<br /> r
<br /> � �
<br /> If under paragraph IS hereo! thc Pro� �rrty i� �old or tl �e 1'ropert �� is uther�sis�• acywred b�• Lender , I .ender
<br /> ,hall aPplY > no Iater Llissn imma;diately � �rior tu th�� �alc of tlu� Pro� �ort }� ur it . aryui .itiuu 1 ��- L�� ndc•r, sny Funds
<br /> held by Lender at the tiine of ap��lication a� u credit agein.t tlir .wi �. .r. iirr� l f �� ihi �lurtga,;�• .
<br /> 3. ApplieaUon oE Paythtats. Unles� ap� �licaLic I:i��� � �ruvide� utherwi��• , :ill puyiucut ,; received ti� Lender
<br /> under the Note and pxrsgraplis 1 und 2 hereuf sliall 1 �.• s��plied I ��� Lend�• r tir�t iu � iayim�nt uI a�nountn ��dyable tu
<br /> Lender by Borrower under paragr�pL 'l hereoP , theu tu int�•rc•s� � rsyablv un tlu• ti �,rtr ;iu� l uu Futurc .�dvaneeb , if�
<br /> � uny, and then to the principal of the �Tote und to tlie prin��i� ,al uf Future :�dvan�•e� . if uny .
<br /> � 1. Ch�g�c Liass. Borrower shali pa}• sll taxen , aseres�uentn �iud uther chargrs , fines and impositions attrib-
<br /> r,,,,� utAble to the Property which may attain x priority over tliis Slortgage. and grouud rent � . if suy , at Lender's
<br /> � option in the manner provided under parugraph 'l hereof or hy f3orroHe�r makinR � �uyiiient , when due , direcWy to
<br /> � t6e payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnisL to I,endcr � II uotices of aniuunt. duc under t6is paragraph ,
<br /> p and in the event Borrower ehall inake pa,V»>eut direccly , 13�'�rruH'cr �hall proniE �Uy furnish to Lcader receipts evi-
<br /> � deaeing such payments. Borrower shall f�roru � �tl}• diechurge auy lien wlii<•li ha.� }>rioritv o�•er this \1ortgage ; pro-
<br /> vided, that Borrower shaU not be required ta dischar�;e an�� � ucli lien ,o long as Harrower ,hall agree in writing to
<br /> � the payment of the obligation secured by sucL lien iu a inanuer uccc� �tuble to I.ender, or �hall in goal faith contest
<br /> � euch lien by, or defend enforcement of such lieu iii , legul � �ro�•c�•ding, �chich o��erate co pr•e��ent the enforoement ot
<br /> ~ the lien or forfeiture of the Yroperty or an�� � �art tl�ereof ,
<br /> S. Hasard Insurmfc�. Horrower �hall ke�� � the im� nro�•rniontc uo�r �•xi�iing ur I �erf•after i�rected on the Prop-
<br /> erty inaured against loss by fire, haz3rds included witl�iu the term "extended coverage " , sud �uch uther hazards ns
<br /> Lender mxy require and in suc}i an�ount � aml for ,url � � x• riud - u, L��nder iuu�� ri��� uir�� : pru�� i�_1i�d , that I,ender shall
<br /> not require that the aniowrt of such c+o�•erage exceed thac amount uf ro�•er3ge reyuirr�l to � �a�• the sums secured by
<br /> this Mortgage.
<br /> The insurance csrrier � >roviding tlie iusuraure .Lull t�c ��huse�n f ��� Burru�srr ::uhject to approv�l by Lender ;
<br /> provided , thac ,uch spproval shall noc be uureasonabl}• withheld . All premiums on insurance { �oli� ir, .hall be paid
<br /> at Lender's option in tlie mauner }uo�� ide�l uu�ler � �;�rxgraE � h '? I �creoC or t �p Rorru���cr muking � �apinent , when due.
<br /> direcWy to the insurance carrier.
