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:� , . s� <br /> 7!f � . ,�-:5 <br /> ti . . . . . � j(p4. . . <br />'� . . , . . . . . . �. . . � . � . � . . � .... YW�� � �•� � <br />��i; � <br />�" � � . � . � . . . . <br />^Y :! � . . � . . . � . <br /> � .� 77ie Mortgag��e� iniiy collect a "lale charge" nu( lo rxceed I%ive Ceuls (6c) inr erich dullur fSLCiO) o! eiech tolnl monthly � � . � - � � � <br /> 7�ayment morx th:�n i5 � dnys iu arrearx tqcnvi•r thr exira rapensi� iuvuh•cd in h�neNin� drlinquent accuunts. �. � � � . . . , . , <br /> � All pa�anenls made m�der4he � provisione r�f. lhis morigu�;e ur the note hem6y secunsl, whir.h may be construed us interext, <br /> P . . xhxll � not, in ifie �nggregete n�•er � lhc �tc•nn � thercnf, eaceed� th�• rate ihui. mny now� be lawfully contrnMed tor in wrifing. . . � . � � <br /> I ! is further agrerd that in cvse nny suif is begun to foreclose lhix mortgage, U�e 7�lortgogee, its representytives or assigne. � <br /> � al�ali vt once � be entitlud to the � poss���iun o[ said ��remises, and upoii applicntion� therefor, thc �court in N'I11CIl FUCII aclicm ahall <br /> bu broughf or any. judge.�n[ such court, cither in term time ur vacation, is � hercby nttthorized � to :ap�wint � a remiver to take pavses- ' . � . . � <br /> � � � sion of said premisea, ur to collecl the rents therefron, nnd !n do nnd perform such other netc as may be n�uimd by the urde.r � � � �� <br /> � , of Uie murt making the nppointment; end said A�fortgngor herehy. waives any nntice o[ auch application. nnd mn.enta to the ap• � . � . � <br /> pnintment uf a recriver upon the prrxluction r�f . this mottgnge, withoid other evidence. � � <br /> � � 'I'hc l�iortgagec shUll Ue su6rogatud ln all o( the riFhis, privileges. priurities. aud eryvilies uf any lienitolder w}�ose lien may � � . . <br /> . 6nve been dischnrFed� fmm the � prxeeda ot � this loan, cr by any funds herehy paid or (urniqhed hy the Mortgagee. � � . <br /> .' IT IS EXPR�SSLY AGRI'sF.D that if the blortgagor shall aell, cv�m�cy or alienute snid properiy, or nny pnrt thereof. <br /> or any interest therein, or ehnll ly divcsted of his title ur uny interest therrin in any mssnner or way, whether voluntnrily or <br /> imroluntnrily, without �.�ritten cortsent ot the Tlortgngee lxring first had nnd obtainai, Mortgagee shali liave the right, at its opHon, �, � � � <br /> to declAre. nny indebtedness � or obligntions securcd }ierrUy, irmspective o( lhe mnturity d:�te sperifi�d in any note evidencing the � � <br /> : eame, dur nnd pxynblc without notiee, und uiid dcUt nhall thereupon become aisolute. If ihe awnen}up of 8ie mort- � . � � � <br /> ga€ed properry Imcomcw vested in a ��e�vun other than the �iortgag�r, tfie Tlortgagce mny, without notice to the �turtgagor, deal � � � <br /> e <br /> � with such =urcr:s�r or successorx in interest with mferincc tr� this mortgage and the dr•bt hereby secured as wifh the Mortgagor, � <br /> und mny (ofiear ta sue or may extend time fur the puymi�nt oF the deUt hereLy� secur.•d without dischnrvinq or in nny wny nffectinq <br /> � the� lin6i)ity of the oriFinai I�{ortgagor heretmder or upon the di�bt serurnl. � � � <br /> � In this iusirmnent the sin;;ular includcs ihe plural and Lhe rmuculine includes the feminine and the neuler and this im � � <br /> sirument sl�all be binding �upon the undetsigned, hi=_ heits, person �l representatives, suttrssnn nnd n�.sitirzes. � � <br /> . IN li'ITNESS 1VHEft�OF, w�e hxve hereunio set our hHnds nnd seal, the dny nn<1 year first atwve writtea , � .