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��14�595� <br /> 5. �roPer��� ���surance, �3��-rowe�- sha�l keep ���e impro�ren�er�ts nc�v�r ex�sting or h�reafter �re��ed an �he <br /> P�-aper� ��as��red�.�ai��s� l�ss by �ire, hazar�s include� �ri�l�in th��er�r� "e��ended ca�era�e," and any �t��e�hazards <br /> ir�clud�r��;, bur no� limi��d to, ea�thq�.ake�and floods, for vv���ch I.1e��c�ex-re�u�r�s i��sura��ce. This insurance shall be <br /> mai�7tained �n �he �mounfs ��ncluding d�d���;�ible �eu�ls� and for the periods that �aender re�uires. What Lender <br /> �-e�uires pursuant to th�pr�cedin�sen�e��c�s can chan�e duri.nb the�ez-�n of���e.Loan. T`he���surance Gar.r�er pr���id�ng <br /> th�insura��ce�ha��be chosen b}�Bo�-ro�e�•subjec�to�Lender`s ri�ht to c�isapprove Borro��v�r's choice,v�hi�h rig�t�hal I <br /> x�a�be exerc��ed��nrea�oiaab�y. �.,ender�nay�•e�uire�30�-�-o�er�o pay, i��co�r�ec�ian u�i�����ais Loa�a, eit�er: �a�a one- <br /> �ime char�e for flood zone d����-�n�na�ia�n, cer�ifi�ati�n and trac�in�servic�s; or€b}a one-time charge foY•flood zone <br /> determil�ation and cer�if ca�ior�services and sub�����ent c��arges each ti1��e remappin�s or similar char�ges occur�n�hich <br /> reasonab�y mi�;h� affe��� Such detex-rni.��a�ion. or certi�ication. Borrol�°er shal� a�s�be respQnsibl� for the paymen� of <br /> any f��s irnposed by t��e Fed�ral F�mer�ency Mana�ement A�en�y in con.nection v�ith �h���vi�r��af ar�y flood �a�a� <br /> detierm inatian res�ilting f,rom a�a objec�i�n b�� Bo.rrower. <br /> Zf Bo�•t•oweY•fai ls�o m ain�ai�� a��y o�'tl�e covera�es descr ib�d abave, �.�ender m a��ob�ain i t�surance coverage, a� <br /> Lender`s aption and Borra��r�s�xpen5e. Lender rs ur�de.r no ab�ibati�r� �o pul•chase a����artic���ar t�pe o�•amou��� <br /> of ct�vera�e. T`hzr efore, s uc�� �overa�e s�7a�l co�er Iaen�er, �u� m i���� or m i�;�a� x�o� prot�ct Borrower� Bor.rowe.r's <br /> �c���it}� i���he Proper�}�, �r���e c�ar�tents af the P�•��ert�, a�ainst�n�risk, haa._ard or liab�ility and�ni�h��ro�i��grea�er <br /> or �esseY•�avera�e�han �as pre�iousl� in ef�ect. Borro��er a�kn���l�d�;es t��a��he c�st of the insurance covera�e so <br /> �btained mib���si�n�f can�]y ex�eed t�a�cost af i.��su.rance that Borrowez-cou�d have obtained. .�,ny am.�unts disbursed <br /> ��y� i.�e��der�.�pder this S�c�it�n 5 s��a�l�ecame addi�ianal deb�o.f F3orr�wer secu�•ed�y t��is Secu.ri�•Instrume��t. These <br /> an�ounts s�al� bear i��teres# a�the No�e ra�e from �he da�e �f d�sburse��nent and shalt be pa��able, r�vi�h such; <br /> upon no�i�e f�•o�n Lender to �orrower requestir�g pa�ment. <br /> A�� insuran�e policies reyuired b�y Ler�der ar�d r�n,euva�s ��such pol�c�es shall be sub�ec�ta Lender's r�ght ta <br /> disappl-c�W�such poli�ies, sha�� �nclude a sta��dard m��•t�age clause, and s��a�l na�ne.L1end�r as n�ort�agee andlor as an <br /> additional loss p�.