<br /> In the event any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br /> its interest, may procure insurance on the improvements, pay t.he premiums and such sum ehall become
<br /> immediately due and payaUle with interest at the rate set forth in said note until paid and ehall be
<br /> secured by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrowrr to comply may, at option of L,ender, consGtute a defsult
<br /> under the terms of this Mortgage.
<br /> All insurance policiev 3nd rene�val. th��re�of •I , all hr in iot•iu nr����f ,iahl�� tu L� n� i�•r ;xu� l .hall in � lud�� u .txu.lard
<br /> mortgage clause in favor of und in for�n scce� �tuhle to I.endrr L��n� ier �l�all I� a� e t ho riKht tu liold thr ��olicies and
<br /> renewals thereof, snd Borrower shall proniptly furniel� to Lrndrr sll rene�+•al uoticNs and all rece�pts of paid pre-
<br /> miums. In the event uf lose, liorrower shall gi��e ��rom{n i �oticc+ to � lir iu�urance c� rrier and I.ender, and Lender
<br /> may make proof o[ loss if not made promptl�• I,�- Barrower.
<br /> Unlees Lender and Borrower otl�erwise agree in writiuR , u�.iu�aucc } �ruceeds shall bc upplied to restoration or
<br /> repair of the Pruperty damaged . pro� id��� l �i���h rr�.rnration nr n•� ,uir i � � •� nnuiui � •:ill�� tra<itrl�• auci the �curitt• of
<br /> thie Mortgage is noc thereby impaired . li suc• h re.toraeio� � ur reps � r i� �iot e� onu� uic:� lh� ieusible or if t.he security
<br /> of this \lortgage would be itnpaired , th<� insurauce �,ruceeils shiill I �.• 3pplir.d to tli� � �unis secured by this biortgage,
<br /> with the excess, if any , psid to Borrower. lf the Yro� iert �• is abttu� lune� l I,�• horruw.�r or ii Rorrower faile to reepond
<br /> to Lender witl�in 30 days after notice by I .en�ler tu Bon•oW er Uutt t lia� iueuranccr c3rrier otTess to settle a claim for
<br /> inrursnce benefits, I.ender is suthorized to collect snd appl}� tho insurance proceeds at l .ender's option either to
<br /> reatotetioa or repair of the Property or to the sutns aecured Ln tl� is \ Iurtgage.
<br /> Unlese Lender and Borrower otherwise ugrer in writiug . uuy ,ucl� applic�tiou uf proceeds to principal shall
<br /> not extend or postpone the due date of the montlily instafl �nents referred t o in paragraphs 1 aud 2 hereof or chsnge
<br /> the amount of such inetallments.
<br /> If under paragraph 18 hereof the Yropert}� is acquirec9 6}� Lender, all right , title and interest ot Borrower in
<br /> and to any insurance policies und in xnd to the E�roeeeds tliereo� i to tln ezu�nt uf thi� �wne ,rcure�! b�• this A1ort -
<br /> gage immediately prior to �uch salr or arc� wsitioni re��iltin �; iruui � 1umaKe tu thc Yropert �• � �rior to the sale or
<br /> acquisition shall parw to Lender.
<br /> 6. Pr��enatioa mtd Mmat�amiu ot Prop�rty: I.�as�l�oldr: Coadoaainiva�s. l3arrower �hall keep the Yrop-
<br /> erty in good repair and ahall not perinit or cou�mit waste , impairmenl , ur drtrrioration oi the Yroperty and shall
<br /> comply with the provieions ui uny lease , it tLis �lurt.gagr. is un ;i Irasehol � f . If t }�is \1ortgagi� i , o�i a condominium
<br /> unit, Borrower rhall ��erfonn all of Borroaer '. obligation.> uu�ler che declxrauun o[ condominium �>r master deed ,
<br /> t6e by-laws and regulations af the condominiuni � �roject and �•onstituent docuinent:.
