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��14�595� <br /> TH�S SF�U R.�TY��S`�RUM.�NT�Q�n b in�s u��iform covenap�s foz•na�ional use and non-un�form co�enai�ts v►�ith <br /> �im��ed ��ari���ons ��y���risd�c�ion �o ca�sti�u�e a uni�`��-m sec��ri�y in��run�e�it coWei•�n�real p1•Upert}�. <br /> UNlF�Rl� �C�VEN�tNT�. Borro��er and L��d�r co�enant and a�re�as foI�ows: <br /> 1. �'aymen�of Frinci�a�, Inter�s�,FScrovw i�ems,Pr�pa�men��harge5,and Lat��harges. B�r.rawer shall <br /> pay�rhen due�he p�-inc�paI c�#; and�n, the d�bt e�ide��ced by�he No�e a��d any prepayment char�;es a��d �ate <br /> c��r��s due��nder���e N at�. �Borra�rrer s��a11 a�so pay fu��ds f�r F scro�������m�pursuant�o Secti a� 3. Pay�r�er�ts due <br /> un�er th� Nate and �his Sec��r��y i��stru�nent shall b� made in U.S. cur.rency. Ho���ev�r, �f�.n� �heck or o�her <br /> i��s�rument recziWed by Lend�r a�paym�n�under t��e Note or•�his �ecurity .�nstr��rnen� �s.returned ta Le��de�•ur�paid, <br /> �Len�er�na}�require�hat any or a�l subse�uent p�.yrnen�s due under the Note ax�d this Securi��r Instrument be�nad�in <br /> nne or mare�f t1�e fol�����inb form�, as sel���ed b�Lender: �a}�as}a;��}mone�r arder;�c�}c��-��fied check, ban�.check, <br /> �rea5urer's c��eck or cashier's check,p�•oW�ded an�r such check is drawn upan a��ins�itu�ion �n�hose deposits are i��sured <br /> by a�ec�era� ageric}�, instru�r�er��ality, or en�ity; or�d� F,�ec�ranic F���ds T�-ansfer. <br /> Pa��men�s are de�m�d.received by�ender vvhep r�cei�ed a��he loca�ioY� desi�na�ed in th�N�te or at such other <br /> lo�at�on as ma�be desi�nated��� I.lendzr i� accordance wrt#h th���o�ice prar�isi�ns �n S�cti�n �4. Lender may re�urr� <br /> an��p���men�ar paz-t�al paym���if���e payment ar part�a�pa��ments a�•�insuff c�ent ta brin��he Loan curren�. Lender <br /> may accept any pa�men� or partia] pa�ment i��su�f ci�nt t� br�n� the L�an current, rn��t�ou� waiver of any ri�h�s <br /> h�r�u��der or �rejudice �o i�s ri�hts to refuse such payinent o�• par��al paymen�s in the future, but I..e��der is n.ot <br /> obli�ated to app�y sueh pa}�men�s a�the time suc��paymen�s are a�cep�ed. �f each Periodic Paymen� is applied as of <br /> it�schedu�ed d�xe dat�, th�n Lender need nat p�.�it��eres�on unappl�ed f�tnds. L�ender�nay hald suc��unappl ied it�nds <br /> unt�l Borra��ei•makes pa�m����t���•�n�����Laa��curr�nt. If Bc�rr��e.r daes r�at da so�rithi�� a reasona�le period of <br /> ��n�e, L1er�der shal� eith�r app�y suc.h .f�.inds or r��urn �he�n �� Barro��ver. �f not app��ed earl�,er, such funds will b� <br /> appli�d to ���� c�u�sta��din� p�•incipa� balal��� unde�• �he No�e i�nmediate�� priar to f.�recl�sure. Na offs�� o.r c�aim <br /> w��ich Barr�i��er mi�ht ha�e n�w�r in �h� fu�ure a�ai��st Lender�hall re�ieve B�r�-o��ve�•f����n making paymeY��s due <br /> under t��e No�e and �his Secu�-i�}� Instr�.�m���t or p�r�arm ing�he co��nan.