�ree. Lender shal� hav�the ri�;����a ho�d the po�ic:�es anc�rene�val cer�ifca�es. �f Lend�r r���uires, <br /> - �arro��rer shail p�-amptly�i�e�Q L.e��de�•all�-�ceipts of paid premi�ums and�-ene��a�p.otices. If Borrawe.r. o�bta�ns any <br /> for�n af�I�su.rance c�vera�e, no���herv�ri�e requir.ed by Lende��, ��.r da�n��e t�, ar d�s�ructior� of, �he Properfiy, sui�� <br /> pa�ic� shall ��aclud� a st�ndard mart�a�e c� and slha�I name I.,ei7der as �nar�gagee and�or as an addi�ioxta� loss <br /> pa��e�. <br /> In the even#a�'loss, Bo�-ror��er$��all �i�e pra�npt notice�a�he insurance�arr�er and Lender. Lender�nay make <br /> �aro�f of��ss �f i�a� made prc�mptl�� �� Borro�.�ver. Un�es� Lender al�d BQ�•rowe�• o�her��ise a�r�e �n wri�i��g, any <br /> i��suraY�ce p�•oceeds, ��he���ez•or no�the under�y���g insu�-ance v��as reyuir�d l�y Le��de�-, �}�all be app�ied to restorat��n <br /> or re�air af�l�e Pr�p�rty, if�h� resto�•ation or repai.r �s econon�ica�i}� feasib�e and �ender's security is not lessened. <br /> Durin�;su�:��repai�-a��d r�s�a�•a�ion period, t�ender s��a�] have���e r��h�to h�1d s��ch it�s�.�ranc�proceeds uptil L�nde�- <br /> has had an oppar�unitv to inspect su�� Proper�}� �o ensure�he �vork has beep �o�nple��d to Lender's sa�isfac�ion, <br /> p�ro��ded �ha� such �nspectian shall be u��de�-take�� promp�ly. Lender ��av disbu��•se praceeds for �he repairs and. <br /> resta�•a�i�n �n a sin�le pa�men�ar in a se�-ies o�pro�ness payn�en���s�he work is completed, Unless an a��reement <br /> is made in v�rr���r�� or Ap�l�cable �[..�a��requix•es in�e�-es�to be paid on such. i��surar�ce prace�ds, I.�end�r shal� no�be <br /> required xo pay Bor�•o�e.r a�����n��r�5t�7r���•i�i���s�}��such praceeds. Fees for publi�adjusters; ox•Uther�third parties, <br /> �-e�a���ed��y B�rra��i�r shall n�� �e paid aL�t af�he i��surazace prc�ceeds and s��al� ��e the �oi� o�libat�on of Barro«�er. <br /> If the res�o.ration or repa�r�s 1���ecc�nc�mi�ally�feasible o�-Le��der's�sec�irity�o�.�ld be l.essen�d,�he insu�•�.nce prc�c�eds <br /> ���all be a�pl���t��he sums sec�ir���}��his Secur��y�ns�r�ar�en.t, ���e�her or n�t���en du�, vvi�h��e ex��ss,ifany, paid <br /> ta Borr����er. Suc�� i��s��ranc�proce�ds shall be�.ppl ied in the arder���•�uided it�r i�� Sect�.�r�2. <br /> Zf Bor.rov��er abax��ops �he Praperty, �.�er�der may �ile, ��ega�� and set��e an� a�ailab�e insurance clai�� and <br /> re���ed��atte�-s. �f 13o7-ra��e�•d�3e�no� �-espc�rid v��ithip 3D day�s to�no�ice fr�m Lender���at the ii�surance carr�er.has <br /> o�fered tc� settl� a Claim, �hen LeY�d�r m�y n�go�ia�e and se�tl�t�e claim. T��e 34-da� pe.ri�d v��l� begin vvhen �h� <br /> nD��C� l5����p. In either e�en�, o�• if Ilendr�r ac�ui.res th�Proper�y u��der Section 21 or o�h.erw�ise, Borrower hereby <br /> assi�ns t� L,er�d�t• �a} ��3ar�•ov�e�-'s righ�s �a an}r insu.ra��ce proceeds in an a�n�unt n.ot �a exceed the amou.nts unpaid <br /> ur��er�l�e No�e or this Sec��ri� Ins�r��m�nti, and�b�any o�he.r. of Borrawer's.ri�h�s�o�he.r than the ri�h��o any refund <br /> af u��earned p.rEm iu�n s paid�y Bor�•ov��er}�.�nder alI insu�•�nce pol�cies coverin�tl�e Prop�rtyr, ixasafar as such.righ�s <br /> NEBRASKA-Singl� Fam��y-UNIF�RiVI 1NSTRUi1fiENT p����,�� � <br /> fi���IFiED FQR DEPARTMENT �F VETERAIVS AFFAIRS - IVIERS ww� <br /> �Rev. �1�'�} Page f af 14 <br /> . � <br /> . <br /> � <br /> � <br />