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� .. <br /> , ; .:. <br /> -------� <br />� �; �.� � <br />µ; � � ;/� I <br />'>�, �:. a'' <br />�� �' � <br /> �' MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLfdENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL �E <br /> � APPLIED TO INSTALLMENTS I1lST TO 6ECOME DUE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT � � . - <br /> � � AN� ARE THC• N THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF TNEM, � � . � <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 1D0% OF SUCH � PRINCIPAL � PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO• �. � . . <br /> . HIBITED BY THE REGULA710NS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERYISORY � AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCN ADVANCEMENTS . � � . � <br /> SHALL BH SECURHD �Y� THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME IdA(VNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MADE. . � . � � - - � <br /> : � TIiE T40RTGAGOR FURTHER COVENAI�TS AND AGREES: <br /> . `rJiut� the 1�lortgaRor . w•ill �pey iht in8ebtcYlness as hereinFxfnre prcrvided. � � � � � � � � � � . � - <br /> � � 1'hut� t}��. Ttodgngor is thu oaner of said properfy in fcr simple nnd hi�s {;nnd right a»d Inivfu! authurily to sell and � . . ; <br /> rnnvey the st�rue and thut lhe same is tme m�d clrTrot eny lirn or encumbrunce: und that � Aturigagur will t��Nrt;�ni and drtrnd thr, � � � � � . <br /> � title to snid premises. agaiagt � thc claims of all penon, �rho�nsnever. . . � � . <br /> . . . To pay immediatrly when due and pnyahle all gener:+i taxes, s�uK�ial tuses, specivl a:v�ssmen�, +vafer charges, sewrr sen•- . . � . . <br /> im churgcn, and other tiixes and d�urges agiiinst said pru�x�rly, and ali taxes levied on th� debt srrured hereby, and to turnisi� t}ie , . � � � � . � <br /> � Murtgagee, u�n ns�uest. ���ilh the . orikinal or duplicntc receipLti theretor: 'lhr Mortg���or xgn•rs thai iheri� =L�11 be ndded ta . . � � � . . . <br /> . � e»ch� monthlY� pnyment . u�quired hereunder nr under (he evid 'ence ot debt secured herrby. an amount eatimateel by tbe �tortFager � � . . . . � . . <br /> � •� � � to be cu(ficient to enable the �tortragee to puy, as they becume due, rill taxes, as<evsrnents, und similar clmrRee upon ihe prem� � . <br /> . isex s4b)�KC thereto; any deficiency brc�mse o( the insulliciency �ot such additionttl puyments . shall be forth���ith drpasiteY� � by the � � . . �� � <br /> � % �6tortgagor �ri[h . thc• Mortgagee upun demund hy thc ?�tortgagec. Anp drf:�ull unrlrr ihis par��raph shall br decmad. a default in . . . � � . <br /> payment o( taxe;, assessn�ents. or .imilar chz�rges rrquired hereunder. � . . . � <br /> �, � . . 'I'hc �tortgagor agre�•s � that there �-hall ulao be• �added to each monthlt' P��S'�nent oi principal and irverr.t r�K�uired 'nere- . . . � <br /> . under an amount estimated by the A1urtgagee to be .ufiicient tn enuble ih�• 4tortga�ee lo pay�. as it br�cnmrs due, the insurance ' . . � � . . <br /> premium on any insurance policy� delivercvi to thr 1lorlaakr.e Anp drfieinnep becausi� �,f iho insufficienc�• ot" such additional pay- . . � � . . <br /> i �. .l ments shnll be furU�with depcuited by th�� '�turtga;:or with fh�� Stur����gee u{wn demand by the :�tnrt�a�;ce. Any default under this � � . <br /> '� .. >era ra �h shnll I�e deemed n �lrfinili in thr �ayment o! imuranc�• �rcmituns. li (hr N�licy ur inlicies dr �n:ited ari� such c�s humr- � . � . . <br /> ' i ' R ' f � ! F I I I � . <br /> ��� � o�encrs ur all risA ��olicies. and the du�ril, tve insidlicirn[ tn paY lho ��nlire pn�mium . th<�� !1lorigagee m�iy� uppiti the deposit to � � � <br /> " pay premiums un risks requircYi to Vx• in,urcvi b�� this mnrteatie. �� � � � . � <br /> r, <br /> � � . . Paymencs made b}' thr '�1ort�a�;nr undrr the r�bovr p:vagrapn, may. at Ihi� n� dion of lhc� \luritiagw. Irr• held by ii and � � : � <br /> commin�led �rit6 uther such Iunds or its o�5•n fi�nds fur th�� pa}�ment of =ueh iiem�. ;m�l until sn :ipplied, sucn pnyments are hrrrM• � . � . <br /> plcYlgeel as securify for the unpaid bnluncc n[ ILr morrta�e indv6i��dness. . . � . . <br /> � 'Po procure, deli��er tn. and m;�int;�in [or the beni�&t <i[ the '�iurt�:aKec durin;; the lifr u( this rnurtt;a�e ori�;in:d poliriei and : � ' . � <br /> � renew•nls thoreo(. delieerc<i at least ten day's FKr(ore the ��spiratinn o! �ny =uch policie�.. in�>urin„ akainst tirr and other in;urubte . . . <br /> ' �- . � harards. c:uunl[ies, und cnntingcncics us ihe Dlorig�geu may nK�uire, in an :amounl eyua! to the , indebtedness � seKvred by this � � � . . . � <br /> . \Sortgnge. �nd in aimpunie•s .icceptable to the �forlgage�•. wiU� I��+s payaible clause in faeor o( and in [onn »ceeplabl�• to fhe JlnrtFa. . . . . . . . <br /> gm. in � lhe e��rnt an�• policy is not renewi�i on or befure ten da}�s o( il; nxpiraliut�. the 11ort;;�igee may procure in�uranee on the , � . . . . <br /> - - impro.ements. pu�• the premium them[ar. tuid such sum shall ber.vme inunediatc•ly due sinrl payahle witt� interest at the rate� set � . � . � � <br /> z, � � (orfh in said not+e until paid and ehall tHr secured bp (his murt�;aRn. Failurr on the part o( thi• \tortgagor to furni;h sueh rtrnewals � . . � � � <br /> � r as are l�erein ttquirrri or t:�ilure iu pay am� suns adranced hcreunder nhall, at ih�• opfion o[ lhr �'Iofi4:j��•e. CunSUlutr A d�•(:nilt � . . � � � . <br /> under the tertns uf this mort�;aKr. 'Ph�� d�•li�rq' of �urh policie-; shill. in lhr reen� n[ dr(ault . cunslitutc• ian asai�nment nf the un- . <br /> cornMl premium. � � � <br /> :1ny sums recri�•rd 6}� the \ic�rtgagiK� b}� reason uf Ios= or d;im.�ge insured nRainst mas he� rel:�im•d h}• thi• }Songa�;cr . � . . <br /> p � nnd applitsi to�rartl thi• p:n'ment of ihe d��Lt h��niliy =ceured. i� r. ai the cp[iun n! thr �lurtt;agee, such sums ei[hr�r 'xholh� nr in � � . . � � � � <br /> E; � � i +rt muy he �nid o��rr t�� the lfort ��ur b.� Ixr ueed tm m �ir such buiLiin� �, nr ta huild ne•..� huildin;;s in t6rir �lacc� or (��,r am• . <br /> � : 1 ' R' I � ti� { � . <br /> ulher Pur{wse or uhject �;atisf.actory' [o Ihe �1nrt�;aRre w-ithout nffi�cti�zG : h�� lirn un the n:nrt�:ice fnr th�• (idl amr:uut sernrrd here. . � . . <br /> by h<dnn, �ucL ��a��mi•nt vc��r l�xik Place. . . . <br /> ' Tn promptl}' rrp:eir. re,tort+ ur rcnuild any buildin;�� nr imprncum�•nts no�,v ��r h��n•alter nn ihe prrmis�•, uhich may !x•- � � <br /> ^ � � cumr diima�cKl or de,lroy�Y1 : tu k<�ep said premi=es in 4<x!d runditi�,n and repsir and (rre (rum anv mvi•nan�c's lien ur nt}�i�r lien or � . . . <br /> t� � � � . . � - � . . <br /> :� - cl3im of lie�i not expne��ly sul�rdinatcKl tu the lien hrrruC uut to su(tcr ur prrm� t ,�ny� unla���IuI as�� r,f � �r anc mu,canc•c lu �•x�st on . . � <br /> a� � said property nur tn pern�it w�n.,tr �,n -aid premi;rs. nor m dn any� other act wiu•n�by th�� pru��rrtc hrreby conv�•c��d shal! t�come . . . <br /> � less v;iluable. nor �o eiiininish nr impsir it; l�alu�• by ar;y act nr ��mission to art : ro cnmPlc •,rith ;ifl nv�uirrm��nLs o! lu�r u�i1F� n+�pret - . <br /> �' � In the murtga���d pmmises and ihr us�� th��t'�•af. <br /> 4 <br /> "Chnl shuu:d tFr premises ar :�np pari tnrri�of Im taken ur dama�;ed by rr:�.nn of any public improi�emrnt or �rmdrmnvtion � <br /> proceaJing. nr undet Ihr ri�hi o( omim�n[ dom��in. ur in anr uther manner. tiu• \turt ;:n�re sf�all ba• i•ntitlyd tn all campeneatiaas, � <br /> .i- � ' awarde. .+nd eny othi�r P:�YmenL or rrlief th.