<br /> 7. Prot�etion oE Iwnder's S�curity. If Borrower fail . ru perform the coveiiantn aud agreements contained in
<br /> this Jlortgage, or if any aetion or proceeding is commenreci whirli �naterially affrc•ts Lender'� interest in the Prop-
<br /> e�ty, including, but not limited to, etninent dou�ain , iu,oi � �•� ic� , rod�• rnfurceinrn� . ur srran�ement� or proeeed -
<br /> ings involving o bankrupt or decedent , then Lender at Leu�er '� uj �tiun , uj�uu uuucr io Aurcuwer, may mske such
<br /> appearaaces, disburse sucL eutns and take ,ucli action xr is ueeeasary to proicct Ixnder'a interest , including, but
<br /> noL limited to, dieburseu�ent of reasonable attorney '� iec:. and rntry upon � h� Yro{ �e:rtp to niake repairs. Any
<br /> amounta diebursed by Lender }�ursut�nt tu thie paragru4iL : . witli iuterest thereun , cLall become additional indebt-
<br /> ednees of Borrower secured by this \fortgage. Uniess Aorrowrr rnd l :ender agree to other cenns of payment , euch
<br /> amouuta shall be payable upou notice from I.ender to Borruw er reyueat�ng pa,ymeut t hereof , and .hall beer inter-
<br /> ert from the date of disburoetnent at t6e race stated in the lote unless �,aymenc uf interest at such nte would be
<br /> coaLrary to applicable law , in which event suc6 amountz sl� sll besr int.erest at the highest rate permieeible by
<br /> applieable law . �'othing contain�d in tlii� ��aragratih 7 �hal ! requ � m Lender to incur :tn}� cxprnse or do any act
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> Y. ldp�etiao. Lender ina}• �uake m i•su�e tu IK� �nx� ir reasonxtilc rntrirr u{ �on xnd inspection�: of the Prap-
<br /> ertY, Provided thut Lender ehall gi�•e Borroa�er noure � �rior to un�• �url � m.���•tion �� ,ecifying reaxonable rauL.e
<br /> therefor related to Lendere interest in the Property .
<br /> 9. Coed�atiea. The proceede of any nward or rlsim tor dan�ages, direet or cotisequential , in connection
<br /> with eny condetnnation or other tak�ng oi the Yro�reny . or � �xrt tliereul, or for i�on�•�pance i❑ liru of <•ondemna-
<br /> tion, are hereby asetgned and shall 1>e paid tu I.ender. ;t
<br /> In the event of a total taking of tt�e Ymperty , the � �r«-eed. .liail Lc ss� �plie�l to thr �um. �ecureci by thiE ltort - �"" �'
<br /> ga�e, with the exce�e, if any , paid to Borrower. In tl�e event of a �,artial taking uf the Yro�xrty , unless Borrower
<br /> � and Lender otherwiee agtee in writing, tliem sl�all be ap��►irci ta t6e �;ums secured by thin \lortRage nuch propor- � '��
<br /> tion o1' t6e pzooeeda ss ia equal to that proportion whi�h tlie amount of the sums secured by thie '�lortgage imtne- �
<br /> distelq prior to the dste of takit� bearR to the fs�r marlcet valu�• oi rhr Prvuiarro imrn.viiarPlv .,�in. ro .hv dAto ..f ��-•
<br /> taldat, wittn t4fe balsace of the proceeds �uid tu Borrou�er. � °
<br /> It ffis Pro�paety is abandoned by Borrower or if xiter nouce by Lender tu Borroaer that the condemnor offerE
<br /> W alake �a stvaed or eettle a clsitu for dainagr,a, Botrower fails to ��eallond Lo l.rnder within 30 dsye oP thn date "
<br /> of au6 notice, I.ender is authorised 2o collect and ap(al�� the Nroceed.� at Lender't uE;ciun citlier cu restoration or
<br /> re{v►ie uf U�e Prayierly w• w I.Lc rwur a�urnd i�y tiiu� \lortg�sgr.
<br /> Uateac Lender and Borrower otLerwise aQree in writing, any suct� applicat�on of prnceeds w {�rini•ipal shall
<br /> J
<br />�
<br />