': �-�
<br /> - � �
<br /> not extend or postpone the due date ol' the montlih� instnllnx�ntt referred to ] u � rtr.igraph• 1 and '2 hereof or
<br /> change the a�uount o( such instalLrients .
<br /> !0. BorcowerNolR�baNd. Extenaiai of thc tiui� ior � �uynient or modifiration uf ainortization ot the sums
<br /> secured by tliis 1lortgage granteal by I,ender to au�� � uri•essor iu interest of Borro�ver shall not operate to release,
<br /> � in any msnner, the liabilitv of the original t3arrower und Borro�cor': .uccessor� iu interest . I.ender shal! not be
<br /> required to commence proceedings agsinst �ucli eucce.sor or r�>fu.c to extend time ior payment or otherwise modify
<br /> �j amortization of the sums secured by this \ Iortg� Ke b�� reasm � oi ;im• demand mnde hy the. originat Borrower and
<br /> *..� Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> � 11 . Forb�ar�►ee by Lsnder Not a Waivar. Any forbearauce by I,ender iu exercising any right or remedy
<br /> p hereunder, or otherwise sfforded by 3pplicable la�� , ,htill not be ci �ti si�er of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> p or remedy hereunder. 1'he procurement of insuruuce a• tlu• � ,svruenc of taze. or other ,liens or charges by I,ender
<br /> � ehall not be u waiver of I,ender 's right to acceleratc the mxturit�� of tlie indebtedneas secured bp this :�fortgsge.
<br /> 12 R�mediea Cumulative. All remedies pro��ided iu tlii � \forcgage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> 1 right or remedy under this \lortgagr or afforcie�i h�� lu�� ur �•� � nit }� , :snd �n.i�• Iu• exeroised ��oneuirently . independ-
<br /> ^ ently or successively .
<br /> 1�. 3neeeasors mid Aasigas Bo�u►d: Joint �sd Several Liability; Captione. 7'ha� c•ocenunts and agreements
<br /> herein contained shall bind , and the righrs liereuncier .<hull inur� � o , thc res��eoti �•�� ,uccessor, and assigne of I.ender
<br /> end Borrower, subject to tlu provision. uf � iura{�r:iph 1 ; h�•n�oi. .� II co� enuut , un� i :igrrements of F3orrower sltall
<br /> be joint �nd i;t��•erdL 'Phe cu� rtiou� un� i Lesding. uf the � �ura�r:� � � li , oi rlii.. \ lurtq�i�;o :lrc� for ron �•�•nieuce only and
<br /> ate not to be used to incerpret. or de6ur the � n•o��i�iun. her�>o( .
<br /> 1 �. Notieo. 9uV notie�� to $orro��er pro ��ide� i ior in tlu� Alurt�u�;e ,h3ll L�� �i ���.r� tn• tuailink � u��h not�iee b�-
<br /> certified mxil addredsed to 13urro��•er ut th�� Yro��ortc .1 � 1 � 1m.., ,tnre� l h��lu��� . �•�o��� n fur .iu� nutic�� reyuired under
<br /> puragrupl� 18 hereof to hr �it ��u tu liorro« ��r iu th�� ineiuiu• r � � r��.i� rih�•� { I ��� :t � �� �li ��;tbli� la�c. Am� nerii���� � �rot�ideci
<br /> forin ihi� �Iottgage .liull h�� deeiued tu lui� �• I �o��n ki� ��n to fiorcu�� �•r �rh�•n � i � vii u � th�� � uru� uc�r � ie.iKn;ited herein.
<br /> 15. Uailorm Mortgage: Gov�rnitag Law; Sevorability. ' Chi., jorni uf uiurt �;xRu rutnhine. uniform co�-enantr
<br /> for nationa! use and non - uniform cuvenants �vitli limitr� i ��uriatiun= I ��� juriadictiou to conetitute u uniforn� secu-
<br /> rity instrutnent covering real propert�- . Tlii� AIorcgage shull I ,c� gu�•er� �e�l h}• the la�c of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located . In the e��ent that au�• � � rovision ur �• Isusv ui tLi, \lortgaKc or the Not,c con8icts witL
<br /> upplicable law• , such confiict shul ( not ufi'ect uther � �ro� ision.. ui thi, .\ lurtqage or the \ote which can be given
<br /> effect without the conflicting provisiai , nnd to thi= i�nd the � uo ��i�ion. oj � 1 �,. Aiuiq �aKi. ;ii�, � the Note are declared
<br /> to be aeverable.
<br /> 16. Borrow�raCopy. Borro�eer sha11 bf� f�rnislie�( a ��nnioriued roE��y ui this \ lortgagc at the t.ime of execu-
<br /> tion ot after recordation hereof.