� <br /> ' � In the presenrn oL• . . . <br /> s ' �9 �� <br /> � n i�`^�;��-'�..:.. .. . .. . . <br /> � /. <br /> { ` � / .�/�. . . // . . . . . ._.. . � . . <br /> � �(�� /� ' � / � � �/� ..��� . ... .... .. . . <br /> . Cnar es A . Staa <br /> : ��» ` �Qiv'�, ..�.. ... ... . . .. .... . . .. .. .. ..... .. ..... . -.. . . --� - <br /> F ; � Lana D . Staab <br /> F. l . <br /> � STATS OF NEBRASKA I <br /> • 7 Si. <br /> s'` i _.$311. County. ) <br /> .. .......... ... - �� i <br /> 7 f � , <br /> �y . : On this .. �. !. . ..._. day o( . ��f�Y` .. .'"`:.... . . ...., 19. _76 be(ore me. lhe undersign�l, a Notary Pubiic, in and for e¢id � � <br /> :; - <br /> ' ' co���v, t�rson�ll>� cum�.... � ,A . .. .S.taao.. znd . Lana_A....S.taab.,�.�i�e .... .. ....... _...... ..._........ <br /> � � �' �>ersonally kno�m to me to be the identicnl persons whose names nre a(£ixed tu the above And toregoing instrument, as mortgagore, <br /> ` and each ncknoK�leciged said instrument to be his or her voluntnry uct and de�l. � . � � i <br /> '• -% \Vitness my hnnd xnd nofurial senl at...... , GT3rid IS13IIdt id2bPaS$H �� � � �. � <br /> . .._.... .. ...... . . . . . _..... . . . .......... . . .. . ... .. .. . . .. . .... .. . ......... <br /> �1 � . the dnte lnst n}wve µ•ritten. � � � . � <br /> � ROBERT D. PLACZEK , ^ � <br /> � � GENERNQVEM E�R 25, 1978 �� . . .. ..... .. .�"l. .�.// .. / ,,,, . �;..�.. .Notary Public...._ � i <br /> My Cam�kaaion Erzpiras v i <br /> �' <iy � ... <br /> N �' � \fy commission ezpires......_.........(�'.Z. S' 7� ;i <br /> t' <br /> # ' STATE OF... .. .. .. .. ......... .. .. ................ ...... 1 <br /> r . 1 C011IIty . ... . .. .. ... .... .......... _. . ... ........ ... i <br /> . .... . .. . .. } Sfi. . : <br /> 8, I <br /> Entered on numerical index and filed [or record in the Register of Deeds O�ice of said County the <br /> �. .. . ..:... . .. . . .day of.....----........ - -- .._.. .... .. , 19...... _.., at...... . ... .. .. . ... ..�i clock and.._..._._ ._ ... . ..minutes .... ..... ...M,. i <br /> , <br /> nnd recorded in Book........ ... ................ .of Dtortgnges at pnge....... .... .. .. .... ... .., as Instrument No.. ...... ... . .......... � <br /> , . , .. . .......... .. .. .. ... ... .. ... ... . ......... ....... .... . ... . ... .. ..... . . ................... <br /> Reg. of Deeds <br /> B��.. . . . _ . _ . .. _ . _ .. .. .. ... .. . . .. . . . . ... .. . . . .... .. .. .. . . .... . . ...... .Deputy <br /> ` -. I <br /> ` �Vhen recorded to be returned io the <br /> FIRST FEDERAL S�VINGS .1A'D LOAN :1S50CIATION OP LINCOLti' N " � ' <br />� � LIhCOLN OFFICES:� N�oned75•052 ] � � � <br /> t <br /> ❑ iz3s •�n^ sv�.+ � ! 35 110. Cmnu flivE. � 702h anC "A" St. G '.5�1 11a. i lth Strcet ,� r : <br /> � 22�0 N'In1�roP B0. � ]Oth anC Vine SL �'p <br /> GIdpHA OFFICES: Phone 55b9U0J - 4(7 - <br /> A" � : � 0106 P�tlll[ 56 � 210! So. i2nC 51. r j 3.�5 Hu. 9l�n SL �, Ia9L0 Wes� DaCc� A4. � - � ' <br />� . REG�OHAL OFGIC[5� � 2120 �int Are., KumeY � 51 'a "C" SLeeL ���rCup 7 1a33 • �A" Sveet, O�p <br />,.{< I39Q37J Fnone ]29.1:02 fnvnv 71A�S.' I9 i <br /> ve � � 13J1 N�in Ave.. C�ote � 2�3 But [iulte Are., ti{un:e rj i911 'Nest 2nC St_ Gmna I�I�na IJ SZ1 Na. Dt»-eY it., i <br /> AnaneC26�� 3�9 f`bonr 7G_.21G0 Vn:ne 39L:a33 ,.:r!a v!<ne �, <br /> Z',�. ' Coorrl�Cl 1465 6r F4q ie9enl SarinFe an� Lwn Rsmclatue el Uncoln. Llncaln. Xr��afka ' <br /> G� � � � <br />.�+ <br />. . � <br />:.. � <br />