�r�wer shail pay them ip th�manne.r prouid�d in Se�tion 3.
<br /> Borr�«Ter s�aal�prompt���di s�har�;e any 1 ien�rh i��� has prior�iy o�er th�s Secur ity Instrum ent unless B�r•ro�ver:
<br /> �a�a��-ees in w�•i�ing�fl��ae pa��m�nt of�he�bligati�n secu�•ed by�he l�en in a manner acceptab�e to Lender, bu� a��ty
<br /> sa l ona as Bc�rrow�.r i 5 perta�•m.in� such a�;reemen�; �b� con�e�ts the �iex� in �oad faith by, nr defends a�a�n st
<br /> enforceme�l�of�he l�en in, �egal p�-oceedil�gs which in Lende�•'s opinian operate����•event the enfo�•cement of�he lien
<br /> while thase proceedings�.re pendin�, bu� anly u���i�. s��ch prc�c�e�in�s are c�ncluded; or�c}secures f.r�m �he holder
<br /> af �he liet� a� ag�-ee��ent sat�sfac�oi•y �o Lznder su�ordiriating ���e lien �o thi� Secu.�•�ty �nstrument. If L�nder
<br /> d�termines�hat any p�art flf th�Prapei•ty is �ubject�� a lien ��hic�� can�ttai.ri priarity oWer�his S�cu.rity Iristrumen�;
<br /> Lender may gi�e �3orro«�er a��.��ice iden�ifyin� the �ien. Vl��thin �D days of th.e date ofl which that nt�tice is�iWen,
<br /> Bor�•c��er shall sa�isfi�the �i��� ar take ane or more�f the actions �e� for��� abo�ve in �his Sec�ion 4.
<br /> Lend�r may re�u�r��3orra►��e�r t��a��a ope--time char�;e for a real estate tax�erif�;atiion andlor repar�ing s�rwic�
<br /> us�d by I�,�n�er in c�r�nec�ion �.�ith �his I�oan.
<br /> NE�F�SKA-Single Fami�y-UNIF�Rf1111 INSTRUi�ENT ���s��� r
<br /> f1�a D�F1 ED FC�R DEPARTMENT �F V ETFJ�AN S AFFAI RS �- M ER5 w v�rw.docmagrc.eom
<br /> �Rev. �101} Page 5 of ��
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