<br /> � . - �
<br /> , .
<br /> 78-; i3 ; . � � � �
<br /> a 3. T6e mortgagor covenante and agreee that if he ehall fail to pay eaid indebtednem or any part theteof wh�n
<br /> r �Iue, ur eha�l fail to pertorm any covenant o� agreemeut of thig inatrument or the promieeory note eecure�l hereby, tE�e
<br /> 3 'entire indebtednem hereby eecured ehall immediately become 'due, paj�able, and collectible with'out notice, at the �r
<br /> � �g�ptioa o[ the mort�agee or aeeigne, regardleee of maturity, andthe mortgagee or hia aeeigne mey before or after entry
<br /> _ 'iell said property without appraiaement (the mortgagor having wuiv�d and aeaigned to tbe mortgagee a1T rights of
<br /> .� ; ^' a : `
<br /> � PPraieement ) z
<br /> � � < , ( � ) at judicial eale pureuant Ro the provieione of 28 U.S.C. 2001 ( a ) ; or �
<br /> y tj�'- , � _ _ .. . . : . .
<br /> � (u) at the option of the mortgagee, either by auction or by eoliciution of eealed bids, fo.r the highess aad
<br /> ` � be�t bid complying with the terms oF sale aud maaaer oF paymeat epecified in the publiehed notia of salq fint
<br /> � � giving jour weeke' notice of the time, terme, and' place of auch sale, by advertieement not ]eee than once '
<br /> � � during each of eaid four weeks in a newspaper publiehed or diatriLuted in the couviy in which eaid propeRy
<br /> , � . � �.: i� �ituated, all other notice being Lereby waived by the mortgagor ( and eaid moRgagee, :or any pereoa oa � � � � �
<br /> ' behalf of said mortgagee� may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by eaid note) . Said eale ehall be
<br /> r held at or on the property to be soid or at the Federai, county, or city conrt6ouse for the comty in which ebe
<br /> � property ie located. The mortgagee ie hereby authoriud to e:ecvte for and on belialf of the mortgagor and to
<br /> ;- � ddiver to the purchaser at auc6 eale a eulficient conveyance of said property, wl�ich conveyance ehall contain
<br /> j txitils u to t6e happening of the defanit upon which the ezecutioa of the power of wlc herein granud
<br /> depends; and the aaid mortgagor hereby conetitutes and appointa the mortgagce or aay agent or attorney of t6e
<br /> mortgagee, the agent and attorney in fact of eaid mortgagor to make euch zecitals and to ezecnte said ?
<br /> j eoaveyance and henby covenante and agreee that the recitale eo made ehall be eHectual to bar a11 equity or '
<br /> ' � right of redemption, homeetead, dower, and all other exemptionE of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby "
<br /> . j expreealy waived and eonveyed to the mo�gagee ; or `
<br /> � ( iit ) take any other appropriate acdon pnreuant to etate or Federal etatute either in etate or Federal �
<br /> r i court or otherwise for the dispoeidon of the property.
<br /> ;
<br /> , ; In t6e event ot a eale as hereinabove provided, {he mortgagor ur any peroon in poaeeesion vnder the mortgagor ehall
<br /> � then become and be tenanta holding over and shall forthwith delive.r poaeeeeion to the purchaser at anch eale or be {
<br /> � aummarily dispoexaeed. in accardanre with the proviaiona of law applicable to tenanta holding over. The power
<br /> aad agency hereby granted are eonple.� with an intereet aad are irrevocable by death or otherwix, and are granted
<br /> , � ae cumulative to the remediee for collection of eaid indebtedneea provLded by law.
<br /> � 4. The�roceedr pFalny'eale oC �aid property in aceordance with the�preceding peragrapLs shrll be ppplied Scst �
<br /> " ] ,y.. , :. . _ _ _ ;
<br /> � to pay the �Er'i nd eacpe'n�e�,oL said ule, the expeneee incurred by the mortgagee for che pnrpox of prbteetiu6 or mqin• � ,
<br /> taining se�d pro�a;ty„ auid :eseonable attorneys' feee ; xecond�y, to pay tlie indebtedneae eecured hereby ; and thirdly; ' •.
<br /> � w pay anp �aarplus`or lytc2e6'i"o' t}ie peraon or pereona legally mtitled thereto. � ` ;
<br /> �
<br /> � S: In tbe event said property is sold at a judicial iorecloenre sale or pursuanf to the power of sale hereinabove
<br /> i granted. and tlae proceeds are not wffieient to pay the total ;ndebtedness xcured by this insuament and evi8mced by
<br /> said promiseory note, 'the mortgagee will be entided to s de6ciency jndgment for the amouns of the deficiency �oisho+at
<br /> � resarid to apprai�rment.
<br /> , � 6. In the event the morlgagor fails ta pay any Federalt etate, or local tax aseesement, income tax or other tax lien,
<br /> i charge, tee, or other expenee charged againet the property, the mortgagee is hereby authorized at his option to pay
<br /> � the same. Any eume eo paid by the mortgagee shall be added to and become a part of the principal amount of the
<br /> indebtednees evidenced by eaid note, aubject to the eame terma and conditiona. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br /> � dixharge the indebtedneas evidenced by said promissory note, and ehall pay such sums and ehall discharge all taxea
<br /> , and liene and the coeta, feea, and expeneea oF inaking, enforcing, and executing thia mortgage, then thia mortgage
<br /> ', ; eliaII be canceled and surre�idered.
<br /> �
<br /> r,
<br /> � ; �
<br /> i7. The covenants herein containtd ehall bind and the bene6te and advantaRee ehall iavre to the reepective enc-
<br /> j cerors and asmgns of the parties hereW. Whenever uxd, the eingular number ehall include the pinral, ihe pinral tl�e
<br /> 3, mn�alar, md tbe u�e oC any gender sl�ail inclnde all genders.
<br /> � 8. No waive.r of any covenant herein or of the obligation eecvred hereby ehall at aay time thereatter Ix beld ;'
<br /> � to be a waiver of the terma hereof or of the note eecured hereby. . �
<br /> a �
<br /> � 9• In compliance wit6 seetioa 1011 (d ) of th� Rula vnd Regulatioas of the Small Business Administration [ 13 �
<br /> � C.F R 101.1 (d) J. thi� in�trumept is to be wnetrued and enforced in accordaaoe with appliuble Federal law.
<br /> , . �
<br /> ; = a ..; . , _ _
<br /> , � lU. A judiciaf dec:ee, order, or. judgment holding any proviaion or portion of thie imtrument invalid or wi- �'` ` `�
<br /> �., � entorceable} sl�aU not in any, way impair or preclude thc enforcement oC the remaining provisions or portions of '�` � ,;
<br /> , .
<br /> .
<br /> ., this �,anstrument „ . .: . .>� , ( �a
<br /> , , _ , , , -
<br /> . �
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