<br /> 17• I'rans4�r of the Prop�rty; Assumption. I f ;zll ur :tnt� ��art uf tlie Properby or an interest therein is sold
<br /> ortransferred by f3orrowerwithout Lender'= ��rior writtc❑ ��u��seur . ex�� luding isi ttie creation af a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to tl�is \IortgaKe . i bi t1u� ��rratiun ui :i � ,ur�•hu=�• u �une�- securit }• interest i'or huuaehold appli-
<br /> anees, ( c) s transfer by deti�ise , �le,,cent ur t �y u� �eraciuu ui la�c ii� �on ch�. deutli ot u juint tenant a• � d � tlie grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest of three years m• Ir�;. not con2ninmR un o� �tiun tu pi�rehasr , Lender may , at� Lende�r's option ,
<br /> declare all the ewns necured bp this 11ortKage tu I�o iuuurdi ;ui�ly � iue umt � �u,yabl�� , Lender �6all ha�•e Haived such
<br /> option to accelerate if , E�rior to tl�e sule or trun,fer, Lcudi� r au�� thc � ,t�rsun tu wlwni tl �c Yropertv is tu be sold or
<br /> transferred reacli agreetneni in �a�riting tLut tlie eredit ui .uc6 � �er,mi i� ,aticiu<•tor}� to I.ender and tl�at tlie interest
<br /> payable on the sutns secured b}� this \lort�{aKc clit+ ll I,�• :n �uch r:�tr a• L�•n�ier �hal1 reyuest . Ii L�rn�ler has waived
<br /> the option ta necelerate ��rovided in tl� is paragrapli 1 i :uii ! if liorro�rer ', ,iu�i�e„or iu intere.t I�aS exrcuted s writ -
<br /> ten asetumption agreement accepted in «�riting l�y I ,c•n� {er, I_rnrler ,tiaall releuse Aori•o�rer irom ssll obiigatione under
<br /> thie Mortgage and thc Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises such option to ac�celerute, Lender shall � usil fiorrower uotice ol xeceleration in aeeotdance
<br /> �vitl� }�aragraph 14 hereof. �ucYi nonce �liall �n•u��i� i�• a � �er�o� ui uur I�•s.: th:tin 30 � la�-• fruw thr dat�� the nocice is
<br /> mailed witLin w}�ich BorruHer iuxy ��u�• tLe =uu�. � lcclxr� � i � iu� . li Iturru �� �n� lsil> tu � �r�,y� ..ucli ,un�s prior to the
<br /> expiration of ruch periai , Lender• ivap . �eitLuut furtlirr nutir�� or � 1� •mxu� i un lti�rruHer . inroke x�iy remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereuf.
<br /> Vo:� -j " N � Foxn� l 'c�vr: xe �: Ts. }iorruH��� r au�! L�•n�le• r CurlLc� r �•u�•�• nrint :inii a,�� r���� u . folluw� . :
<br /> 18. Acc�l�ration: Rsmediss. I�a� •��� �t ;� .. � iru� i� ic� l iii � �:� r:i ��i;� � � li 17 lu • r��oL u � �un l3urruHrr '� hr�•:i�•h of un ��
<br /> covenant or agreemeut of E3orru�ci•r in r lii� Afort �;�a �o . in� � lu� iin �; tlic rovcn :int . to � i.i �� �rh��n Ju�• :tne � uui. ..ecure� 9
<br /> by thls \fortgage. Li�nd��r � �riur to a�•�•�•l .�i;uiun .liztl ! � u:iil uu� irr• tu liorru�ror :i� � �r�.� �� i� 1i•� i in � �ar:��rx ( � h 14 liereoi
<br /> specifYing : 111 the brr���li : i 'li thr s�•tiuu r��� { uin•� i tu iur�� ,, u �°li I � n•:s��li , 131 �s duto . uut I��>. tlian thirty �1ny�
<br /> trun� the datr thi� notici� i< iiuiilr� l tu liurro�� �y' . I �} �clurli .� � ol � I � ro:� rli iuu.i h� �• iu �•ii : an� ! i4i that tnilw � tu � un
<br /> sucli Lreach uu uc brfore [ Lc dut �• ..per � iie�i iu tlic nnn�•i� � nay ra�.,ul � in ac•r��lrratiun oi ti � o .uui� .�v� urc��l hv this
<br /> 1lortgage and aale uf the Yroperty Ii ttie br�•u�� I � i., tiot rw•.•� i ur. � �r h�•iom tlu � �I;uo .E �c� rfitvl in th. noti� e . Lrnder
<br /> at Lender's option may d�•cl�tm ull uf the .��w, sr�curr� l h} ilu , \IurtR;iy��� tn he � nuiu•, ii :itol � duc ,yn�1 ��xpublr
<br /> withuut lurther deinxnd �nd may� iore�•lus�� thi. \ lurt �;:i�;�• I ��• .iu, ii � iul pro�•�•,�d � �i� Li•n �1c•r .h ;tll 1 „� � •ntitli•d tu collect
<br /> in sueh proreedin� ull o�� { �ru.rs u1 fe� r�•rlu�uro . in ��iwl � nR. hut u� �r ❑ innr� l ru. �•u� t = uf � ] uruiu�• ut :ar �� �� ci� lrnc�- .
