� � �
<br /> � s-- � O1 '7 � 3 .
<br /> l. ztie morta.�or cavaa►ants:aa:atee. .. toua...: �
<br /> I a. ,He will P�mP�Y WY �e indebtedaee� evidenced by said promirory aote at xhe tima and in tLe
<br /> maaaer tlaerein provided
<br /> b. $e will pay aII ta=ce, a�er�ente, water ratea, and other govermneatal or municipa? char�es, 6ne�, pr
<br /> impoaitions, for w}►ich proviaion has not been made hereinbefore, and will prompRly delive� tl�e official receapb
<br /> therefor w tlie eaid mortgasae.
<br /> c_ He will pay euch expenaea and feee as may be incurred in the protection and maintenance af eaid
<br /> : property, including the fee�s o( any attorney employed by the martgagee for the colleetion of any or all of
<br /> t6e indebtedneea hezeby eecured, or for [ore.cloenre by mortgagee e eale, or court proceedinga, or in any other
<br /> Iitigauon or proeeeding aflPetiag eaid premiaee. Attorneye' feee reaeonably incurred in any other way shall be (
<br /> paid by the mortgagon
<br /> � For Isettar eecarity of th� indebtedneea hereby aecured. upon the requeat of the mortgagee, ite euo-
<br /> ceeeors or aeeigna, he c�ha11 execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgagea covering any additione,
<br /> improvemente, or bettermente made to the property hereinabove deacribed and a]1 properiy acquired by
<br /> it after the datthereof (all in form eatiefactory to mortgagee ) . Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to cure
<br /> aay default ia the payment of a ptior or interior encumbrance on the property described by thie u�atrument,
<br /> mortgagor hereby agreee to petmit mortgagee to cure auch deFault, birt mortgagee is not obli�ated to do eo;
<br /> aad euch advances ehall become part of the indebtednesa eecured by this inatrumen4 subject to ihe aame
<br /> terme and conditions. i
<br /> e. The riRhte created by ihia conveyance ahall remain in Full force and eHect during any poatponemenY '
<br /> or exteneion of the time of payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promiesory note or any part thereof
<br /> eecured hereby.
<br /> ' f. He will continuouely maintain hazard i�eurance, of auch type or typee and in euch amounte sa the " '
<br /> � mortgagee may from time to time require on the improvements now or hereaiter on said property, and f� ` '�'�
<br /> l �Y 4
<br /> will p�y prompdp when dne any preminms therefor. All insarance s6a11 be carried in companies aoc�eptable : .. N:;
<br /> to mortgagee and the policies and renewa]s then:of sl�all be 6eld by mortgagee and 6ave rtlached theneto i '� r,
<br /> lase payable clanses ia favor of amd in form accepcable to the mortgagee. In evene of loss, morcgagor wiII gi.e ' 'Y ' r
<br /> t �� :;
<br /> j immediau notica in writing to mortgagee, aad mortgagee may make ptoo[ of loes if nat made pcompdy by j r 7x.;
<br /> ! mortgagor. and each insurance companq cuncemed ia hereby authoriud and directed w make paymmt (or sach � ';� > '
<br /> loss directly to mortgagee inatead of w mortgagor and mortgagee joindy, and the insazsnce proceeds, or any ; ': 3`�;;
<br /> � � �,
<br /> � part thereof, may be applied by mortgagee at ite option either to the reductioa of the indebtednees hereby � `
<br /> secured or to the restoratioa or repair of the •prop�rty damaged or deetroyed. In event of forecloenre of this < '�''
<br /> mortgage, or other tranafer of title to eaid property in eztingniehment of the indebudneee secared hereb y, all - '
<br /> � ri�t, tide, and intereet of the mortgagor in and w any inearance policiea then in force ahall pans to the ` yt� c`�?
<br /> ! purchaser or mortgagee oq at the option oF the mortgagee, may be eurrendered for a refund. � , �?�, �!:*
<br /> ! ; �,��
<br /> g. He will keep alI buildingn and other improvements on said property in good rapair and condition; j ;1 '�4
<br /> will permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or uny part thereof; � � � T��"�
<br /> in the event of feilure of the mort a or to kee the buildin % ; `^�'
<br /> g g p gs on said premieee and tlaose erected on eaid w
<br /> premisee, or improvements thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs ae in ite diacrotion it � „=''^b€
<br /> I may deem neceeeary for the proper preaervadon thereof; and the full amount of each and every each payment �' '- `b�
<br /> r�
<br /> : � shall be immediately due and payable and ehall be eecured by the lien of this mortgage. � ��w'
<br /> e� ��
<br /> h. He will not voluntarily cr�ate or permit to be created aRainet the property subject to this mortgage i �v
<br /> any lien or liene inferior or auperior to the lien of thie mortgage without the written conecnt of the moct- ^ ��
<br /> i �; ' 3
<br /> gagee; and Curther, he will keep and mainiain the same free from the daim of all peraona eupplyieg labor or ! ='+w`�'
<br /> materiale for construction of any and all buildinge or improvemente now bein� erected or to be erected on � � ''> ;;�
<br /> ' i aaid premieee. , ; �
<br /> ` � � t z�'
<br /> i. Iie will not rent or aeeign any part of the rent of eaid mortgaged property or d�molieh, or remove, j x.
<br /> •r�^�e
<br /> or aubetantialIy alter any bnildiag without the wriuen coneent of the mortqagee. ; � �-��-
<br /> j. All awards bf damagee in connection with any condemnacion for public use of or injnry to any of the $ "z � `+
<br /> property snbject to thie mortgage are hereby aeeigned and ahali be paid to mortgagee, who may applq the ' , '' � t
<br /> aame to payment ot t6e inetallmenta laei due under eaid note, and mortgagee ie hereby authorized, ia the i `%'�`�`5
<br /> i : s;
<br /> ,; aame of the mortgagot, to execute and deliver valid acquittancee thereof and to appeaI from any euch award. i '- i >
<br /> � k. The mortgagee ehall have ihe right to inapect the mortgaged premieea at any maeonable times _ ;�,�,;
<br /> � - E '.��Y`����
<br /> � . � . . .. . . . . (NAS!�f:PX�
<br /> � 2. Defiult in any oE the covenanta or conditione of ihia inntrument or of the note or loan agreement secured � �
<br /> hercb , a6all .,torminate ihe mortgagor'e ri '""T"^�
<br /> Y g6t ,to poaseeeion, vee, and enjoyment of the property, at the option of the
<br /> � mortgagee or hie aaeigne ( it being egteed that the mortgagor shall have euch righi until deEautt ) . Upon any euch
<br /> defanit, the mortgage� ehall become the owner of all of lhe r�nte and profiU accruing after default ae �eecurity ,
<br /> Ior the indebtednees secured I�ereby, with the right to enter:npon eaid property for the purpoee o( collceting euch
<br /> �.rentd'and'profiis: This inetrument ehall operate ae an- aeeignment of any tentals on eaid property to that extent �'-
<br /> �. a+o-��,t
<br /> +ti.,,
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