�r�•tur. an�i nhall lm entided. at its o�nion. tu c�mmience. apprar in c�nd prr�rcuic in iLs <br /> mcn nnme .my uciion ur pr<xredint�. or tu m:ike an}• cumpr�vnise or sedlemt�nt in ronm•ctiun ���iih such takin� or damaRr. :VI suc)i , <br /> � - eompensatioa aw�arJs. damnkr;, ri�;h[ n( action aud prun•eYl, nrr hrrch}� iu:i�ned d� ihc Vnrtca;:ci•. «�hu may, u(�er drdurtin�: <br /> � Iherelrom all it,ti exP�n.i•s. rele��s�� any mnne�'s su rcr��n�ed 6c ii i�r nppiq ihe �umt• on :my indrFt��dnecs =ecured 6r�rrhy. 'fiu� >1urt � . <br /> ' Fry,or aKmtr tn excvrulr such tunher :u:��nments o( any� cnmpi•n�nt�nn. a�rard?. dama�«. ar.d ri�ht> uf nrtiun nnd prucrr�!. as the � <br /> ; �� '�1ortRliRec ma� reyuire. <br /> t.. <br /> F% Tiiat in c-a;e uf (ailum tu per(or.n am� uf tLr currn:uds hen�in. ih�• \l �,rtl::�S�'e• m:ip d�� or. � Le �iort�:a�:or�s heh:d( rn�n�tning <br /> �. :,n crovenvnied: thnt tht� Dtort�;aFee may also du any acl it m:�y de��m nrcewsart' �o pr,��ect 1hi� lien ther��ni: th�LL ihr \ir,rt.a�ur u�ill <br /> .Y�� � � re >ay uf�n demand any mone��s ��id ur di�tmrsed b>� thr \lnrt�al:e�� fur nn � nf thr� nbow� �ur u,:,.=. : <br /> . f f } . I I 3nd .,uch munvvs urer[hi•r u�ith <br /> � interest then�n ut [he r.i�r provided ir v1iJ nuie sh;dl becnm�• �u mw:h :�ddition:il indcbtrdnrv;e iirroby �cc•urrd nnd ma�: IK� in� <br /> ;' � � cludeil in xn� decrec fontilosin� thi+ morl;;agc nnd be paid out u( t}�e renis ur pruccerls nf sJr o! said prrmi�eK i( nnt nthen��icn <br /> � paid; that it sh�tll n�d tH• ofili��torp uP��n Ihc \lortxn�w� to inquirr intn Ihc cnlidity ��( :+ny hrn. rncumbrancrs. •�r claim in ad- <br /> : vuncing moneys as alHrer authorized. bui nn.hinti hi•re�in cont ��ined shall Ix� construrd a� n�auir�ng �}u� \turty�ac.•e i���• a�y� <br /> � moneys tor am• such pur{x�sr nor to do any ;irt hr•rounder, and ihat �7ort �;n:;er shati nut inrur nnc prr<on;il liability becnu=e nf an}�' <br /> � ; hinG it m��y do nT r,mit tn do n�•reun�ier. � <br /> . 1n ILe e��ent o( Ihr de�(ault bp 3inrtgagnr in O:r p:�yment of :my instailmenL :ae •i.quirod hc Ihr i1ot�• .�currd hrrrby. nr <br /> in the performnnna ul lhe ubliFation in this motfgake• ot in the notr us'ured Yh<�reb7•, the �iort�agee shull L�� ��ntitl�-d tu �irclare the � � <br /> - d�bt securvd her�by due am! pnti��ble without notice, and thi. �torrta�ee shatl he e�ntiilyd at u� uption. �vifhout noticr• riH�er bv rt.-u-i( _,:, � ' <br /> - nr by u rea+it•er lo M� appuintcKi by the coun thercY>f. tutd Hi[hnut r�•gard tu the ad�quacy ��( .urv =ei�urity fur lhr inde64Ylne>c vr. r �. <br /> � <:um.d hem}�y. w inti�r upon 2nd t•ike �x�sc��.;sion of the mnrtga�;ed premitir=, and to a,ll��ct u d reeei� e thc- renta. �e�,ucs ami prafit? � 'N ,,,.+� , � <br /> ��� thereof. and npply the same. lrss c�rta of r,Exrratinn and a�llrctiun. ury�n tne indebl�Kinc-sc . rcured hv thi. mo:teage. und rente. . � . <br /> L i:cues iind pio�Lv txin4 herehy s�s,igned ln the klortgxcrr as lur[iier .�ecurity (or lh<• pnvment of :JI indrtni d�.e•ss «ruuvl hrrchy ' <br /> ^SS' <br /> � ; 'Chr \lortgn�ee shell ha��e thr p�r.cer lo appoint :m}� a�ent or acen;s it mn�- d�� inr thi• purp�n�• ot rrpairin�, s�id prcm' �., . <br />� isrs; renUng the same; cullrclinc th� rent4, re��enurs and inrume , and it muc p.+y � ut ot s:�fd mcumr a11 < <p��n�r; in�urriYl in r�•nb � .. <br /> - ing and mannginF the same and n( collertinc thr mntnl� therafrc�m. '1F�• hala�,cc rcmaimn �( sny. .. hJi Le� aF�p�ied b.�w�ard lhr �. � . <br />�� � dis��hnr�r of R1:e mort�oGe indeb[rrinr.�. 1'hic a�sienmrnt is tn � �•rminni�- .mn Iwt•��rnr null ��d •:�-�i�i u ,x�n n � �r�<�� „i �luc murtence. <br />� <br /> 4.. <br />'i; <br />�� <br /> � � <br />'?,� �_ <br />: : � <br /> •� <br />, ..! <br /> }y <br /> I <br /> } <br />� <br />