<br /> ab�;trscte and title report..
<br /> lY. Doeeow�r's Aight to R�inatat�. \ o[ tvitl��taudhi �; Lc•ndrr '.. :ici•��Irrutiun u( t6i� swux sreured bv thic
<br /> Mort�age, Borrower ehall have the right to ha��o an�� ��ro�•er�liti� .. Inr�;ian I��• Lrudcr � u i•nturr�• tln� �1unK.yR�• ,�i�-
<br /> continued at any time priur tu entry of x � u�iK�uent cuiin�in�; th �. \1urtRu�;e if : � :, � Horrua .•r � >ny� Ixndrr all
<br /> aume which would he then rlue i �ndFr tl, �� \ lotK �:i �� . .: L� \.n � .�i:. i i �„t . .. ..��. uru ��; h utun .�� i � xue�•. , it an�• , had no
<br /> accelerstion occurred ; Ibl Borrower rurr� ;ill hri�ac• hi" ui :iu� utlirr �•cn �•n:lut .. ur :,�,r,�rn ��•nt� uf Borrower con-
<br /> tained in thie Mortgage ; Ic ) Borrower pa��. all rrn�onabl�� ��� � ���n.e. inrurn•� i f,�• L�•mi�-r in � •nfor<•inK thF ��u�•enxntn
<br /> and sgreements of Borrower rontainecl in thi. \Iurt �::i�;c• :iu� l iu ruiur�vu�; Lr�i. lor ', n•nu�d�r, an � �rovidrd in paru-
<br /> gt9ph 18 hereof, including, but nM limitFd ro, rc;i.onable :�tturnc� :, ior.. . :u�� l � � Ir I3urruwrr iakr. �u�• h act �on se ,
<br /> Lender may i'eaeonsbly tequire to tsssut� thxt thr lien of thi� \ IorfFa�;c , 1_ondi�r'x interv•r:t in thr Yruperty and L
<br /> Borrow�er's obligation to pny the sums securcvi hy thi. \1urtKa�;�� >li.ili vuntiiiu�� unini � �airia� . I '�,ou ,uch pnyment ,, � �
<br /> and cure by Borrower, thier :1rIortqage a�id the obiignt �ons .e��urtvl I�er��b�- >hall rewain in full furec an� l ofl'rct xs if �' '
<br /> no aooeleestioa had occurred. .
<br /> �' �� � � �Rf�4 a� R�d'iv�r: Ls+►d�r in Poaae�sion. A. ssdditional srcurity hem-
<br /> J ���
<br /> under, Botroarer hereby aseigns to I,ender the rente of t6e Prop�n �� . �rru��idr� i t hat Borrow er .hall , prior to acceler- "�
<br /> �t1a+ under paragraph 18 hereof ur aLau.launent uf the Yro� �rrty , hsv�� rhe ngfit to �olle�•t and retain such rentr
<br /> w they heeenae due and psyablc.
<br /> Upop aoeekration under paragnpli 18 hereof or ahandonmcmt of' tf�e YroEierty . I.rnder, in �x�r.on . by �gent +
<br /> � bY 1��aY aPPap�d e�eceiver ehall be entitlecd to enter u�wn , t ;ike �wF.>er�ion of yud mnnxKe the• Property
<br /> and to ealleet the ren4 of tl�e PrMirrt,y. i�l»rling � he�e ra�t �lue. .11 ! rcr.; : ccllc. 6� . ; 1, � L�•wirr ur ii �e recriver
<br /> �hall be �pQlied fi»t to paytssent of the coete of u�anaRement of thr Pru��erte an� l coll�•rt iun uf rcnt � . iurl udinK . hu�
<br /> 1�t IimiLed to, receivers fees . premiums on mceiver'. bonilr an�{ r<•xsoneshlc ntturni��� '. ioi�. sm1 thi•n to thc sum>
<br /> secured by thie Mortgege. I.ender and the reneiver �halt M• liahlr ro x��i�oiir�r onl �� fnr th.��r r��iit � :u•rualh� n•r�•i � i•,i �
<br />�;
<br />