�s and a�ree��nents secured by �his Securi�y <br /> I��s�ru��ent. <br /> 2. Applica�ion af Paym�ents or Pr��eeds. ��.cep� as otherwise described in �his S�c�i.on 2, a�i pa��mepts <br /> accepted�.nd appliec� by� Ler�d��-shal� be a�pIied in �he fall���r�n� o�•der of prior��}�: �a} in�erest due under�he No�e; <br /> �b}pz•incipa� due u��der�he No�e; �c}�moun�s due u��der Section 3. Such payments shal] �e appl�ed to ea�h Period�c <br /> Paym���t �n the ordeY' �T! �•�rhic�� i�bec�me due. Any rema�n���g amo��nts shall �e applied t��•st#o late char��s, secand <br /> �� az�y other amounts due under this Securit�� (.�s�h-ument, and then �o re�uc�the pr�n��pa� �alar�ce of�he Na�e. <br /> If�1�nder recei�es �paymenf firom Borravver f�r �. de�in�uent F'��•iodic PaVment v�hi,c:h inciudes a suff cient <br /> amount�o pay a��y� Ia�e charge due, the pa�ment ma�� be applied t� the de�inquen� paymeflt ax�d the late charge. �.f <br /> m�re �han one Per��dic Pa}��nent is autsta��din�; I,ender m�y app�W an� paynaen� �-ecei�ed fram Barrower to the <br /> �-epayme��t of�he P��•�odic Pavmen�s i�; and to tih�.extent th��, each �aym�nt can be pa�d in .fi�li. Ta���e ex.tent�hat <br /> an��excess exists af't��•t�7e paymen�is apptied��the full paym�nt af o��e or n��r�Per3odi.c Paymen�s, such excess may <br /> be app�ied�o a��y la�e char�es due. �'o�uY��ary prepaym�nts shal�be applied �irst�o any prepaymen�char��s and then <br /> as d�scr�b�d i�� the Not�. <br /> Any applicatian af payme���s, i�����rance pr��e�ds, or Mi�ceilaneous �'roceeds�o p�-inc�pa� du�under the No�e <br /> 5hali not ext���d ar po��pone the due da�e, or c�an�e t��e amaunt, ��f�he Periodic Payn��e�ts. <br /> 3. Fund� f�r Fs�row �t�ms. Borra�ver shall pay to I:ender o�����e da�P�er�od�c Payrnents are due under�he <br /> Not�, un�i 1 the Nate is paid iI� full, a sun� ��he "T'unds"}t�px•ovide for paymen�of.amoun�s due fa�•: �a} tax�s and <br /> asse5sme��ts and other i�ems«l�ich can attain prio�-i�y o�ex•this Secut-it�� �ns�run�e��t as a��en o.r encumbrance on the <br /> P�oper�y; �:b� i easehol�paym ents ar��rautad�•er�.ts c�n t��e Prop�rty, i f any; and(c}p.rem i u�n�for any and al l �n�urance <br /> �•�quired by Lendzr unde.r S�ct���� 5. T`��ese i�ems are called "Escro�Items." �.t ar�gination or at an� �ime duri��g <br /> the term of the L�an, �Lender ma�� �-equir�that �ommu��� .Association. Dues. Fe�s, and Asses�men�s, i.f any, be <br /> escrowed b}� �3o�•�'o�ve�•, and such dues, fees and ass�ssn�en�s sha�l be a�� :�scrov� Item. Borr�wer sha�l px•omp��y <br /> furnis�� �o Lender al� ��o�ices c�f amaunt� to be paic� under this Sec�ion. �orrow�er snal� pay Lender the Funds for <br /> Escrow Items u��l�ss Lend�r waiWes Forra�ve�•'s obli�atio�7�o pay�l�e Funds for any ar a�l Fscrow I�ems. L�nder may <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingl� Family-UNIF�RM INSTRlJI11fENT p,��8�,�c <br /> �IildQl FI ED Fa R DEPARTM ENT �F 1�ETERAN S AFFAI RS - 14lI ERS w�v�.dacmagic.eom <br /> �Rev. 1lQ 1} Page 4 of 14 <br /> . , <br /> . <br />