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<br /> s� ,: ,_
<br /> " ";;� 3: The mortgagor covenante and agreee that if he ehall fail to pay eaid indebtedneee or any part thereof when
<br /> :rinne. or ehall fail to perform any covenant or agreement of this inatrument or the promiewry note eecuzed hereby, the
<br /> entice indebtedneae hereby aecared eliall immediauly becotne due, payable, and collectibie without notice, at the; �
<br /> � optiop of the mortgegee ur aesigne, regardl�an of maturity, and tRemoRgagee or hia aeeigne may before or after entry
<br /> ec+}j sqid property without appraieement (the mortgagor having waived and aeaigned to the mortgagee all .righte o[
<br /> '' aP.Prau�ement) :
<br /> � �; :�
<br /> ,�. ,.e ( � ) at judieial eale pureusnt to lhe provieione of,28 U.S.C. 2001 ( a ) ; or
<br /> (u) at the option o[ the mortgagee, either by auction or by eoliciution of eealbd bide, for the higheet and '
<br /> best bid complying with the terms of eale and manner o[ payment apuified in the publiehed notice of eale, Hnt
<br /> ; qiving four weeka' notice of the time, terme, and place of auch sale, by advenieement not leee thaa oace
<br /> " during each of said four weeks in a newepaper publiahed or dietributed in the county in which eaid property
<br /> i� situated, all oth�r notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor ( md said mortgagee, or any person oa
<br /> beha}f of said mortgagee, msy bid with the nnpaid indebtednem evidenced by eaid nou) . Said eale shall be
<br /> held at or on the property to be sold or at the Federal, county, or city courthouee for the couaty in which the
<br /> propeRy is located_ The mortgagee is hereby anthorized to e:ecute for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br /> deliver to the purchasez at euch eale a eufficient conveyance of eaid property, which conveyance ehall contain
<br /> recitaL a� to the laappeniug of the default upon which the ezecution of ehe power oC aale herein granted
<br /> � dependa; and the said mortgagor hereby constitutee and appoinu the mortgagce or any agent or attorney of the
<br /> mortgagee. '' the agent and attorney in fact o( eaid mortgagor to make auch recitals and w ezecuEe wid
<br /> conveyance and h�eby covenanrs a�d agreee that the recitale so made ehall be eHecmal to bar all equity or
<br /> right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgegor, all of which are hereby '_,'
<br /> expreeely waived and conveyed to the mortgagee ; or
<br /> ( ui ) take sny other appropriate action pureuant to state or Federal etatute either in stau or Federal i
<br /> court or otherwis� for the disposition of the property.
<br /> In the .event of a eale ae hereinabove provided, the mortgagor or any peroon in poa�reanion mider the mortgagor ehall �
<br /> then become and be tenanta holding over and ahall forthwith deliver poseeeeion to the purchaeer at euch eale or be i
<br /> summarily diapoexexd, in accordance with the provieions of law applicable to tenants holding oven Th� power ,,
<br /> and agency hereby granted are coupled with an intereet and are irrevocable by death or otherwise, and are granted �
<br /> as cumulative to the remediea [or collection of aai� indebcedneaa provided by law- t
<br /> �
<br /> s
<br /> ' 4. The .proceede of any bale of said property in accordance with the preceding paragraphe ehall be applied &nt �
<br /> ; to pay tEie�coste and ezpensee of said sa1G � ezpenees incurred by the mortgagee for the purpoee of protecting or main- t
<br /> taining eaid property, and reaaonable attorneys' fees ; aecundly, to pay the indebtedness eecured hereby ; and thirdly, �
<br /> to pay any eurplue or excese to the pereon or pereone legally entided thereto. ,'
<br /> - �
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> iS. In the event said property is wld at a judicial forecloeure eale or pureuant to the power of eale hereinabove �
<br /> ; granted, and the proceeds are not eut6cient to pay the toul indebtednem eecured by this instrument aad evidenced by a
<br /> � eaid promisdory ao4e, the mortgagee will b� entitled to n deficimcy judgment for the amouat of the deficienty *oithout }
<br /> � regard so appr�iaement. �.
<br /> ,
<br /> 6. In the event the mortgagor faile to pay any Federal, scate, or local tax naeeasment, income tax or other tax lien,
<br /> t cherge, [ee, or other expenee charged againet the property, the mort�agee ia hereby authorized at hia option to pay !
<br /> the same. Any eume eo paid by the mortgagee ehall be added to and become a part of the principal amouni of the ;
<br /> � indebttdneas evidenced by esid note, eabject to the same terms and conditions. If the mortgagor eha❑ pay and
<br /> jdiecl�arge the indebtednese evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pny such sums and 6ha11 diacharge all taxes '
<br /> � and liens, and the„ costs, feee. and expenses of msking, enforcing, and executing thie morigage, then this mortgage ;
<br /> shall lae canceled anti aurrendered. �
<br /> j T_ The covenante l�erein conuined nhall bind and the benefite and adventaRee ehall inure to the reepective sao-, '
<br /> i ceswn and assigns of th� parties Lereto. Whenever used, t6� singular aumber ehall include t6e pinral. the pinnl the '
<br /> { sinaalar, and the use of any gender ehall include all genden.
<br /> i �! v 's 1��:�k'2�1�1[ 'C�3�%:,�'_ . :.
<br /> � 8. No waaver of aay ca��i�n�r�i the obligation eecured hereby shall at any time thereafter be held �"� _ ,
<br /> i W be a ;waiv r� h�y te: �'�:eecured hereby. .
<br /> 1 '
<br /> � 9. In compliance with section 101.1 (d ) of the Rula and Regulation� oE the Smdl Busiaeas Administration [13
<br /> - �. C.�AR. 101.1 (d) ]� this instrament u to b� ,cowrtrued and enEorced in accordance with appiicable Fedezal I:w.
<br /> r . ., , . . . , , , .
<br /> G10. A judicisC decree, order, or judgrnent holding aoy prm�ieion or portion of thia irrotrument invalid or un- .
<br /> + f eofo�eabl� ahall�not ia my way impair or pceclude the �nforcement of the remaming provieiorro or portions of
<br /> � thi�,an�teufnEn� � v . :Y�..� ,; . . �
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