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<br /> 78-�. �014 8 3
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<br /> � ,; , � MORTGAGE - ` I
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<br /> S ,.,.:.•:;Thi���oresa�s made.aad mterad-into tLi� �ro � ��ot ��""T��
<br /> i 197�Kbyand bet�veen •Double Esgle, Inc.,
<br /> �..n . . . .. . . .
<br /> `!'
<br /> ! (hereia:ftee referred to u mortgaaor) and the Administrawr of tlye Small Borineas Admini�trarioo.aa a�enc�of the
<br /> 3 Governmmt of tLe United Staus of America (hereinafter reterred w a�mortgagee), who maintaias an o�ce aad
<br /> .� plaeeofba�isesat Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102
<br /> �es�aasrs,'ehat for the coniideration laereiaafter sated, rxeipt ol Mrhich is Le�b� aekaowledaed� t�
<br /> I mo:t�oe'"does hece6T mortsase,ee11.IR�4�md convey �w the mortaag�ee,his wcoe�wrs md au�q,dl
<br /> i of t6e folbwio6�de�cribed property�isoated aad beinR in the County of Hall
<br /> � 5tate of Netiraska.
<br /> , ;
<br /> The'Southwest Quarter (SW'�y) of Section ltventy-six (26), in Township Nine (9) '
<br /> j Nor,th, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., except that portion thereof more,
<br /> ; particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the weat line.of.
<br /> ` b said SW'�,_ said point being Forty-five (45.0� feet north of the southwest corner
<br /> � of said SW,'�; thence easterly parallel to the south line of said SW'-Z, also being
<br /> I the northerly right-of-way line of the County road, a distance of Nine Hundred
<br /> -i Eighteen (91'8.0)` feet; thence northerlp parallel to the west line of said SW'�,
<br /> � a distance of Three Hundred (300.0) feet; thence westerly parallel to the south -
<br /> line�o£ said SW�, a distance'of Nine Himdred Eighteen (918.0) feet, to'the weat-
<br /> � lixie of�said SW�y; thence southerly along the wes t line of said SW� a distance "
<br /> of Three Htmdred (300.0) feet to the place of beginning and containing'6.322
<br /> ,
<br /> acres`more or less.
<br /> , y
<br /> ;� StTBJECT to a p�ior mortgage held by Metropolitan I,iPe in the appro�d.mste s
<br /> i asouat of $111,500.00.
<br /> ! -
<br /> � ,
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />'�
<br /> n
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> • Tagether witk"sail inclnding all buildings,all fixtnrea including but not limited to all plumbing,heating,light- i
<br /> ing,ventilating, re"fahgerating, incinerating, sir conditioning apparatus,and elevators (the mortgagor haa�eby
<br /> declaring that it is intended tNat the items herein enumerated ahall be deemed to,have been permanendy in-
<br /> � scalled as part of'tfie realty)�and all improvements now or hereaCter existing thereon; the'hea�editamente and
<br />;� appurtenanees'and sll other righte thereunto belonging,or in anywise apperieinSng, and the revereion and re-
<br /> � vcrsSoas�',remaiader and remainders,all righss of redemption,and the rents. insues,and pro61s of the above `
<br /> d�sacibed-,property,(provided, however; that ihe mortgagor ahall be entiAed��the posaeaeion of said property
<br />,� and to collect and.cetairi the rents�isanes,aaid:prn&ta until default hereunder). To have and to hold thc eam�
<br /> g uata the mortgagce and;the,suaxeesors in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee eimple or snch other estate,
<br /> g if any,as is atated herein.
<br /> sr � - �
<br /> . , ,�, >r c>.�
<br />? The mortsagor coreoants.tLat be a�,lawfnll��msed aad pw�eased of and,hae the right w xll and convey raid _..�._
<br />, -
<br /> propiert�; thyit the eame ie free From"all enc�branoes e:cept as hereiasbove recited; and that he hereby biads
<br />; I�mtielE:�nd hi��oi�oss.in-intet�e�t to warnnt and de[md the Cide aforesiid therew aad every part tLereof against
<br />; th�e�aLmr�of all.�eewos Mrl�soe�er _
<br /> , Thas inettument is qaven to eecure the paymmt of a promieeory note daud i�t.�-s�, /.� �97$� �
<br /> ,Ys.`m;aS.1.t.,r_.*-a..�r.,r'n::.. _ < � /
<br /> ti iri t6�e principal ami of i66,000_00 y ,agaed-by Lamar Lepin, Pres., and Richard Lepin, Sec. •
<br />;:„ inlv,hwlfof Double Eagle, Inc. •
<br /> i SiA F��9iT(5�7i)hwiw idiWr r+0l��6u. •
<br />�� � .
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