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<br /> 78-� t� � 1 � 83
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<br /> 1. "The murta.ao: covmanL ,na .6iee. .. funo�..:
<br /> ' .s. He ,�ri11 PmmP�Y PaY tbe indebsednesr evidenced by wid promis�ory aote as t6e timn and in t6e
<br /> , . manmr tlu:ein provided :
<br /> b� He will pay aII lazea. aa�eat�, watu raus. and other aovernmenul or municipal charges, 5nes. or
<br /> impasi4ons, foe wluch provieion has aot been made hereinbefore, and will prompdy deliver the o6cial receipu
<br /> therefor to the said mortgagee.
<br /> c. $e will pay euch expenees and feea as may be incurred in tl�e protection and maintenance of eaid
<br /> prop�a�ty, incIuding the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collecuon of any or all of
<br /> the indebtedneae hereby eecured, or for forecloenre by mortgagee's eate, or couR proceedings, or in any oth�t
<br /> , , , _ litigation or proceeding affecting eaid premiees. Attorneya' feea reaeonably incurred ia any other way ehall be
<br /> paid by the mortgagor.
<br /> - d. For better secssrity af the indebtedneee hereby eecured, upon the requeat of the mortgagee. itn saa
<br /> ceeeore or seeigna, he ehall execate and deliver a enpplemmtal mortgage or mortgages covering any additions,
<br /> improvemente, or bettermente mede to the property hereinabove deacribed and all property ecqnired by
<br /> � " it aftee tl�e date hereof ( all in form eatiafactory to mortgagee) . Furthermoce, ehould moctgagor fail to cure
<br /> any default in the pa)anent of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by thie instrument,
<br /> ' C mortgagor heroby agreee to petmit mortqagee to cure euch default, but mortgagee is not obliRated to do eo ;
<br /> ) and such advancea ehall become part of the indebtedness eecured by thie inatrument, eubject to the eame
<br /> �
<br /> terma and conditiom.
<br /> e. The righta created by thie conveyance ehall remain in full force and effect durin� any postponement
<br /> or exteneion of the time of payment of the indebtednese evidenced bp said promiasory note or any part thereof
<br /> ( eecured hereby.
<br /> f. He will continaously maintain hazard insurence, of euch type or types and in such amounte as t6e
<br /> ' n�ortgagee may from time to time require on the improvemente now or hereafter on said property, aad
<br /> will pay prompdy whea dne any premiums therefor. All insnrance ehall be carried in companias acceptab�le
<br /> � to mortgagee aad the policiea and ren�waL thereof ahall be held by mortgagee aad have attached thereto
<br /> i laas payable clauees in favor of and ia form aceepuble to the mortgagee. In event of loee, mortgagor will give
<br /> ! immediate aotice in writing to mortgagee, and mortga� may make proof of loss if not made promptly by
<br /> + mortgagor, aad each iasurance company concerned ie her�by authorized and directed to meke paymeas for ench
<br /> j loss directly to moRgaaee inrtead of w mortgagor aad moregagee )oindy, and the insuraace proceede, or any
<br /> j part thereof, may be applied by mortgagee at ite option either to thc reduction of the indebtedaees hereby
<br /> ; secared or to the reetozation or repur of the property dam+aged or destroyed. In event of torecloen:+e of ttais
<br /> � mortgage^„ or other; tri�fer of title to said property in eztinguiahment of the indebtedaees secured hereby, all
<br /> ' rig6t, titlq and inter�t of the mortgagor in aad to aay imurance policiee then in force ehall pass to tbe
<br /> � pu 'rcheeer or mortgagee o�, af ihe option of the mortgagee, may be eurrendered for a' refnnd. � : .
<br /> g. He will keep all buildinge and other improvemente on said property in good repair aad coadition ;
<br /> - ' wiII permit, commit, or eu$er no waece, impairmenq deterioration of said property or any part . thereof;
<br /> � in the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildinge on eaid premises and thoee erected on eaid
<br /> ` premieee, or improvementa thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make euch repeire as in ite diacretion 9t
<br /> � may deem neceesary for the proper preaervation thereof ; and the full amount of each and every euch peyment
<br /> � ehalT be immedistely due and payable aud ehall be secured by the lien of this mortgage.
<br /> � h. He will not voluntarily create or permit to be created againat the property eubje,ct ta thie mortgage
<br /> � any ]ien or liene inferior or euperior to the lien of thia mortgage without the written consent of the mori-
<br /> � gagee: and further, ha will keep and maintain the same free from the claim of all peraona aupply�ng labor or
<br /> f materiale for construction of any end all buildinge on improvemente now being erected or to be erected on
<br /> eaid premieee.
<br /> i. He will not rent or aseign any part of the rent oC eaid mortgaged property or demolieh, or remove,
<br /> ot subetaatially alter any building without the written consent of the morigagee.
<br /> ; ` j. All awarde oE damages in connection with any condemnation for public vee of or injvry to any of the
<br /> • property subject to thie mortgage are �aereby aesigned and ehall be paid to mortgagee, who may apply the
<br /> - - same to payment of the inetallmcnte laet dne vnder eaid note, and mortgagee ie hereby anthoriud, in tlae
<br /> � name of the mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid acquittancee thereof and to appesl Erom any such award.
<br /> ; , . k: The mortgagee shall have t6e right to inrpect the mortgaged premiaes at any reaaonable time.
<br /> � , , ,, . ' __
<br /> j " 2:�. Defanit` in�=eby'of th� covenanYa oe ' conditione of thin inatrument or of the note or loan agreement eecured ' --
<br /> � he;eby ehall terminau the-mortgagor'e right to poeaeeeion, uee, a�ad en joyment oC the property, at the option of the
<br /> ; j mortgagee or F116 H661�6 (it being agreed that the mortgagor ahall have auch right until default ) . Upon any euch
<br /> , def�ulq the mortgagee ehalt become the owner of all of the renta and pro6ta accruing after default ae aecurity
<br /> for th'e indebtedaees eecured l�ereby, with the right to eaifer"npo� eaid property for the purpoee of collecting euch
<br /> ; , eente and profits. Thie inetrument ehall ope�ate ae an'aeeianntentbi any rentals on eaid property to that extent.
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