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<br /> o.�gr��
<br /> Retum to S�' � �.
<br /> �s�-��s a i����3 MORTG�IGE:
<br /> � t . .
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<br /> . ._ �- : .. �
<br /> . � , �
<br /> .,�Th�s�made aad eateeed'mto tLi. 27th ✓�f�( AAcrch
<br /> v�
<br /> 19 ; ,byandbetween,M�lton L. Nowka and Charlene M. Nowka �
<br /> (hereinafter referzed w o mortgasor) a�nd t6e Admini�trstor of the SmaLl Bmriaas Admiai�tratim.an a�ency of the
<br /> Governmemt of tthe United'Stata of Amezica (hereinafter referred to as mortgagx), w6o maiat�ins m o�ce and
<br /> p1+���+� Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska68102 '
<br /> ptrxsnssrs, tLat Eor the 000uderation hareinaher etated, e+eocipR o� whieh u I�eeeb� aekno�rled6ed. thr
<br /> moct6�soe does laarebr moas�age.�a11,iPr+�4��4 md coavey unw tLe mortgaaee,hi�aaooewors md ariswy rll 't �`.
<br /> oE tfie following deacribed prnperty�itnated aud beinR in the Comsy of Hall
<br /> 5tate of - Nebraska
<br /> . . . . . . . .. . A . .
<br /> The Southwest Quarter (SW�, Section Thirty-five (35), Township Nine (9), _
<br /> Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> i
<br /> �� � � ' � � � . _ i .
<br /> .. .. . .. . . � . . . . i.
<br /> . . ..� . . . . . .. ; . .. . , t�,,.
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<br /> .. - .: . � . . . . . S.
<br />� .. '.. '.'... � . . . . .f�� .� '. i:;:
<br /> TogetherwIth aad inelnding all buildiags,all 6xturea including but not lYmited to all plumbing,heating,light-
<br /> ing, vmtilating, refrigerating, iacinerating,alr conditioning apparstua,and elevators (t2�e mortgagor hereby
<br /> declaring4hat,it ia intended that the items herein mumerated ehall be,deemed to haye been permmnmdy in-
<br /> stalled as part of the realty)�and all improvemeata now or hereafte;r existiag thereon; tF�e 6ereditaments and �
<br /> appurt�nancee and all other:rights thenunto belonging�or in anywise,appeaKaiaing, and ihe reversion and re-
<br /> vcrstona� remainder and remalnders,all rights of'redemption, and the rents, issues,and profita of the above
<br /> describe�l property (provided, hawever, that the mortqegor ahall be entitled 10 the possession of ea'sd property
<br /> and to'collee!and xtain the rents,ieenea,and proSts nntil default`heremder). To hav�and'to hold the eam�
<br /> unto`'tTic moirtpagee and fhe aucccaeore in intereet of the mortgagee forever in fee simple or such o�her estate,
<br /> if pny,as ie siated herein.
<br /> . _ `�
<br /> Tlie mortai�or�vmaaL t7iat he i's'la�rFally�eired'and"poe�ewed of and hu'tlae riglu to�ell and'oonvey�aid �"�_"
<br /> propmrtr t6it tlie eame is free from all edoumbranca �oepE:ii'hereia�bove recited-, and tLat he Lerebp biad� �
<br /> 6amielf and Iw'�mocero�m wterest to warrant and defmd•tLe tide aforesiid thereto and every part tLe�eof a�inst ! + � I
<br /> the e�a�of all,perwns wh`miwever. ' �i
<br /> f . , , , . ��
<br /> T6as�natrumeat�a gaven to eccure ihe paymeut of a promiaeory aote dated March 27� 19 7$. � k '' � .�
<br /> ia tLe=p r a nci paY anm of'*'43,'700�00 ;s i g�e d b y Milton L. Nowka . .;�... , .{ �
<br /> in I�nhwlf of Milton L. NoWka .
<br />. . . � aa�►.r..�sa�.(a—rs):r«.�...ea�n......o►..�«.. � . .�
<br /> �
<br />