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� � <br /> IN�IVIDUAL - � <br /> DUE ON SALE <br /> 'F� OPTIONAL FUTURE ADVANCES <br /> � SAVINGS FUNO <br /> . � FORM No.720 '-'-- --- <br /> �W Loan Number____35225 � 188 -_ i_ <br /> rrve Bra�cn <br /> 78- ()OU01G MO RTG AG E <br /> THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this _ _ �U..__ _ day of . �G�-�-�'��-._ ._.. . A.D., <br /> 19..7.7..,between the Mortgagor, _Edvin-.J.. Cook� a single gerson _ __ __ _ - ___. <br /> -__.... ..._._...._ _...__ _ __...__ -..__. _ _ ..._____. . __ _ _ _ _____..._ . _ . . __ _ __ ___._.._.... <br /> ot _ GZand-.I.sland.___ _, County of __ _ Hall._ _ _,State of ldebr.aska _ ,hereinafter referred <br /> to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagce, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501, its succesxors and ac�igns, referred to <br /> as Lender. <br /> WITNES6ETH: T}18L the said Borrower for and in consideration of t�he sum of . TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND <br /> __. __ _ _. .__... <br /> SIX HUNDRED AND NO/100------------------------------Dol;arro (US �. 28,600.00. _ _.. _._ ) <br /> _..._..._._._. .. ___ _.. _ ___ _ _ _____ _ __ _ <br /> paid by esaid Lender, does hereb_y mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its succesz;ors and ar,signe; the <br /> following deecribed prc�perty located in the County of . .__ Hall , St.ate of Nebraeka: A tract of <br /> land in the West Helf of Lot 3 Wilson's Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br /> Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 3, thence running Norttaerly alor� the westerly line of <br /> said Lot 3, a distence of 391 fcet thence running easterly 330 feet, thencc running sout2ierly a <br /> distance of 391 £eet to the southerly line of Lot 3 and thence westerly 330 feet along the southerly <br /> line of Lot 3 to the point oP beginning. <br /> TOCETHER with 911 Lhe improvemente now or hereafter erected on the pmperty, and all ea:u:ment.s, <br /> righte, appurtenancex, rents, royaltiea, minersl, oil and Ras rights and pmfits, water, water rights, and <br /> water etock, and all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the propert,y, a❑ of which, includinq replace- <br /> ments and additione thereto,shall be deemed tu be and remain a part of the propeNy covered by thia <br /> Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (or thr leasehold e�tate in the event thie <br /> Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property". <br /> Borrnwer covenants that Borrower is lawfully iseised af the estate f-iereby conveyed and hah the right <br /> to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Proprrty is unencumbered, and that Borrower will <br /> warrant and defend generally the title to the Pmperty against all claims and demands, subject to any <br /> easemettts and tertrictions listed in a �+chedule of ezceptions to coveragr in anY tit►e inaurancr policy in- <br /> suring Lender's interest in the Property,or 12) attornev's opinion of title fmm ab�tract of title rertified <br /> by bonded abstracter. <br /> PsoviuEu ALWAYS� and the�e presenta are executed and delivered uEwn the following conditions,agree- <br /> menta and obligations of the Borruwer, to-wit: <br /> The Borrower agrees to pa,y to the Lender,or urder, the princ•ipal sum of TWEl1TY EIGHT Tk�fiSAH➢ ' <br /> SLX H.iII1DBEII-ANII NQ/.IAQ------r-----.--------r----------�)ollarc (1?S $28�bD.Q.00_ _ ) <br /> payable as provided in a note executed and delivered, i•oncurrenUy hrrrwith,the final pavment uf principal, <br /> if not Rooner paid, on the lst day of _ January . 19 98 • <br /> UNIF'OiM �OVENAN7'S. RoROWr�and Lend�r c•ovenant and agr� ah fo11ow5� � <br /> 1. PaynHnt of Priacipel aad Int�rert. Burniwer shall prompth- pay whrn due the Nrinc�ipal uf and in- <br /> tereEst on the indebtedness evidenced by the tiote,prrpayment and late charge� ati providrd in the Note. <br /> and thr, principal of and interc�;t on any Future Advancr� �:rcured h�� thir�7ort�age. <br /> 2. Fuads for lanes aad Inauranc�. Sub,ject to Lrnder'�uption undrr para�raph� 4 and :�hereof, Bor- <br /> rower shnll pay to Lender on th�da�� monthly inFLalLnent�;of princiE.�al and intere5t are payahle under�hc <br /> Note, until the Note iK paid in fvl1,a sum (herein "Funde") eyual tu one-tH�i-ifth of the �early taxc�� �nd <br /> asecssments which may attain priority over thih!Nort gagr, and gmund r�ent. an the Property, if any plus <br /> one-twelfth i�f yearly premiwn installmente fur hazard in�urance. plu. une-twelfth of yeariy prrmium in- <br /> etrllments far mortgage inxurance, if any, all ac rea�unably eatimate�d initialh� and frum timc to time by <br /> l,endrr on the�hAcic of atiscs�menLs and bills and nasunabl����ticiiat�•., tli�r�,�f, ].e ti.lrr.-.hall a�{�I} thc• F'uncl.� <br /> to pav eaid tazea, ae�wRmentF, inRurance premiums and gmund rents. L,endE�r vhall niakr n�� c�har�e for �o <br /> hold'sng and apQlying the Funds or verifying and compiling �aid anretisrnents and billh. The Lrnd�•r.hall <br /> Rive to the Borro�er,without cherqe, an annual accounting of thP Fundc show�ing crc�ditc anri dFhit�to the <br /> Ftnntla and tl�e purpoae for which each the Funda wa� madp. The Funds are pled�ed aF addit.ional <br /> eecurity foe the suane eecue�ed by thie Mortgage. The Borrower aq�ea that the Funds mav F�•held by t.he <br /> LendPr and commineled with other fuada and the Lender's own fundr and the Lender may pay �uch items „�� <br /> fe�oei itr ow�a funds and the Lender shall not be liable for intere�;t or dividend�: on tiu.h Fund�. � � <br /> � lf the tmount of the Fun�l�eid by L�eadar,together with the future monthly installments of Funds j �. <br /> P�S's�P����e due dates ot tas�es, aseeeamente, ineurance premiums and ground rentc, chall exceed � <br /> ��t�iw�"ed�P�Y� �eas�te,insurai�ce pre�niums and ground rents�c the��fall due. °'�°� <br /> sucl� ezeer �li Bo�nr>arr's nptic�n, Pitiw 1m►enrtly id <n R�ra+wP.M�rn�iitwi tn Rnr1'/�K'Pr�n <br /> n+ontlfly iaetalimenta of Funds. If t.he amouni of the Fund�eld tw LendYr�;hall n��t l�r�u(ii�•irnt tu ��H� <br /> tues. aese�m�ata, u�rurance pre�n�ums and eeaufd n�nts ss they fall due, Borrower tihail pay tn Lender <br /> aey amanet �� to make up t6e deRcie�+cy w�ithin thiaty days after notioe from Lender to Bormwer � <br /> �'a4��[ Ymeee tdfei+eot, or Botsower shali,by an incre�e in Qwnthly in�tallmrnts ot Funds reyuired, <br /> w <br /> er�y rh� _ .ritfiir tfie P�nd accounting period. <br /> C1poa paya�ent in fu11 of all eutns eecured by thiR MortRegP,I.E nder�hall ap�ly Fund�v hrld a�a �•rrdit <br /> agaimot alt Rum�,due. � <br />